Corona/v/irus Edition:

Corona/v/irus Edition:
How are you doing fellow gamers? I'm from Italy so it's pretty fucked up.
Also, playing Death Stranding now has a whole new meaning

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Playing through Super Mario RPG. Already at Nimbus Town two days in. It's incredibly annoying to keep my eyes open, they feel constantly dry and I'm using all my brainpower just to keep them open

>It's incredibly annoying to keep my eyes open
are you okay user? don't let Corona-chan catch you

Nothing respiratory, so it isn't the meme virus
I think this just happens when I don't go outside or take a shower

How would you center a game around the covid outbreak?

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literally death stranding, but only urban areas, no destroyed buildings, just empty cities
delireing food, drugs and stuff
you're COOF free but every once in a while you have to collect your phlegm and create weapons and stuff

and all the MULEs are black

The biggest fucked up thing about this outbreak is just the reactions from corporations and institutions. It’s an overreaction in my opinion and partly fueled by affirmative action hires and HR departments with nothing better to do than to amplify concern and worry under the guise of “transparency and responsibility to the community”. This shit is a common cold and would be better left ignored. People get sick and need to move on, not become scared and turn into hypochondriacs. Besides you need to get it to grow an immunity to it. And no, pol is not right in telling you it’s like SuperAIDS that will kill you the next time you get it (you won’t) and it’s not going to make you infertile. It’s unwarranted panic and eschatologically obsessed hicks are just taking advantage of this to promote racism and segregation.

prepare for thread deletion

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I agree with you when you say there's no need to create panic, and that some corporations are abusing this situation, both being too zealous with their employees, or still sending them into factories to work.
but I'm from Italy, and I must say I can't take 21k confirmed and 1800 deaths lightly. it's not
>just a flu bro
this can kill people and severely damage lungs and your respiratory system. also, you probably won't die, but the healthcare system will eventually collapse.

Flu kills tons of people too, brah. But only the weak ones.

yes but flu doesn't fill every ICU in 24 hours with over 800 new patients every day, for weeks

A necessary price to pay for not taking care of your health.

It does when everyone is panicked over it

i don't think it's totally unwarranted, just that it's overblown by a fucking mile. it IS something serious we should take into account in our daily lives, like where we go, who we meet, where we touch, etc, but it's not an apocalypse type disease that you need to buy a lifetime supply of toilet paper for. it's one of those where the best medicine is just common sense, avoid big crowds, don't go out as much unless you gotta, wash your hands, don't lick handrailings, etc and wait until the thing blows over eventually, and even if you do get it if you're healthy you get to stay at home and do jack shit, if you're not... well kinda too early to tell but chances don't look so great.

i've always hated this argument, this virus is new, we're not quite sure how deadly it is yet, the flu has been around since before we were fucking born, not to mention a lot more people get the flu as opposed to corona, and the true danger of corona is that 1 we don't quite understand it yet and 2 it spreads like wildfire but sometimes it takes up to two fucking weeks until you start noticing such fire, so you're basically a walking biohazard without even knowing

>can severely damage lungs
This is true for all coronaviruses fyi, not just COVID-19. This is a risk we’ve always had with the common cold yet people never panicked over it until now.

what games do you guys play

I'm playing DS3 and working from home, shits unironically comfy as fuck

I've always wanted an excuse to work from home to try it

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So... How is Kojima always right?

Is he like Dr. Manhattan?

It all makes sense now, Kojima didnt like the criticism for his game so he spread the virus to make the game more relatable

people in ICU are there because their symptoms got worse in a few hours. no one goes in ICU if he's not on the verge of death, and we had 21k confirmed cases as today
you clearly don't know what are you talking about.

Honestly you people laugh at toilet paper hoarders, but you really dont have enough toilet paper yourselves. The average person uses 1 roll per day. If you have a family of 4, that's 28 rolls a week. Over 100 a month. TP rolls will be worth their weight in gold in a few months, because everyone needs it.

>has a whole new meaning
Still isn't fun tho

I'm feeling a little sick, bros. I'm sure it's nothing. I mean I'm a fucking shut-in. How could I even catch it?

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There are people who get fever symptoms with the common cold for which if they went to the hospital they’d be put into the ICU. This is a similar deal, except now people are actually going to the hospital once they feel symptoms because they are panicked over it.

Anons like this that down play everything because it makes them feel smart are part of the problem
It's literally a pandemic, this does not mean start hoarding and planning for the grid to go down but it does mean you need to take measures to protect your health
Of course it wouldn't have reached pandemic levels if it wasn't for retards like this going "durr hurr it's nothing at all"
Foreign travel should have been halted long ago, return flights for citizens only, and mandatory quarantines instead of the litany of denial and screeching "fake news it's just a cold bro"

first social media and memes, than a global pandemic that forces people to stay at home.

...what is he currently working on guys?

