Which one was better?

Which one was better?

Attached: senesgen.jpg (500x215, 32.17K)

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Super Nintendo.

Attached: Super Ghouls N' Ghosts final.webm (640x480, 2.85M)

I can live without Mario. sanic was the greatest platformer of his area and also much better controller.

the real ones know the genesis was better

Looks like an NES game

Attached: rangerx.webm (640x446, 1.79M)

Both good

SNES for quantity of good games.
Genesis for the best quality of its good games.

Attached: Axel_sor.png (705x916, 552.09K)

They complement each other really well.



SNES has better games and graphics
I prefer the genesis soundchip when its used right.
Also genesis is a pain in the ass to emulate because if youre not using composite many games look wrong

Both are great. SNES has better RPG games while Genesis has better everything else.

SNES has better music.

genesis games usually look a lot more impressive when the devs tried

Get your eyes checked.

Attached: Mega Man X fireball.webm (640x480, 2.87M)

i love them both
peak video game

sounds like it's coming from a tin can

>sprite awkwardly moves around screen

Attached: pancot.gif (320x222, 1.88M)

>Better music quality
>RPGs such as Chrono Trigger, FF6, Earthbound, and Bahamut Lagoon
>Killer Instinct
>Various side scrollers such as Super Mario World and Super Metroid
>A Link to the Past

Ew, an actual unironic Segautist stumbled out of /vr/ and found this thread. That's disgusting.

Attached: Zombies Ate My Neighbors Chopping Mall.webm (640x480, 2.83M)

Come on.


Attached: GenesisDoes!.jpg (220x200, 10.61K)

This one soundtrack beats all of those

Gameplay straight outta the NES.


Attached: rka.webm (514x360, 2.41M)

Pretty much any certain genesis/mega drive games not made with GEMS is guaranteed to do that.

So why does no other game sound like it then? I get that other games have good soundtracks but no other MD game had a soundtrack as good as SoR2.

>Insults and undermines a Sega user
>posts a webm of a game released on both systems.

Genesis was, do not let these fags fool you otherwise. Victors only write the history books. Doesn't mean they were right.

Its better for the SNES in every way.

I only like the SoR2 soundtrack for a few songs. I find other games sound better. youtube.com/watch?v=luTlm7Pc1Ko It's a very easy beginner trap to fall into because it still sounds like modern electronic music, so you hear a few songs that sound great and know of a few songs from the system that sound like shit and assume one of the most popular games is one of the best.

It's not though, don't be fooled so easily.

It should be obvious which one is better. It's the one I had when I was a child, OP. The one you had, if it's different from mine, was garbage.

It's not the same game...

No it doesn't. It's good but one great soundtrack doesn't prove that the Genesis is a better sounding system than the SNES. Provide at least 15 more examples of equal or better quality and I'll admit the Genesis is superior.

The SNES version can barely even run the fucking title screen.

Sorry, you were saying?

I prefer Genesis but you can't go wrong with both systems.

Genesis had a stronger library

Attached: MushroomHillAct1.png (320x224, 10.4K)

>posts a video showing off how much better the colors and sound of the SNES version are
Well, at least the main menu screen happens faster!

The effect is more impressive on the SNES. The Genesis port was made late in the SNES version's development and has worse sound and visuals and is even missing a secret weapon from the SNES version, apparently they just forgot to put it in.

You tried really hard in that comment grasping for straws to try and explain and convince me that SoR2 isn't the best sounding game on the system. Kek.
Like I said, lots of games on the MD have good soundtracks but none of them come close to SoR. You just have a personal bias.

Streets of Rage 2 sounds fine, but it's far from the best. I think you need to listen to more Genesis games.

>better the colors and sound of the SNES version are
Yeah murky green lurks sooooo much better than vibrant green... As for sound, yeah the SNES only just takes it, if we're going to even insinuate that it even has a good soundtrack to begin with.

>The effect is more impressive on the SNES
Slower fps makes it more impressive? Are you a fucking dunderhead?

I noticed that Genesis kids grew up to be chads mostly while SNES niggas are suckin dicks behind the McDonald's for Pokemon money.

>if we're going to even insinuate that it even has a good soundtrack to begin with.
someone finally said it. Zombies ate my neighbors has some of the most unpleasant sound design of the generation.

snes. genesis only had a few good games and most you can beat in 45 minutes. snes had all the good games that were actually worth buying

You are obviously dumb and autistic but the effect on the Genesis is completely different and just wiggles around, where as the SNES version it starts all wavey and turns into the logo slowly. Slowly on purpose I should add, you can just skip the process altogether by pressing start if it really bothers you.

>I think you need to listen to more Genesis games
Why are you assuming I haven't already heard any? The two you've just posted I've heard several times before and I've heard the mass majority of MD ost's. SoR2 has the best soundtrack in the entire library. Don't try and convince me otherwise simply because you have a personal bias.

>You are obviously dumb and autistic

If it does it on purpose why does the background slow to a crawl too? Duh.

Simply put ,The Snes version has better sound and an extra secret weapon. The MD version runs better, higher resolution and better colours.
I'd pick the one that runs better thanks. Afterall, it's all about the gameplay.

>The MD version runs better
You'd be hard-pressed to find slowdown in either version.
>higher resolution
The actual gameplay area is the same, the whole right side of the screen is the HUD because Sega hates transparencies.
>and better colours.
Now that's just completely delusional and blatantly wrong.

