OK this rumors are getting fucking weird
Sony buying silent hill, metal gear and castlevania?
OK this rumors are getting fucking weird
Sony buying silent hill, metal gear and castlevania?
Holly fuck please this be true, we need some fucking good news amidst the coronavirus outbreak.
literally who roleplaying on twitter deserves a thread?
Not gonna fucking happen. This is like "dude HL3 is gonna be announced next monday my dad works at Valve" only less fucking believable.
I’ll enjoy playing them on my PC
>more console exclusives
Whatever. Between being dead in Konami's hands or dead in Sony's hands, makes no difference to me.
>jack off all controllers
Pretty smart, Konami has one foot out the door. But why stop at just those 3, Contra, Zone of the Enders, Frogger, Bloddy Roar Winning Eleven, that Japanese baseball game, Rumble Roses and Bomberman would all preform well under smart management
New games means those franchises aren't dead.
bombergirl kino in the menu baby~
>source: random Yas Forums post
That'd be fucking hilarious considering Kojima has been trying to run away from Metal Gear for like 20 years now. If Sony bought it back and forced him onto it I'd fucking laugh.
They are to me because I don't plan on buying consoles to play them.
I did back in the day both thanks to being a dumb kid that didn't know better and because the industry wasn't quite as fucked, but not in the current year.
On one hand, it boosts those series immensely. Reviving all three of those series after what Konami's done would be a blessing. However, Sony's stinginess might mean we never see Castlevania, Silent Hill, or Metal Gear or their characters on other platforms anymore. Guess that's just the nature of the industry.
Considering the broken English of the post and it's true at all, I'd say it's more like licensing. I won't discount it since Konami doesn't seem to be 'personally' involved in those franchise lately and Sony might be shifting their devs buy out strategy, somewhat mimicking what Microsoft is doing with Game Pass
I can't wait for the sunlight covered characters in Metal Gear, Castlevainia, and Hills.
I also can't wait for Sony to make the Netflix series the base official canon for the Castlevainia series going forward, I wonder if they'll go deeper into Alucards deep LGBTQRSTUV desires and make him a bi-lesbian, transracial, proud slut.
They might actually make my Metal Gear Solid ship canon, truly Jack and David's cock were made for each other.
I hop they get a LGBTQUIT POC to play the lead of the Silent Hills reboot, we can finally get a game that explores the true torment that POC's and LGBTQUACK members go through everyday.
Looks like Konami is making the best decision like they always have done in the past.
Holy basederino more shitty old ips
Konami clearly can't make use of those franchises anymore
Exaggeration and all that, but holy shit that thing you said about Silent Hill haunts me.
Like, sell it to some westcuck studio and they'll make the town a racism/tranny/refugee/whatever political allegory all with the subtlety of a Great Knife to the face.
Is this how they compete with sexbox's specs?
And why exactly would Konami sell those IPs?
Sony would give him free reign to do what he wants with it
Sepia alone ensures Konami should hold onto the Castlevania IP.
You know what?
That would legit make me fucking mad.
Specially since we already had the "wahmen suffer" bullshit, in Silent Hill 3, and it was actually done in a tasteful, semi-relatable way.
Heather loving her dad.
Being a normal teen.
Her insecurities shown in a subtle way.
If they try to do that in (((current year))), goddamit, it will suck, no doubt.
The thought of the neo californian sony rebooting any classic story based franchises is fucking horrifying
it definitely would be a huge argument in favor of ps5 and I say that as someone who hates snoy's first party output
Konami gave him free reign too, up until they cut him short with MGSV. MGS2 and MGS4 was basically him saying "I'm fucking done stop".
Kojima might actually be able to put a hole in Sony's wallet.
And lord knows he deserves it
>Sony buys Konami IPs
>Sony makes a Goemon game, collaborates with Good-Feel aka the original Goemon team
>It’s the biggest, nastiest one yet, the true successor to Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon
Heather is one of the best female MCs in a video game ever. She's not overtly feminine but isn't a man in a wig either. She's not a super-tough loudmouth but isn't a meek moeblob. She's a normal girl in a shitty situation, and yeah I think no studio, specially Western, could pull it off nowadays.
Made in the current West she'd be an out and proud SJW and probably hate and resent her father. Made in the current Japan and she'd be a gacha character made to sell spin-offs to lonely salarymen who play Persona games.
Lightning in a bottle is only great until you realise the reality that it can't be replicated and you'll never have more.
This. When you're an auteur and a star, you can play much faster and looser with the rules since you can easily find work elsewhere or even go independent. It's true in any field, really.
>Free reign
lmao, Sony is well known to focus test their games to hell and back. If you think Sony would give Kojima another blank check after Death Shitting you're retarded.
