Are there any games with this kind of pairing?

Are there any games with this kind of pairing?

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Don't remember what gender the dragon was.

Go on. Tell us more.

You might like a game called Teraurge.

Nah I already did my job

Fire Emblem Three Houses.


Russian roulette

someone post the superior male on male one

That's the /xeno/ game, right?

isnt this literally blind prince and the liar princess


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None. Fuck off furcel.

Drakengard is a game about how anyone who could personally kill hundreds of people in direct combat probably isn’t very well adjusted

the sunnymcsillysomethings game

digimon story: cyber sleuth
digimon story: cyber sleuth - hacker's memory

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Fire Emblem almost does but the dragons can turn into anime girls.

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the most based main character in recent memory goes on a rage-fueled rampage with his scaley waifu, a pedophile, a psycho, and a shota. Crazy shit ensues. Pseudo-prequel to Nier at least the canon ending

Did that game end up being good? I love the artstyle and I like NIS's Yomawari games which I guess were done by the same team.

wish more games did this

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Drakengard: Main character forms a pact with an imprisoned dragon and develops and explicitly romantic relationship.

Not really the focus as its an older Dynasty-warriors style game, but its there.

It's good, but very short. even if you 100% the game it won't add much time.

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Didn't Nier come from a joke ending?

If you play Divinity Original Sin II as a female lizard and seduce the male human in your group.

I mean in dk3 they still look like cute girls but they're totally fucked in the head ( and body! ) zero is a monster by all accounts.


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If its fuggable, i dont mind it.

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As long as it's not just a generic masculine body with a monster head

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>joke ending
that's the canon ending user

Monster my ass.


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There is no purer love than between a man and a monster

objectively the best male/female combination

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>Monster my ass.
Yes please.

What's wrong with this parring

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Only if she's a complete slut and does it with all kinds of monsters

literal trash taste, even male on male is better,

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stop being stupid. it's a boy and a girl

It's okay /hfoma/bro, you have at least one other fan.


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Shotas are so unsexy.

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>No continuation where she becomes a knight and kills her father

Based. The only paring approved by our lord Jesus Christ. Sadly there isn't a lot of good material out there.

Retarded. You disgusting reddit gay faggots should get the fuck out of here.

Thank god aids will kill you all.

>not dominates and domesticates

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a human and a monster could never find each other attractive

>not a single mention of saya no uta


Tell that to white women

I don't think the human has a choice user.

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That would be incest. And he raped her mother.

In relevance to the thread, Drakengard is about a man who killed more people than the total number of casualties in World War 1, but just wants to be left alone with his dragon wife.