Yas Forumsermin thread 2

draw monsters watch them fight
now with extra dungeon and teambuilding

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how threads should be made

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>this is my first champ

not bad for a concept i kept in the back of my mind for like 8 years

i also love how you did the sprites for everyone too d13, good work

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nice, short and to the point

how about this

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looks good
sellouts should be team "Did it for Cash"

oh my god i'm a goomer

Is this jizzing for slimes?

actually i'll swap scopion and toofastering

Seems good

what does moot have to do with a grocery store

It's jizzing for snakes

just so I dont have to whip up a shitpost in ten minutes, which of these lads should I make a burst mode for next coin tournament? School's closed due to coronaids so I should be able to work on it pretty consistently

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presumably he eats groceries


armed and dangerous should be Armed and Arms
animal planet should be Nature Documentary
spiky should be Pointy Pricks
grocery store is good

Cuz I'd buy a cutie like him in a heartbeat.

why are you tripfagging retard

because i'm a fucking retard

i wonder if d13 knows about this thread

yes unless hes gay

D13, what do you think of giving vermin a hiatus?

vfc you are going senile

I anal vored the spirit of VFC ghost.

d13 literally doesn't care about anything except helping out rotidon getting a foothold in the industry and getting (you)s

>Demolition Experts
>Nature Documentary
>Subterranean Smashers
>Grocery Trip


Scorpion and Sanic are being swapped so I guess that doesn't work. :/

>12 posters

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Shit. Maybe d13 host did make a wrong turn at Albuquerque.


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he has nowhere else to post
vg is dead and I doubt he'd post in trash which has no reason to exist

>35 (36) posts
vermin is truly dead...

how about you make the next thread before it's archived

how about that hiatus

not doing it

how about we do the reverse and just have a weeklong vermin weekend, it's not like we have anything else to do

this, but completely unironically.

Did I miss the PR?



Don't feel too bad though, it was monopolized by the rare and highly unusual QUINTUPLE DIP

if I tell you not to do it you will do it to spite me
if I tell you to do it you'll do it because you're too stupid to understand sarcasm
it doesn't matter anymore, you shitposters have run this community into the ground long ago

>every time you do something i dislike, you do it to personally spite me

>he didn't know the entire community revolves around the seethster

I sure am glad we're back on Yas Forums with such great and meaningful threads about video games like this

was it funny, at least

>how about we become a /ksg/-tier general that will die from being burnt out guys

thats unironically what they want and they don't care as long as they get their replies


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no it was someone with gross nipples

pot meet kettle

Actually, is not the shitposters, is idiots like you that complain about everything and constantly feed the shitposters.

t.professional shitposter

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It's ok when he does it, he's woke to the truth

>"B-but if I don't directly reply to them I'm not giving them (you)s!"

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Believe me, a good shitposter get (You)s on spades, a shitposter shitpost for the simple and enjoyable principle of fucking the fun of other people while having a good laugh because of it, (You)s or not the principle stays, is specially rewarding when the victim of the shitpost negate a (You) because it means they are mad enough to do that.

Pro tip, ignore, completely, BUUUT of course verminfags just can't contain themselves can they.

I dont want replies, Id prefer if people stopped posting entirely unless they have new content to share.

>practice a bit
>redraw stage 1
>looks a lot better

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Sounds good bro.
I usually do that shit in one go but oftentimes I might readjust lines if I don't think they turn out good enough.

I dont bother redrawing anything because nobody even looks at it

Here you guys go again. Getting all meta rather than talk about the fucking monsters.

What monsters?

>he doesn't just do the final lineart and colors in one go then calls it a day

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ah yes, the 'monsters' that are just humanoid ocs with stats
those monsters

thats exactly what I do. I used to do sketching, rough drafts, multiple layers, etc. but I realized theres no point because it's just a polished turd. Now I don't even shade or put more than an hour of effort in since it's still the same garbage.

there's nothing wrong with talking about the creation of said monsters. It's when we start talking about the people who draw the monsters threads hit the fan

show me your monsters, faggot.