Previous thread: >>499406136

Previous thread: Hello Yas Forums, back again with another Yas Forums3 planning thread.

as you know Yas Forums3 is a Yas Forums hosted digital E3, etc. etc. The current plan is to host it the weekend before or the weekend of what E3 would have been. Here's how we'll break down the two days:

Day One: Shitposting games
-No inherent requirements. Only to show off dumd fun OC of various nature.
-Can just be art, audio, video, fake trailers and gameplay, shitposting, whatever.

-Reserved for showing actual games being made/game stuff
-Showing of real games coming out
-Spots for real devs creating their own games
-Places for any actual interviews we get
>Currently we have the devs from Toe Jam and Earl, and the Postal team at Running with Scissors

We currently have a lot of shitpost ideas, but we need anons to help make them.
We have an excel sheet to help organize things:

In addition, yes anons, we have a couple indie devs interested in this too, as well as an htmlfag who will help us make a site.

Follow the Twitter:

This thread is for ideas for the show, and anything you want to see on either of the 2 days, be it questions from the developers, or a trailer for your favorite shitpost game.
Hope to see you all there.

NOTE: Next threads will probably be starting to work on the shitpost game trailers and whatnot. That's where you come in anons.

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what is this gay shit

the Yas Forumsgas but for e3

i hate Yas Forums sometimes

how did we get real game devs for this

You better say the nigger word live and that you hate trannies

Good question. But we're glad they're interested.

It’s a rare replay! We’re here to say, PUT IT ON THE SWITCH GOD DAMMIT

I suggest a flash games greatest hits showcase since Adobe Flash is ending in 2020 coincidentally. Essentially just a montage of fan favorite flash games.

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Not a bad idea. Club Penguin would have to be on that list then obviously.

seconding this
i suggest nitrome and happy wheels

Oh Nitrome is a must.

So we have two showcases right now then. The Nintendo HIRE THIS MAN Direct and the Flash 2020 Retrospective Showcase.

>Day One: Shitposting games
Make it just one day and mix these up

Where would someone submit shitposts for Day one?

Don't forget habbo hotel raid footage

People said that but I'm worried that would deter indie devs for not being able to properly get the attention they need being wedged inbetween shitposts. If enough of you want it that way though I suppose we could change it.

Right now you can sign yourself up for making the trailers underneath the Videofag tab in the Excel sheet(just writhe which game you want and write user Taken on the Created By section)

Do a rapidfire showcase for games that dont get any videos.

The google drive seen in:
You do have a google account,right user?
After all how will you play google stadia?

What if it was just a short skit? Not a trailer

Where do I upload the work I did? I made a trailer.

Use youtube or google drive then put the link in the spreadsheet under videofags

Oh I wasn't going to have them do that. I was going to have them upload it to the site when it's done to keep it user and then we compile it together

That's fine. Just keep it in line of what you'd see at E3

Well right now you are doing two different shows, one is shitposting and one is free marketing for indie devs. I think it would definetly be more fun with them mixed. Maybe do some splash screens or something during the show telling people to make sure they do their own research and to not just blindly believe everything

Stadia is best console. So good Google messages us asking if they can announce Stadia 2 at V3

Awards show at the end called the Seethies, categories include but are not limited to:

>Most Pre-Rendered Trailer
>Most Disappointing Game Reveal
>Most Controversial E-Celeb
>Best Non-Vidya Announcement

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Well fug. Will take it off then.

>>Currently we have the devs from Toe Jam and Earl, and the Postal team at Running with Scissors

Yeah because someone would believe that a mario game and the playstation five would be released in the same livestream,and that there is a legitimate game called "Dr.Mario COVID-19" presented by a spongebob character with a super crown

Probably didn't tell them Yas Forums shitposters are behind this

when is this happening?

8ch got THQ, American Mcgee, Yoko torro, the creator of Earthworm jim and a dozen other devs to do AMAs.
All you have to do is ask and people are willing.

Oh they're well aware. I made sure they knew it was Yas Forums.

The week before E3. June 5th (and 6th?)

I'm also going to reach out to Baldi dev today and see if he's interested.

