What did Yas Forums think about Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order...

What did Yas Forums think about Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order? Just beat this game on Jedi Grandmaster and it was absolute kino. I'd definitely like an expanded sequel and a more optimized PC version.

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Watch gameplay and played a bit at a friend's house. Not enough gameplay variety to be a true classic SW game yet. The sequel may be, though.

I didnt touch it because I dont support EA or Disney.

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Heard it's actually pretty good, a shame that my craptop can't handle the game even after altering the game's files to output the lowest settings possible
Once I start building a PC, this game's probably the first on the backlog as it seems to have similar combat to Sekiro, which I fucking loved

I sailed the seas in order to avoid supporting EA.

I just built my PC a few days ago after the first one I built was getting old and Fallen Order was the first game I played. I plan on playing Sekiro once my controller arrives. I've been in your position with a craptop, it's so nice once you build a good PC.

It's okay I guess. I didn't get far, I just tried it at a friends. Three TVs set up all playing it at the same time. Not very challenging, after I realized you can parry the enemies when they turn red even having a higher difficulty was pretty EZPZ. I beat Ungo Bogo or w/e the big lizard fuck in the first world after three tries, my other friends spent an hour trying and just moved on, my one buddy was fuming that I beat it so easily and he couldn't take it out.

Then that friend bragged about beating it after he had 3 more estus (ill just call them that I dont remember what they're called) than you get in the beginning and a few of the force powers which I thought was funny

>you can parry the enemies when they turn red
I wasn't even aware of this throughout my entire playthrough, that would've helped to know lol.

I took me an hour of Ungo Bogo to beat him. I sucked at the game at first admittedly, but the game's not too hard once you get used to it.

I was having heaps of trouble with some of the bosses and levels because I kept treating it like a DS game where I normally just make a dex build and roll through everything. I then learned how to use slow and push and the game was effectively over at that point. Upgrade your damage as soon as possible and avoid attacks till they go to charge one then hit the force push and run in and punish. Fun game though, favourite fight was with that old lad on the planet with the darth mauls.

Yeah if you figured out the parry thing you probably could've gotten Ungo Bogo done in like 10 minutes, he does that chomp attack so often and if you counter him it takes like 15% of his HP. I wasn't great at the game but I figured out some cheese pretty early on, I got way ahead of my friends in the 2 hours I got to play it. Then my friend who's console I was using asked to play again since I got right where he got in like 5 hours in 2 lol.

I'm not even bragging about being a good gamer, they just never played any kind of dark souls type games so they had to learn. It's fun for how much I played it, it's a shame all the lightsaber pieces are just aesthetic except I guess for the dual bladed one but you get that basically at the beginning of the game

I liked it. Glad I got it on sale though because it was fun but rough around the edges. I'm hoping a sequel comes out that has a more complex battle system and a better main character.

I've played DS3 but I stopped because I was awful at it. I'm thinking of playing Sekiro (and maybe Dark Souls again). Do you think I would fare well? I think I've gotten better at video games since then but I was awful that first time.

Yeah, the game doesn't have enough content to justify a full $60 imo. I honestly liked how dorky and relatively normal the protagonist was, I warmed up to him.

I was the exact opposite. He was so bland and naive that it hurt. His slack jaw made me want to turn the game off he's just so painful to see on screen. He never even seemed like he was ever tempted by the dark side and never had problems with killing all these storm troopers. He was the most vanilla YA novel protagonist I've seen in a while.

I haven't played Sekiro but as far as I know it relies a lot on parries. It's up to you, you might rage quit. I'll tell you, I was fucking SHIT at dark souls 1, I got stomped so many goddamn times. Capra demon probably killed me 30 times and I'd rage quit but something made me come back everytime to progress bit by bit. Then I thought I got good, and got fucked up for like 4 days by Ornstein and Smough. I also didn't learn parrying well my first run so I got stomped many times by Gwyn. Then my second run I decided to buckle down and get good at parrying. The game became miles easier, and by my third run I was breezing through the entire game.

My point is those types of games are trial-and-error and it's more about (if you don't instantly learn the mechanics and get good) coming back again and again, learning from your mistakes, and improving your use of mechanics.
or you can be a fag and just summon 2 people to carry you through every single boss I guess

Thanks, I think I'll definitely start venturing into the Souls games.

it was decent, babby sekiro with a star wars skin, pretty janky with a lot of glitches, difficulty was nice on the highest setting, respawn can do a lot better if they make another with how much they learned making it since they just did FPS games before

A worse Sekiro with 0 original thought put into it, a nonsensical story
Also out of all thing they had to also copy the climbing from uncharted and Tomb Raider 2013 that adds absolutely nothing to the game

Not bad. It's a hodgepodge, but all things considered it's surprisingly cohesive. In some ways it was closer to what I wanted out of GoW2018 than GoW2018 itself managed. The story is a mixed bag, though. It felt like a lot of things just stapled together. The super-special ancient race isn't particularly relevant to the plot; it doesn't have any real meaning outside of conveying how much Cordova would love Indiana Jones. The story also ends with the two Jedi as pretty big loose ends, but at the same time they've already faced Vader and managed to survive. A sequel that ends with them getting Vader'd would be underwhelming, and that's a trick that Star Wars has historically relied on too much anyway. The story manages to have loose ends and be a dead end at the same time.