I gave up, everything's gone from the shops and I've got supplies to last about 3 more days. I'm just tired, will probably just OD on something while playing CoD, if I still have internet by the end of the week.

>The average person uses 1 roll per day
what the fuck kinda asses do you have or did you, ironically, pull that stat out of your ass?

>Just a flu lol, lets just party up, we are on spring break. fuck the quarantine
>also fuck the mesaures lets all greet with fucking kisses and hugs like we always do italian style
>what the fuck why are our old people dying so fast whats going on

fucking italians

Yes yes, zoomie, you are totally living in a world crisis, how special you must feel. Make sure to blow it up as much as possible!

>to promote racism and segregation.
This post is pure cancer, 20% of the infected need medical care and if they don't get it they fucking die retard. This happened in Wuhan where 5.8% of the victims died and we are at like 150k infected worldwide with a city of 10 million, shit's fucked and who knows how much more is there to the virus

Why are you trying to force this into a meme?

>The average person uses 1 roll per day.
only if you're a woman you do, you tranny

>people with mild cold symptoms goes to ICU
that's NOT how hospitals work
people in ICU have trobule breathing, most of them have severe pneumonia and other respiratory and cardiovascular malfunctions

Rent free
Trannybrain is a more serious ailment than corona.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>The average person uses 1 roll per day.

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At least they didn't know any better
Spain did the exact same but with an entire week of knowing how fucked Italy was

Right, and some people who get the cold do have trouble breathing as well and get high fevers. However since their perception of the common cold is that it’s just that-common-makes them stay at home. Now that they are afraid over the coronavirus they go to the hospital for it and get treatment. You are only seeing one side of the facts and creating a whole new story out of it. You need to see the whole picture to understand why this is panic and fear mostly.

wow you guys are right the coronavirus is just like peepeepoopoo ghosts

>literally say it's not the end times
Like I said, just because it makes you feel smart to act like nothings happening so when this does get under control you can say "see I knew it was nothing" doesn't mean you're actually smart user
All the other potential viral outbreaks that have been hyped up but didn't end up affecting you directly were because other people took shit seriously and took appropriate measures, they didn't go away because we buried our heads in the sand

You don't build an immunity to this virus when you recover from it. At least that's what my fellow Yas Forums posters tell me; they wouldn't lie to me, right?

Go change he your Facebook profile pic in solidarity lol

Because retards see 1 roll a day and can't help but reply and derail the thread

It’s a coronavirus like any other type. You gain immunity to those when your body fights them. That’s why older people get sick less and less from the common cold.

So you admit you fail debate 101, great

> not using 1 ply

What argument are you farting out of your mouth hole that you think is worth debating? You haven’t said anything worthwhile. I don’t even care what you have to say really.

While it is recoverable by the average person, you do realise that we cannot handle a massive amount of people getting sick for a long period of time. It may seem an overreaction but it’s better than the alternative where it can get worse

>they go to the hospital for it and get treatment
but they don't get all treatment, people are being tested if having symptoms. if you're positive, you're locked down in the hospital. If you're positive and can't breathe properly, right to ICU

if people keeps saying stuff like
>oh it's just a flu bro
1. more people will eventually be infected, with more pressure on our healthcare system
2. doctors, medical staff and medical equipmente are on the verge of collapse, so we need to do our part and try not to create more danger for the people around us. no one in italy is acting overdramatic or trying to create panic

>You gain immunity
Not with this one thanks to the lung damage leaving your body weaker and more prone to infection, either reinfection by covid19 or infection from another respitory disease
It basically leaves your lungs looking like a honey comb and that damage takes years to heal

>pandemic present in most countries already
>not a world crisis
Hiw can someone be so wrong yet so smug about it?

No, we can’t, and it’s happened before during many flu seasons. Minus the panic tho.

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You do realize all common colds have the potential to damage your lungs right? This isn’t new with the COVID-19? How are you people so easily manipulated?

Zoomers don't remember SARS or the swine flu.

As someone delivering for FedEx, fuck all of you assholes ordering everything online. These past 2 weeks have been hell. I just want to get home at a decent time and play vidya.

>Live with your parents and grand parents in the same house they said.

nice word

Yas Forumsis the most popular board on Yas Forums which says quite a bit.

Have you played Death Stranding, or are you completely turned away by it due to your line of work? If you have, how do you find it?

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The damn issue here isn’t the fatality rate. It’s the scale of infection causing too many people sick AT THE SAME TIME

Hehe tru

Despite the fact that it was founded as containment zone

I got called in a week ago because someone i know had it bad. Apparantly he got it from me seeing as i was affected but im symptomless and it disappeared in my body before him. Well i have been more horny and fapping more lately but i dont know if thats a symptom.

Oh yah kojs right about everything. He did once tell me I'd fuck some faggots hamplanet mother and that turned out to be true. Btw how is your mum doing?