Where’s Caramel for the inside scoop?
>to do what he wants with it
He doesn't want to do anything with it. He wants out.
>Snake and Simon won’t be in smash 6
>no bomberman in smash 6 ever
Sony could let them keep the Pachinko machine rights.
>His source is actually Yas Forums
Uhhhhhh? What the fuck you guys are doing?
Konami will never sell their IPs to Sony. Japanese companies are not western companies
things are different. Comapnies over there MARGE sort of like Sega Sammy and Koei Tecmo
if a company goes under then yeah but Konami is pretty healthy
>sony buying castlevania
Oh great, now the main series WILL be like that faggy netflix show.
It's nice for those ip get revived. Konami isnt gonna anything about it.
Sony's spiderman is better than the marvel movies
> Castlevania, Metal Gear, Silent Hill bought by Sony.
> All become Sony Exclusives
> Next MGS girl in full burka orange man bad allegory
> Silent Hill becomes orange man bad allegory
> Castlevania = Diet Bloodborne
> most likely never to come to PC afterward
You call this shit good news?
>Castlevania = Diet Bloodborne
I mean, if they actually wanted to do another 3D one, bloodborne-esque combat with more movement options and more secrets to find in the maps would be absolutely fantastic compared to the other times the series tried 3D.
Or you could avoid that and go back to more classic designs instead of making it something it's not.
Or just make a 2D Castlevania game.
Not for Sony, though. Gotta be an over-the-shoulder cinematic movie game.
Yes because I'm not an overly dramatic tranny like yourself. Go back to watching videos of that fatass neckbeard who does nothing but whine about muh EsJayDoubleU's. Fucking acting like women.
>wasting time with "2d" shit
Nah there already bloodstained and it was boring.
I agree that a classic 2D Castlevania in the vein of SotN or the DS games would be best, but if this thing is true you have to remember what Sony said about wanting high quality cinematic experiences for next gen. It's more than likely it'd be a 3D game rather than sprite based 2D. I could see them maybe throwing a bone to fans and making a cheap 2.5D game like Bloodstained, but in all likelihood they'd put their efforts on a 3D title more akin to Lords of Shadow than the older games.
Or you could realize not everything has to fucking stay the same for 3+ decades.
>everything should be soulsborne-like
is there a more AIDS ridden mindset than this
>> most likely never to come to PC afterward
what the fuck does this have to do with the rest of your post?
Did any of you stumbling mumbling fucking retards look at the article at all? jackofallcontrollers.com
The source is a fucking random Yas Forums post with no proof. It has no more validity than this post right here saying that donald trump is a nigger who puts white makeup on every day. When did you all become headline-only reading redditors?
KYS poltard
I really, really enjoyed lords of shadow. Never played the sequel though, hopefully if it gets a new entry in that style it's good. I feel like the classic sotn style has way outlived its usefulness. then again bloodstained wasn't half bad, so maybe that'd be the way to go.
Silent hill and MGS are both finished though, I really see no need to continue MGS, it's as closed as the story loop can get.
>snoys literally resorting to literal who's sourcing posts from Yas Forums itself
The absolute state of gaystation
Nigger I didn't say it HAS to be that, just that aping Bloodborne would be infinitely better than any of the 3D Castlevania games Konami shat out over the years. Even if you don't like Bloodborne or Souls games that kind of combat is miles above Lords of Shadow or the PS2 titles.
I used to be like this when I was a teenager but now I’m an idort and love it.
based SONY, are you gonna buy a PS5 to play MGS 6 Yas Forums?
no body gives clicks to video game "journalist" for good reason.
>modern fucking Snoy buying Silent Hill, Metal Gear and Castlevania
You know, on second thought, maybe staying in Konami's locker isn't so bad.
Fat chance
Konami makes more money out of those IPs from the pachinko machines than Sony would ever buy them out for
>Sony Exclusive
>Probably not coming to PC
>What do they have to do with eachother?
Does Yas Forums even play metal gear games?
I just assume 95% of the population here is americans that play nintendo games, touhou games and are trannies
Can Sony buy Yugioh too
Would love Uncharted and Crash themed archetypes
>that kind of combat is miles above Lords of Shadow or the PS2 titles
no it's not you retarded kike
souls combat is shit by itself and only works in the context of fromsoft games, castlevania should get its own system and not even be that combat focused in the first place
meh, whatever comes out now will be trash either way. it's never gonna be the lightning in a bottle that that those series were back in the day, but something is better than nothing.
Bullshit. Konami would never sell these licenses. They'd just license them out and allow other companies to foot the bill to use the properties on a case-by-case basis. But they'd never sell the IPs outright.
I guess this means this smash is really the last with a complete roster.