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Other urls found in this thread:


i'm gonna spoiler her too user, blades need to be spoiled


That's not how you spoiler her, user.

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Enter the Praxis!

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Which blade would you prefer to spoil? Praxis? Or someone else?

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I still just can't believe there isn't one single doujinshi dedicated to titfucking Praxis or Dahlia. I mean how did japan fuck this up?

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I'm gonna be boring as all fuck and say Nia

What are some good unknown tracks in the game

Not boring at all! Nia's cute, she deserves to be spoiled. I'd probably choose either Praxis or Adenine

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>that concept art which has a hand groping the hair

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I'm as confused as you Jak.

I hardly know *her!*

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She's perfect and I would kill her to get her crystal core.

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i love this lil nigga's hot cross bun tits like you wouldn't believe

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>Playing through Torna a second time since the glitch fucked over me getting the affinity chart aux cores.
>Wasn't paying attention to the fact my inventory was maxed and I wasn't able to collect my affinity chart aux cores
Fucking hell.

Attached: raiko (xenoblade (series) and etc) drawn by negresco - f05dab338af6c34c4983b734677ea196.jpg (1200x1788, 289K)

Bird blade grew up.

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Cool idea, even if it looks a bit odd.
I wasn't aware of a glitch, that sucks man

I wish more people remembered she exists.

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Yeah, i wish the artist finish the Ursula pic instead.

Just FUCK her, Jack.

It got patched Right after I restarted my game and then lost all drive to replay until recently where I fucked up again

On the flip side, it gives me license to fuck around, ala I haven't even gotten to Adam's villa and I'm already level 50.

It's because she's completely useless. Fire blades really got the short end of the stick

Who is the artist?
Shiiiit, that blows. But at least there are bright sides, like you said. Torna's such a great addition to the main game, I honestly might like it even more.

She's a Fire HP tan, wholly inferior the Brigid.
Also her design makes normalfags uncomfortable.

>tfw pull KOS-MOS before most of the other rare blades

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Theory and Praxis should have just been put in the main story with how much content they get compared to other blades.

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This guy
But it also has another account full of WIPs, give some minutes to find it.

Attached: IMG_20200126_092426.jpg (1340x1549, 165.67K)

That Ursula looks amazing. Diving in though, they seem to have a lot of promise.

Alternate account.

Attached: ERoFEZNVAAA7Fyy.jpg (2048x1252, 209.64K)

u in the middle of a driver combo and she give u this look

wat do

Attached: Theory.jpg (593x593, 55.88K)

Xenoblade 2 ripped off Radiant Dawn


Appreciate how the transition from Drawing to 3d model was 1:1.

Tell me again about how TGBC cares about anything besides spamming Yas Forums with waifufaggotry instead of discussing video games.

literal water balloons

i just want to take a pin to her chest and reveal her DFC

I love my amazonian axe wife.

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I mean if you insist...

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You did give Praxis to Zeke right?

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I LooooooVE Zeke and Pandoria

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Are we posting fan art now?

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But Nia is a water blade, she doesn't need to do this.

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That is some bullshit good luck, to be honest.


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We deserved to have these bikinis. Why did Monolith not give them to us?

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I want someone to draw her usjng MH's Kirin armor.

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She still has tits even without the balloons.

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This is Rex.

He loves you all.

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Because he's a special snowflake mary sue shonen protag.

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What she dreamed again?

I miss this game. Still glad I traded in my Switch because i’m an adult gamer

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But is she only useful on him?

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