Why do people fellate this bluepilled garbage again?
i have no taste and i must shitpost
>holocaust good killing nazis bad
Ok retard
stop falseflagging
How embarrassing.
I know this a shit post but to the .05% chance this is real have sex
Eat shit pleb.
Nimdok was a fucking race traitor who murdered every friend and relative he had for science that ultimately destroyed the world. Not even you can spin that in a positive light, Yas Forums shit.
hope you get banned for such low quality garbage
Wait, is it actually a bluepilled game? Do you have a particular scene where there's obvious goy pandering?
Holy shit, lmao.
bitchin about Yas Forums is usually tankies or lefty scum being angry that they can't pozz this board, but this topic in particular is a perfect example of useless Yas Forums-posting.
Shut the fuck up you idiot.
Killing Nazis is always good.
Almost as much as throwing commies off helicopters
wtf why is no one calling me based and redpilled?
based and redpilled
>can't see someone saying nazis are bad without also chipping in that commies are bad
rent free
Next time put more effort into your bait
I didn't play the game but you made me check the author's wiki.
Now I know I should never play it, thanks OP!
a leftoid posted this
idk you can go to Yas Forums right now and see content just like op
unlikely, there's way more right-wing neckbeards on here who actually think this than there are left-wing basedboys false-flagging. Most of the boards on the site are overrun with unironic stormfaggots, while the few leftoids on here are generally tourists from r*ddit
Yas Forums can relate to AM
I just hate the fact that they pretend that hitler was the only one doing stuff like this.
the soviets were literally purging jews from the country and sending them to gulags.
Ya ain't based, op. In fact, you look kinda cringe right now. You may think that everyone's laughing with you, but instead, everyone is laughing at you. Reconsider what led up to you writing this up, and maybe learn from this experience...
Dropped. What a piece of shit.
>High-IQ Jew writing
Yeah, I should play this game.
damn you niggers sure are angry about books
>declared war on every other global superpower
>got absolutely wrecked, everyone invades you and finds your murder camps
>spends the next five decades hiding in a cabin in patagonia living in dread fear that a 100lb jewish man with a barcode on his arm is going to show up and blow your head off
What exactly does a 3D mouse pad look like? What function does it serve?
It's just a marketing gimmick. All mousepads are 3D.
Imagine actually idolizing a bunch of losers like the nazis.
How much more cucked can you get?
>holocaust class
do americans really?
All that is correct though. Stupid faggot kill yourself. All nazis deserve the rope.
This is already the most cringy, AIDs-ridden thread in all Yas Forums for the last several years. Every person replying to OP has had another man shove a penis up their anal cavity. Every person replying to OP works "Yas Forums duty" for Discord trannies. Every person replying to OP posts on lebbit. Please end yourselves.
Pretty much one of the biggest worldly regrets is we didn't throw all the Nazi shitters in cells, and that some got away to south america.
Lmao, Imagine thinking that your """empire""" is supreme, yet falling after barely a decade afterwards
The absolute delusion of these lads
Firing squad ,gas chamber or bust
Death seems like the easy way out
Imagine unironically defending Mengele. Even stormniggers just call him an outlier. Death was too good for him.
This. Shit didn't even last a century and really only got away with what they did because they fucked with wesker countries first. Ass soon as they were fighting on 2 fronts they proceeded to get ass fucked.
>gas chamber
with wodden doors?
A life deserves a life no more no less. Besides they would just be a further burden on society.
cringe. not that evil.
my father knew him, said he was a great guy but didn't speak much.
he didn't know who he really was until after his death of course.
Only reason people hate the Nazi is because they lost the war and muh kill a ton of "people".
It is never about their government, because they know that NatSoc is the best government.
Living in the ghetto with all the spics and niggers made me less racist as oppose to when I was living in the confined suburbs. Explain this
>he hasn't read about Josef mengele
Ay Dios mio las goblinas de las americas
you see the good and the bad? stupid people are stupid is really all it comes down to
You don't actually live in a ghetto. Actually living around black people is a nightmare. I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.
Jews have a lot of control over what becomes popular.
Lol unironically thinking killing nazis is bad. Kys
Because you actually saw them as people instead of a boogeyman to blame everything on, probably
No, it isn't. American blacks have some of the worst culture in the entire First World. They are horrifically vile people who lack honor and commit crimes as a matter of entitlement. It's the equivalent of living in some favela in Brazil—a nightmare, in other words.
Is there an AI antagonist as strong as AM?