It's pretty okay but it doesn't have an identity of it's own.
It's MetroidSekiroSouls with a jedi paintjob and an entertaining story loop if not a good one.

I thought it was pretty good, I just wish there was more of it. The maps are fucking huge and there's plenty of secrets and things like that, but I was expecting another planet or two to explore and didn't get it.

I can't wait to explore off the beaten path to find another poncho reskin.

It's a fucking trash game.

>it was absolute kino
Did you.... not actually complete the game? The story was entirely pointless and so stupid that they should've just created something else. I enjoyed the game until I finished it, because I thought to myself "why did I even bother?"

It had some jank, I didn't like a few segments where I had to backtrack, but overall, I really enjoyed the game. Was pretty great. I should have played on the hardest difficulty, I think I did 3/4.

A tiny bit more enemy variety, difficulty, and places to explore would have really hit the spot.

It's a good game though. I was shocked EA made something single player, worthwhile and not as a vessel for a multiplayer skinner box mode.

I understand your criticisms but I felt like there hasn't been just a straight up actually decent guy character isn't tempted by the dark side in so long, it was actually refreshing, even though I get how you can feel the opposite.

I mean I always go dark side and if there was choices I would have here too, it was kinda nice in a way to just be a bro.

I think the reason people are supporting this game so hard is to send a message to EA that THIS is the kind of shit people want. Not micro transaction multiplayer games.

Definitely a good starting point for a new series. I have high hopes for the sequel barring EA decides not to fuck with it.

Imagine a Vader game like this one following the comic.

You're probably not wrong. If this game came out in the early 00s or the 90s it's like 6/10. Because there's an extreme void for something like it, it's a lot more welcome. I mean I really enjoyed it honestly but it had some problems.

>a nonsensical story
It's star wars, that's a given honestly.

Didn't really care for the story, but despite that ending I'd rather say it's the journey, not the destination.

Sadly people overlook that it was Respawn that developed it and not EA. EA will always be evil.

I liked it but it wasn't good.

I forget who said it but the saying goes "the only story worth telling is about conflict in the human soul" and Kal doesn't seem to be conflicted about anything. Does he even go through a character arc? If not for the fact that he's under powered he would be considered a Gary Stu.

Respawn said they asked for more dev time and were told no, and that's why it lacks their usual polish

I feel like the real emotional/human part of the story was Trilla and her bug eyed negress master, not Kal. Kal was just privy to that, it was the other characters who were the story.
And on that end, I thought the story of the bug eyed nigger feeling like a failure, giving in and selling out her student, her student going evil, i thought all of that was surprisingly not terribly stupid for a game. It was done well enough.
It checked off a lot of that conflict in the human soul you're talking about, for me.
I don't see why every character needs that

Also you could make the argument that Kal's arc is realizing that you can't always be good. Not in a go to the darkside way, but in a you can't always do the right thing way. He wanted to start a new order. He realized that even though he wanted that, it would be putting them at risk. Ok it's not the biggest arc ever, I'll grant you that, but I felt like his inner conflict about that choice and the choice itself was fine.

I think my biggest problem with the game is it feels like an RPG that was molded into an action game
Like it started out as an RPG kinda like Dragon Age Inquisition kinda thing, and then they decided to turn it more into an action game, have dark souls combat, but then also have acrobatics and other movement options
But throwing in all that advanced movement on top of the RPG system resulted in jank and not the best most smooth feeling systems, since it was built as an RPG first, and you'd program those differently.
I could be talking out my ass though. But that's how I felt every time you do the wall jump stuff for example, it just feels like they threw that stuff on top of an existing system and did their best.
It's not TERRIBLE but it's not as smooth and nice as could be. If sekiro feels like a 10/10 this feels like a 7/10, purely in terms of "feel"

Didn't get a chance to play it myself, but I get what you mean. You could be right, or it could be a case of they thought of shit later in the dev cycle, but because they were cramped for time, they couldn't spend time to make it feel quite like it should have. On the flipside, modern Fromsoft spends a ton of time focusing on polishing the "feel" of the core actions and mechanics in their games and then outwardly expands the game around that, but that often results in games that have very obviously rushed areas about halfway through the game. Sucks that devs have to pick and choose where to focus on because of the time crunch. I still miss area 5 from DeS

you need to stop using 'kino' to describe a game with a shitty story

>What did Yas Forums think about Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order?
I didn’t play it because EA and my-Star Wars are shit and I didn’t like the ugly ginger protagonist and the negroid featured in the game.

