Another big hit for Kojima

Another big hit for Kojima
Thanks guys for making this wonderful game a great success. I'm pretty sure that we encountered each other in some point in game, so i hope that one of the things that i've built might have helped you somehow.
How do you want the sequel to be? More combat? Expand Sam's story or try something new?

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It's a FLOP dude.
Just deals with it

A flop doesn't sell 2,6 million copies dude

>2 million copies
It's bloodborne all over again sonybros

Hater's gonna hate

Since when is 2M low?

Others imbeciles Kojimbo boy here

Stop being in denial Girlfriend Reviews liked which makes you opinion nvalid

Delusional hater is quite hating hard indeed

What happened with Bloodborne?

Delusional Kojimbo boys are just retarded.
Because they are too blindly for see this absurd trash game

I disagree. And my opinion is way better than yours

now go play your Battle Royale and pretend that you are having fun

Prepubescent hater is hating

And Kojimbo baby still crying.
How much retarded baby you are?
Really saaaaaaaaad baby.
Go to drink your milk
For this atrocious trash game

Prenatal hater is hating since inception

only morons didn't like death stranding. its a masterpiece

Attached: 1549835647102.jpg (323x323, 60.32K)

Idiotic argument of idiots Kojidrones

If you don't like this game why are you on this thread? Your posts are some of the cringiest things that i've ever read in this stupid site. Please, just go ahead and do something better with your time.

Miserable hater is miserably hating

Ridiculous Kojimbo boy still ridiculously crying like a baby!
How much imbeciles morons you are?
Really saaaaaaaaad
For this atrocious trash game

Pathetic hater is vigorously hating

>one of the most hyped up triple a sony games of that year
>only 2.6 million
lmao, fucking link's awakening remake sold 4 million

Imbecile and pathetic Kojimbo boy still crying like a sad baby.
How much SHIT BABY you are?
Really saaaaaaaaad
For this atrocious SHIT game

lmao snois SEETHING about losing this one

You’re both underage and subhuman.

>multiquoting faggot being a faggot as usual

Well, Link's Awakening is an awesome game. And this does not diminish how good Death Stranding is.

Ok. Just don't go shooting schools or anything like that, please. It's evident that you have mental problems

I'd like to see some actual data backing up your point that 2.6 is pathetic.

According to this the entire UK only sold 1.3 million and according to this 2.6 would put it pretty safely in the top 10.

Subhuman underage hater is hating

Imbecile And Kojimbo boy still crying.
How much retarded you are?

That's "users", not sales. I'm responsible for 3 if those. My own. My friends account, and his friends account because he fucked up and signed into the wrong user.

Retarded hater is retardedly hating

Retarded Kojimbo boy still crying.
How much idiot you are?
Really pathetic
For this atrocious trash game

And you're forgetting how many people buy a game and never actually play it. Even the most generous Steam estimates retrieved form games that have an achievement like "start the game" are barely breaking ten percent. Do you really think you situation is normal?

Hater is hating spectacularly

Imbecile Kojimbo boy still crying like imbecile.....
How much sad imbecile you are?

Hey, to the Death Stranding hate spammer: I just wanted to say that I love you bro. The world is a harsh place, and I know it's tough out there. It's tough for many of us. Shit never works out. But hang in there. Something nice happens every once in a while and it makes everything worth it. Hang in there for that one moment. Until then all I can say is that I love you and you are my bro no matter what. I don't care whether you hate the game or not bro. I don't care about your motivations. We are all sons and daughters of Father God and Mother Earth.

Are you chinese or somethin?

Hater is sadly hating

The biggest Kojima Fail

The hate never stops

Feel bad now... Fuck.

For the spammer too. I want to apologize for saying some terrible things to you in this thread. I don't know what's going on, or how hard your life has been so far. But I want to say that I'm with you all the way and that everything will be all right.
Remember to stay strong, and to look for the helpers. If you look for the helpers, you will find hope.

Haters know no love

One of the biggest Flop of the generation

"The art of hating" - hater

Just another autistic and retarded kojima fanboy

Haters gonna hate

A gigantic Flop game

A gigantic hater

The flop of the generation

Such a flop that sony is buying up the silent hill so he can make Silent Hills.

Haters gonna hate

Keep on fighting lad.
Dab on the dumb Kojima cultists or as I like to call them, los Kojima zánganos

Eat Standing was comfy as fuck, really hope Kojimbo does more with the IP

Attached: walkerstrandman.jpg (3840x2160, 3.14M)

Still waiting for any evidence that it's not in the PS4 top 10 best sellers.

isn't 2.6 mil kind of low for an AAA budget title? If i recall correctly God Of War 2018 sold like 10 million

Easily the worst open world game I've ever played

Haters are still hating


2.6 million for a single console exclusive puts it in PS4's top 10.

It wasn't as expensive as you think. If you have MGSV in mind, know that FOX engine was made aloongside and increased a lot of the final cost.

In this game he used an already made engine, so i think that this game was made for less than half od that. Which means that it was a great success.

I'm not hating though, I have over 120 hours in DS.

Attached: NormanReedusStoleMyFuckingToiletPaper.png (1400x700, 712.64K)

Lost hater is aimlessly hating

My apologies, my man.

>supposed 2m sales
>Sony hasn't bragged about it like when Days Gone sold 1m+

I don't think so.
The actor needs to got paid for the motion capture work.
And there are many other things to consider. So it sill a considerable flop, considering the initial premise

[Hating hard]

I think that's more a symptom of how the AAA market is dangerously close to reaching its breaking point.

Thanks for advertising the game to no end Yas Forums.