>works "Yas Forums duty" for Discord trannies
>believing jewish lies
>every single person is bad
>every single game is bad
>everything in life is bad
Shut the fuck up. The only people who defend blacks are those who don't have to live by them.
Imagine genuinely siding with AM, a comically evil being of pure, infinite hatred
this is your mind on Yas Forums
>Claims to ber an ubermecnh master race.
>Gets truigered by black women.
Point and lath at these fagots people.
Man id kill myself if i was this pathetick.
living in a favela is not that bad, i kinda miss it.
You're probably some wretched mulatto yourself, so you felt at home.
Funny. Libs hate the book because they say that Harlan Ellison is a misogynist, and that the female characters he writes are supposedly all one dimensional, specially that black woman being weak and only wanting the cock.
He’s not going to listen why brother.
All white "people" are degenerate pedophiles who enjoy destroying every other culture around them. They are literally the cause of every single problem we have this day in age. The world would be better off if they were exterminated on mass
i think you're confusing whites with (((whites)))
And yet you choose to live next to white people. You don't choose to live next to black people, because you know it'd increase your chances of getting
>home invaded
considerably. Black people will literally attack whites for no reason. A white person can just be walking down the street, and black people will attack him. That doesn't happen if you reverse the races.
I do live near black people, user. They're very nice. Not every black person is a useless nigger living in poverty and blaming it all on the white man instead of the fact that they're constantly two seconds away from trying to kill someone, that's just the poor people.
Whatever you say Karen
You're not a sheltered, thin skinned little bitch who blames their life's failures on other people instead of looking in the mirror and actually faced reality.
Remember friends if its white it ain't right. Gas your local ehites today.
peepee poopoo
You sound irrational, friend. Consider getting a reality check, and go outside maybe. You're start to make me feel pity.
Isn't a big theme of this game is that all men can redeem themselves, no matter how horrid their actions? That empathizing with people despite their flaws and misdeeds is what makes us human? That's how you beat AM in the final section. By understanding how his circumstances led him to do what he did, and forgiving him.
ok backbiter
I actually don't have any white neighbors everyone pretty much keeps to them s err lves and no one has been robbed since I've lived here.
>attack whites for no reason
You really believe that, don't you? Kill yourself stormnigger.
No, it's not merely about poverty; it's about culture. Black people turn middle class suburbs into a ghetto by bringing their gangsta shit there. They're not content to just live their lives and play video games, like white kids. They have to commit crimes. Even if they have cellphones and computers and expensive TVs, they STILL choose to commit crimes, because they've been taught to be hateful and entitled.
what's that even supposed to mean?
Ask me how I know you're full of shit?
an example of the pot calling the kettle black. You sound pretty entitled and hateful yourself.
>pretends not to know what the knockout game is
It's pretty sickening that you try to pass me off as some racist wacko, when you all choose to live in white neighborhoods. Go spend some time in black neighborhoods, then you'll have a right to talk.
Black culture is twice as racist as white culture, and it's four times more violent.
>jews are bad
>therefore all of the crimes of white people can be deflected onto them
>there is no irony in me saying this
White have been known to fuck people over and go back on their word on multiple occasions. White sre literally blue eyed white devils.
And suddenly, this thread is amazing. I love seeing asshurt like this.
You don't have to try so hard to be edgy and fit in user. I know its probably been years since you've had any genuine social interaction but you can be better if you try.
Better than just lynching people to be honest.
This kinda bullshit is questionable - all of these "SPOT THE JEW" things are seemingly based on nothing at all or crappy information at best. For instance, John Lasseter's wikipedia page has nothing at all about being jewish and in fact, there's a bit about going to Church of Christ in his youth and drawing there.
This table has been debunked plenty of times along with most others like it, which are predicated on the SEKRIT JEWISH CABAL garbage. If you want to be be upset about media or whatnot, go rightfully be pissed at capitalism and the bad actors involved, regardless of their religion, ethnicity, etc... because the greed, power, and control links those together far more than any one religion, culture, or ethnicity.
I thought Neo Nazis were all Volk and descended from Vikings or some shit.
Why do you always cry about how violent blacks are?
Holy crap, you people are delusional. You don't see white people beat up black people for just walking down the street. You don't see white people break into black people's houses and execute them gangland style for "snitching." But you do see blacks do that to whites. They have a bad culture. It's not nature; it's nurture. And it doesn't go away even if you account for income.
>holocaust good killing nazis bad