>Baldi dev

Mother 4 for Switch.

Ask the devs of "I am Jesus Christ" if they want an interview/trailer

Should probably aim to do it a day before the actual publishers do their "digital E3" streams. Someones meme trailer could actually become reality a few days later

I can appreciate the shitpost sentiment, but it's better to keep this as far from the VGAs as possible

>flash games greatest hits
I'm getting flashbacks to the flood of stickmen flash games that came out back in the day.

Oh my God I didn't even think of that. Thanks user.

Well none of them have announced any stream days so...

If we had more time I'd be down to help make some virtual convention floor in Unreal/VRChat/whatever.

Just saying to keep the date flexible so you can set it one day before everyone else

We have an user doing that and hopefully sticking it in the browser.

Thats pretty neato. What kind of stuff is in there, or would that give too much away?

holy fuck this is literally free advertising,my time to shine,when is the deadline to show my actual game trailer?

Can I make whatever shitpost trailer I want and just give it to you guys when the time comes?

Not sure yet. Don't know if he's actually started yet. I'll let you know.

Not sure yet but by the end of May at the latest. Put your game on the Yas ForumsGames list if you can please. Helps us keep track.

>e3 gets cancelled
>Yas Forums makes their fucking own

I am so fucking proud of this community.

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Yeah, but like with Yas Forumsgames, do note it on the list if you can.


Will there be a Best Vidya Boobs of the Year award?

The most based developer

How are you going to present this OP?

Stream on the site/YT maybe and )hopefully) an in-browser virtual expo.

Any chance of the site being used for more than just E3? Sort of like the old Gather Your Party site that hosted reviews and articles made by anons throughout the year.

I don't see why not. Depends on what happens.

nitrome even has a game about destroying itseelf, cant get much better than that

Somehow we have two trailers already and I can't tell if one of them is real. Good job user.

List of dumb shitpost games so far-
>'New' Super Mario Bros. Switch!
>Blue Zavok Dating Sim
>Big Maring
>Bioshock Infinite 2
>Buckyfag Adventure (bootleg)
>Dr. Mario Saves E3!
>Dragon's Dogma 2
>Ed, Edd, n Eddy Online
>Find the Larper: A Mystery Game
>Flash 2
>God Hand 2: GOD HANDS!
>Hotpocket Racing
>Kingdoms Under Fire: Warcraft 3 Edition
>Metal Gear Rising: Revengance 2
>Minecraft 2
>Pikmin 4
>Plague Inc. HAPPENING Edition
>Pocket Fortress 2
>Pokemon Bug & Anus Edition
>PS5 (reveal by Yas Forums)
>Shin Megami Tensei V
>Skyrim 76
>Sonic Adventure 3
>Sonic the Hedgehog: The Movie: The Game
>Sonichu the Game
>Steve Smash Reveal
>Death of Stalin: The VN
>Land of Thots
>Maiden Rape Assault
>Tranny 'Friendly' Game
>Vidya Hero: Yas Forums Version
>Wallace & Gromet's Great RPG
>Green Arrow Star City
>No More Niggers 4: Red, White, and Blood
>Battlefield Bad Company 3
>A Star Wars game not made by EA

Feel free to make dumb art of anything.

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Shit art i doodled cause im bored

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thanks doc

Need some sports games too, not sure how to meme one up

So Orginizerfag said something about needing sprites for Videao Fancyson, can i get a list of them so i can draw them?

We can take Scott the Woz's Madden 08 and meme it up

An /sp/ bro was here a few threads ago suggesting that, but we haven't gotten any specific ideas yet. If anyone has any /sp/ shitpost game ideas lay em out.

>General standing pose
>Sitting for interviews?
>Looking at viewer
That's all I can think of quickly.

Should they all be sitting? or just one of them?

should add some fake/bootleg consoles too

Nah, I mean if you make a pose with her sitting I can copy the facial expressions or edit the standing ones to make her sit. So just one I guess.

PS5 and Xbone XXX

Will this be like a twitch stream marathon?

What should she be sitting on? I was thinking a beanbag.

Sure, that works.