Never really cared for the story in this game honestly, it's star wars. It's surprising it isn't complete shit.

all valid complaints and reasons to be skeptical, but it's still actually pretty good.

very pretty, I wish photomode had been in from the start because I'd nearly finished it by the time it was added.
The problem with being a Jedi is that they have to put a large amount of common enemies to make it a fair fight. The dual bladed saber definitely helped but it was starting to get annoying until that point.
Also the climbing before you got the gloves was mind numbing and swinging could be janky as fuck. I flew off in a random direction several times.

It was ok for what it was, though I couldn't stop comparing it to Sekiro which was a more well executed game so that did diminish some of my enjoyment. I think Respawn can do better if they get the chance to make a sequel.

Can't hold a candle to the Jedi Knight games in either gameplay or story. Barely worth the 30 minutes I gave it before vomiting profusely.

Didn't touch it. EA + NuWars + SJW shit. Will never buy or even pirate it.

Ginger Jedi Wizard babies!

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I just ordered this game online. Hoping it's great

There is literally no SJW shit in the game retard.

Given how Episode 9 ended, and how the sequel trilogy concluded lukes legacy (failing to rebuild the Jedi Order) it's hard to get invested in the story knowing it's going to end with all of these Jedi you came to like in this story dying sometime between the events of the game and the events between Return Of The Jedi and Force Awakens

I thought nothing of it, as I'm still waiting for the price to drop so I can play it. Yeah I could pirate it but lately every time I pirate a game something gets messy at some point.

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but an ugly person exists in the universe and that's not okay

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Yeah this is part of it. If I wanted to see ugly people I would look out my window.

It's decent but it had some big issues. Besides the general bugginess because it's clear EA made them rush it out the door to get it out in time for the new movie, the loot all being cosmetic was kind of shit considering most of it just looked terrible, most of the combat skills like heavy strikes costing force just made you never want to use them, and some of the shit like force slow was so ungodly OP you would just figure out to save your force just for that and just use parries+light strikes the whole game until you got the OP split saber move. Honestly what they should've done is implemented some kind of equipment system so the cosmetics at least had some kind of use beyond looks, like imagine if certain saber parts would increase strike speed, parry speed, damage, etc.

Also I would've found a way to make the cool saber moves not cost force. I realize they did it to balance the game so you wouldn't just spam them the whole time, but the force bar costs just makes you never use them. It's like when you get rare healing items in an rpg and never want to use them. Besides that, for slow I would increase the base cost and make it so that bosses have immunity to the basic one, and can be inflicted with a normal, short duration slow if you have the upgraded one that you need to focus for a few seconds. It was just to easy to fight every boss by slowing them and then getting a bunch of free hits.

>The story was entirely pointless and so stupid that they should've just created something else. I enjoyed the game until I finished it, because I thought to myself "why did I even bother?"

Do people who say this understand that, had the protagonist not destroyed the holocron, all Force-sensitive children would have been killed because of his fault?

Except that EA will look at it as a hot new IP to shove microtransactions into, like they've always done with every successful IP that trips into their bear tra- I mean lap.

It is my theory that Cere Junda was always meant to be the protagonist, but EA thought a black female lead wouldn't sell and slapped Cal as the new protagonist. He's just too shallow to be the real main character, and Cere just has too much story going on for her to be just another crew member.

I think we can all agree that BD-1 is best new droid the new canon has produced, BB-8 can go fuck off, retarded volleyball fuck.

This negress probably cost them hundreds of millions of dollars
It's kind of funny because she's not even a bad character, like I was HOLY FUCK REALLY when I saw her first too, but she's actually fine. If she was a hot white womyn she'd be waifu #1

He was the best part of that game besides Merrin

>dude let's spend all game saving these kids
>these kids are important
>the future are these kids
>beat final boss
>lmao fuck those kids let them choose their own fate

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If you love something, set it free.

I think after Vader almost fucking murdered both of them with very little effort expended he thought twice about trying to protect those kids himself.

>lmao fuck those kids let them choose their own fate

I wont' blame you for not understanding the plot of the game, because it's told terribly, but that's not what happened. He destroyed the holocron because of the vision. Cal knows he will become a Sith and cause those children's death. Instead of gathering all the kids and making them an easier target for the Empire, he protects them by having them NEVER become Jedis.