SNES is for retards who enjoy playing games with massive slowdown and only two enemies on screen at a time

Also the genesis version has her uncensored cleavage at the player select screen. They censored it in the snes version.

Literally rewatch the comparison video I posted and you will see just how wrong you are on all those statements. You can see the slowdown during gameplay yourself and you can blatantly see the vibrant colours of the MD and the murky colours of the SNES. You are so in denial it's hilarious.

Something having fewer colors does not make it more "vibrant". Murky and washed out is how I would describe the Genesis colors. As for the slowdown I need examples because I can't find any.
>You are so in denial it's hilarious.

Attached: Zamn.png (1246x484, 962.42K)

How about read the comments on YouTube to see if they all agree with you... they don't
There are literal hiccups in the fps on the SNES version. If you can't see that, that's down to you. You can even see how much better the MD version runs in that video. Not to mention the MD version looks sharper too.
It literally is the better version minus the sound. I'd rather have a better gameplay experience over slightly less of an ear rape.
Colours are about what you see, not about how technical it is to achieve. The brighter and more vibrant colours of the MD LOOK better than the murky ones in the SNES version. It's more pleasing to the eye.

SNESticles... we got too cocky bros.

>How about read the comments on YouTube to see if they all agree with you
I don't give a fuck.
>There are literal hiccups in the fps on the SNES version. If you can't see that, that's down to you
You're so full of shit, you spent however long looking through that video looking for any framedrops and couldn't find any.
>The brighter and more vibrant colours of the MD LOOK better than the murky ones in the SNES version
You are actually retarded, the colors in the Genesis version are darker and fewer.

This is some fierce denial. The amount of "how dare you" in this is hilarious.

I accept your concession, I know autists can be stubborn with admitting they were wrong.

I'm somebody else schizo

Attached: fs.png (871x182, 17.77K)

genesis had streets of rage 2 which makes it better by default

>you spent however long looking through that video looking for any framedrops and couldn't find any.
Wishful thinking, but i did and I found them in the first level. They're hard to spot but that's okay if you can't, you just don't have the keen eye for it. You even only need to go as far as the title screen to see the fps tank.
>the colors in the Genesis version are darker and fewer.
>darker and fewer
This is just b8 at this point. How the fuck do they look darker you absolute pleb?
It also doesn't matter that it has fewer colours. The MD version benefits from the limited colour pallet because it make the overall game more pleasing to look at.

Attached: Leftisdarkerkek.jpg (1891x943, 545.64K)

Serious question - what are the kino Genesis games? I can rattle off ten easy for the SNES.

I probably prefer the Genesis library overall, but both have a lot of gems.

Attached: hagane.jpg (500x904, 130.46K)


it's back when sonic was good so sonic

>but i did and I found them in the first level
Lies or you would have proof.
The colors on the left are in fact of a darker shade of green. Are you actually colorblind?
>The MD version benefits from the limited colour pallet because it make the overall game more pleasing to look at.
Why are Sega fanboys so delusional? Now you're lying to yourself too.

it's strange how only good rpgs on snes is chrono trigger and dq 6, ps1-ps2 really was the golden age of rpgs

phantasy star 2 and 4, monster world 3 and 4, el viento, panorama cotton, sonic 3 & knuckles, comix zone, thunder force 3 and 4, musha just to start

Shinobi series
Streets of Rage series
Sonic series
Rocket Knight Adventures
Castle of Illusion
Yu Yu Hakusho: Makyo Toitsusen
Alien Soldier
Gunstar Heroes
Phantasy Star
Dynamite Headdy
Contra: Hard Corps

Attached: Castle_of_illusion_Mickey_mouse.jpg (248x348, 25.56K)

>Lies or you would have proof.
I posted the video you dumb fuck. There's my proof. Am I supposed to clip it and make a webm for your lazy ass which you'll inevitably deny anyway? Just because YOU can't see it doesn't mean it's not there. The SNES version has awful frame pacing, you can't deny it.
>The colors on the left are in fact of a darker shade of green
No they are not you spastic. It's a more vibrant green. The SNES one is a darker turquoise. The turquoise gives it a darker complexion. Are you seriously colourblind?
>The MD version benefits from the limited colour pallet because it make the overall game more pleasing to look at.
I stated this game specifically. Not all MD games benefit from it, but this game does.

No it wasn’t. Gotta go fast directly contradicts precision platforming.

>Why are Sega fanboys so delusional?
Spoken like a true delusional snestard.

>Am I supposed to clip it and make a webm for your lazy ass which you'll inevitably deny anyway?
This is the typical MO for Nintendo fans.

And if you actually played Sonic past the first fucking level you would realise that you can't always go fast and have to do platforming. The game has a mixture of gotta go fast and careful platforming and paces them both perfectly.

>The SNES version has awful frame pacing
Lies, you would easily be able to link to a section of a youtube video to demonstrate this. But you can't because you are lying.
>The turquoise gives it a darker complexion. Are you seriously colourblind?
Are you? The colors are clearly, objectively brighter on the SNES.
>Not all MD games benefit from it, but this game does
Wrong. Look at the comparison image I posted earlier and compare just the ground color alone to see it is objectively a darker color palette on the Genesis.