What is the lore behind Toadette?

What is the lore behind Toadette?

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Toads are genderless but some of them choose to take on female characteristics.

why do they always have to add a gut

I don't know, but I hope they keep doing it.

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She apparently has a crush on Mario. That I do remember.

Touch and tease her tubby tummy!!!!

Toad needs to fuck something

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>not liking muffin top
low test

I mean it's pretty realistic if the hips and tits are going to be that big. Nothing wrong with a belly, user

Like Princess Peach, she carries the potential to use Heart Magic, but while Peach's line has developed to the point where she was born in the elevated state, Toadette requires the Super Crown, which may have been the original catalyst to use Heart Magic in the first place.

Me too please[/spoiler

The lore is I can’t stop getting aroused when I see images of her

>not wanting to lay on a soft tummy and listen to the soft gurgles and growls as you fall asleep
What are you, gay?


Why are you guys such faggots like this
I could give a fuck about the fetish but the way you explain things like this is so fucking cringy

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Fuck off homo

that's half the sex appeal.

>the human body is a fetish
fuck off sonic autist

who told you to fucking stop posting

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That was the joke, user.

Don't worry Bro. I can make up for OP not delivering.

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The lore is IMAGINE

fuck bros... I’m so lonely...

I think it's people who know they'll never get a real woman so they accept the reality of fucking pigs

Mods please escort this homosexual off my board please

she's just a feminine toad lol
she was made for double dash and then they just kept her around

Girls with bodies like this are made to be bred. It's like God designed them specifically to be impregnated. It's not fair to other women frankly

Toadette is just a female Toad
Now post the fattest Toadette ass you got

show me 12 real girls that look like that

One day user. One day.

Diamond Doll
Klaudia Kelly
Mal Mallory
Shirori Tsukada
Maserati XXX
Dahlia Dee
Nami Horikawa
Shinozaki Kanna
Yurika Hana

Bowsette is a tranny.


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alright now show me two shemales and a trap that look like that

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Don't worry bro, you'll make it some day.
If I did, so can you.

She's a kagemusha in training. Basically a political decoy to do appearances for Peach so she doesn't get kidnapped as often. Peachette is that kagemusha training paying off.

Based me too, I really wish we lived in the same place though

Holy fuckin BASED

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you should get an award for being this gay holy fuck

There was this one artist's gallery I found when fapping one day that had a thicc toadette with massive areolae and it was one of the hardest nuts I've ever busted to fungus but I've never been able to find it again.

>Posts Standard Model Shortstack Figure with a mushroom head.
Weak sauce, OP.

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why can I not find the artist for these images?

Same problem here. Although we've met already a couple of times and we're planning on getting an apartment together sometime by the end of the year. Never lose hope bro, and don't listen to the naysayers. It's worth it in the end. Every little bit.

Try yandex
And if that doesn't work try somescrub

Somescrub. Just took a google search, man. Not hard.

>We have to make a new character to pair with Toad in Double Dash

Artist is Somescrub

Funny enough we're looking to do the same. Just have to get a new job and meet her in the middle, quite literally. Been years apart but we still see each other, so we're pretty used to things. Still, it'll be worth closing that gap, and not just for the chub

Google says "cartoon" when I search it, so I've no idea how you're getting that.
thanks for the source guys.

i love diamond doll

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If you've never felt one, a curvy girl's tummy is actually really soft and satisfying to the touch.

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Because that's the best part

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>and not just for the chub
My nigga. Best feeling right there. You've both got this bro. We're looking for places up here so she'll have to move and get reacclimated and find a new job so hopefully that all goes well. Good luck to you, brother.

worst thing plaguing shortstack images

honestly, only sjw and the main stream media would want you to think people today want fat women and if you disagree, it's fat shaming.

The truth is, most people today want thin sexy women. Fat is disgusting as it should be since it bring a shitload of health problems.

god damn, i need to find me another tummy gf

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Why hasn't Mario Maker 2 added the acorn/squirrel suit yet?

Women are supposed to collect fat around the thighs, hips, and in the breasts
You filthy fucks want to fuck unhealthy, obese bitches
Stomach fat is endearing at most on men and completely disgusting in women
I'm not saying she needs abs but flat tummies are the goal