Just started playing this. What the fuck is his problem?

Just started playing this. What the fuck is his problem?

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He is a mad scientist...heh...a pleb like you wouldn't understand...

I'm serious, is this some meme? He just sounds like he has autism or something.

Just keep reading and don't make or enter threads about it it so you don't get spoiled.
This is a good rule for any VN really.

Spoiler alert: they all have it

He has charisma. You wouldn't understand.

He's a Chuunibyou, classic japanese stereotype. Basically someone who is still in their kid phase with delusions of grandeur and childish fantasies

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I probably shouldn't have made this thread, you're right. His behavior is baffling and distracting, however, and I feel I need some context.

The game's theme is to explore these online subcultures and otaku culture. Okarin's character is part of this.

yes, anime protag autism

>classic japanese stereotype

I see, never heard this term. Don't play many japanese VN's beyond Ace Attorney series.

Try being less autistic and insecure and you'll get the intended humorous effect, plus more stuff later I'm not going to tell you not to spoil you.

His character will develop throughout the VN and you'll get some backstory explaining why he is the way he is.

Every character has their stereotype. Daru is the otaku, who is also a programmer. Mayuri is the cosplayer. That's the theme of the game

I don't want to spoil it, so I'll just hint that it is worth reading some more chapters before making this judgement of his character.

This shit transcends Japan, you have them everywhere from fiction to real life.
Those KH roleplayers swinging around their oversized plastic toys in parking lots or pretending their umbrellas are actually mythical swords? Chuunis.
Hell, chances are pretty good you did shit like that as well, most people with an active imagination do at some point in their childhoods, normally people just grow out of it.

The gist of it is that if you LARP seriously over the age of 15, you're a chuunibyou?
I'd think autism and schizophrenia are more accurate descriptions but sure, why not

mild 'tisms, amplified by essentially serving as a guardian to a girl with major 'tisms

>Hell, chances are pretty good you did shit like that as well
Guilty as charged. I should keep playing.

Mayuri has to be retarded right?

There is probably significant overlap across all three.

OP here, I got that impression too, but she seemed nice enough.

>make a dating-sim spinoff
>you don't actually get to date the girls. As soon as you officially become a couple the game ends

What the FUCK was the point of Darling's Embrace?

it's a fanservice game retard

What fanservice? The swimming episode? It's barely any more fanservicy than the regular game.

fanservice isn't just softcore porn

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She's definitely retarded

Mayuri is not retarded! She is just special in her own way.

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Why is the term used to describe Fate and other VNs of this kind like Dies?
I suppose Tanaka Gundam from DR2 or Alice Yabusame from YTTD fit into this description of being Chuuni?

She's some weird kind of idiot savant.
Completely retarded in most fields, but occasionally presents Sherlock Holmes levels of insight as if it was nothing at all.

>As soon as you officially become a couple the game ends
Welcome to fandiscs of non-romantic VNs, enjoy your stay. If you want wholesome couple stories read a pure love VN. Like Fureraba or something.

She’s a little slow but is relatively normal aside from cosplaying.

Fate is like kids playing imaginary battles at a playground

>And so I use my spear which is undodgeable and kills anything in one hit
>well then I use luck stat to dodge it
>bullshit, I just said it's undodgeable
>nah-hah. Luck is the power to bend fate, so I avoid the fate it being undodgeable. Next time I'll use my scabbard which lets me escape into a separate dimension.

Because they are the kind of edgy make-believe franchises that chuunis like.

>dude wot if thomas edison was a anthropomorphic steam punk battle lion

Mostly because the characters there inspires plenty of OG donut steel chunni fantasies
Because they’re super edgy nazis (or nazi wannabes I don’t know) with lots of DARK POWERS and INNER TORMENT like lots of stereotypical chunni fantasies.

Not him, but thanks for indicating that it's basically the shonenshit of VNs , you made me avoid a bullet here.

S;G isn’t really like that - it’s just using the fact that they’re a bunch of loser nerds as a a backdrop.

>Mostly because the characters there inspires plenty of OG donut steel chunni fantasies
Plenty of actual characters are already OG wish-fulfillment fantasies. Saber's Excalibur has 12 different seals to suppress its immense power, and its real use is to save the world from aliens. Or look at anything to do with Gilgamesh.


Yeah but in-universe it doesn’t seem too outlandish or crazy. Dies is on another level.

Best girl (male)
btfos all females in the entire series

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Why Fate has a big as fuck following confuses me.

I like Zero and Lord Melloi though

I Haven't seen this character yet. is this an anime trap? I mean, I don't care and all, but is (s)he well written?

just play the VN faggot

fuck no luka's entire "character" is being a cute guy who turns into a girl

in all honestly i'm pretty sure he does have autism, his friends and you included

No, he’s just a bit childish. He’s actually pretty smart and goes out of character all the time.

He’s mostly in-character so Mayuri doesn’t worry about him.



Do you guys think he ever did lewd things with his retarded childhood friend?

No, because usually chuunis are severely immature rather than truely delusional. They know it's all pretend, but they won't admit it.

I Wish Serika Onoe was Okabe's friend. She would've just killed Mayuri early on and they'd be done with.

If it's any consolation everyone acknowledges that he is a guy (including himself), which makes for a few good laughs when the timeline switches.

>Don Quixote was a chuuni

I just want good characters

He only acts like that just to keep Mayuri from killing herself.

Her should just dick her. That would give her a reason to live.

It's hard for me to judge, but it's definitely not one of the worse written characters.

>ywn have a Kurisu gf

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Lukafags only like the character because he's a trap. That's the only "redeeming" quality this non-factor of a character has.

But user, that's the same as every trap to ever exist. None of them are characters.