I am still convinced Mumyo is actually supposed to be Hideyoshi's first wife Nene
Nioh 2
How are you enjoying it so far anons?
I have to say that general quarantine thing is pretty damn nice and right on time for some nioh comfyness.
Also, post your weapons and casual filter so far
I'm about to respec and grab a decent Switchglaive. Going full on yokai hunter.
reminder that your oni weapons can release bleach shockwaves when you max out the bar.
Odachi/Tonfas but I find myself using tonfas more and more. Nothing has completely filtered me but Owl and twilight Enenra both killed me a lot.
Is there any stage where you can bring Mumyo to a hot spring?
Loving it so far.
Post your Hide
>it's a multi wave spawn mission and a yokai does a grab out of nowhere and kills you from full life episode
is that only for the sword? never saw my tonfa do that
not sure. i just found out that it could happen like 20 minutes ago
Nah, it's for everything but only at the end of strong attack strings.
The only time blue summons are good.
Kill big snek after 2 tries with 3axe
don't remember him being so easy in the beta
Just beat the Owl. I only popped one red eye and sorta ran past the rest because i thought the gimmick of the level was some pseudo stealth shit until i popped the last one. Happy i only popped one it made the boss pretty hard got me like 3 times.
Feral counter is so shit sometimes litearlly impossible to counter the grab attack from one of the beta bosses that jumps around
>Hideyoshi's first wife
Yoshi's a dinosaur. Pretty sure he just fucks and doesn't care about civil unions.
Haven't played the game yet
Does Nobunaga interact with her at all? because IRL Nobunaga had a huge crush on Nene and was asshurt at Hideyoshi for mistreating her
>make cool looking weapons with amazing looking animations
>it all ends up buried under 10 layers of Adobe After Effects
I thought they were past this with how things looked in the beta. Should have known better
>Its a section of alot of straight line where the devs put a Tengu episode
Shit makes me so mad. I basically just ran through the Hollow castle checkpoint to checkpoint fuck putting 101 different things that are aids when dealing with no room.
Just beat Gyuki. Still generally not having any problem with bosses and this is like the 5th region. I've died far more to enemy gank squads or some random asshole dropping in on me from offscreen. Been mainly running 2kat. I saw someone in the last thread say that dual blades were bad but I've been absolutely dabbing on human enemies, including bosses, with them. With human bosses I can just loop them into continuous ki breaks by getting them near a wall and just doing God of Wind to the point where they literally can't ever recover.
Does anyone know if Nobunaga drops any skills in the side mission you fight him in? I've beaten him like 6 times and haven't gotten anything.
>straight line
I got u bro
The balance between bosses and normal enemy damage after the snake seems completely fucked. With light armor i'm able to take 4 or 5 hits from most bosses before death. But any random normal enemy is doing at least 50% of my health in each attack.
>it's a "get one hit killed by a nearly instant yoki grab move" episode
Yeah i just beat the Owl and he was probably the only boss i felt pressure well fighting and he only took 3-4 tries. Too be fair the human enemies and bosses in general whiff shit all damn day and burst counters aren't too hard to learn off the bat just react as they ram into you sorta shit. I remember in Nioh 1 bosses generally did safer things or moved towards you more often. But in Nioh 2 some of them just swing at the air with the same recovery as if they were close to you.
>yoki just does a shove out of nowhere and does 1/3 of your life
Some interesting historical facts about real life figures that inspired Nioh characters
>Yasuke (Obsidian Samurai) was less known for his friendship with Nobunaga and his skills as an artist. He'd often call Nobunaga "My Naga". One of the songs he wrote, in praise of his lord, went by "My Naga, My Naga (My motherfucking Naga)".
>gave tengu two red attacks
>one of them is an instant fuck you thrust
Glad to see they are still total motherfuckers
worst ones are the skeletal axe fuckers that can insta grab you on a wakeup
>not having super fast reaction times
Stop defending everything.
You're just like a simp.
>mission to save some guy
>finally find him
>"My Christian name--"
What a dumb theory lmao
That should probably be 上手くなれ unless there's some nip equivalent
In Nioh 1, at what point should I start piecing together a proper set? Just started NG+
can't think of s single grab in this game that is not massively telegraphed.
I just beat the owl but I'm thinking about switching off of odachi because it's been too easy so far
Normal enemies seem to be way more erratic than bosses. While some of them are easy to read, like the Enki and Yoki, a lot of them will just suddenly yeet out attacks with no rhyme or reason and burst counters seem to whiff on them way more than usual. Meanwhile bosses usually have huge tells on their attacks so you can burst counter them from a mile away. Though I've had several times against human bosses where I'll burst counter them and then they'll immediately go into a grab with seemingly no recovery from being staggered.
Actually fucking retarded how high grab damage is for how quick they are and their unlockable nature.
Got me
I've only had problems with the snake boss, pretty much all the others have been easy as hell.
I still get killed by fucking Gaki's though. Regular mob damage is retardedly high
based Team Ninja filtering shitters with grabs for almost 20 years
They are quick but they're all reactable. I do feel super annoyed sometimes when i try to be aggressive and they throw right when i swing or some shit though and it not only maims but instant kills me but its whatever.
Id rather they attempt to butt fuck me then let me win but man bosses seem so tame so far.
Someone claimed 2kat is bad? It's been an age since I've played Nioh but they feel exactly the same outside of the spin2win move seemingly nerfed.
>could easily just rush an enemy down or dodge around them for an easy counterattack
>put myself at risk trying to parry them instead because they look cool even though I know I'll eat like 60% if I mess up
The parry animations are so sick though, especially the special ones you can get from some bosses.
I feel like they knew they couldn't give bosses super fast grab attacks or else it'd be too bs. They did with the snake and everyone hates that boss.
I don't know if my game glitched or something but I didn't get hit by the Snake's grab one time. It would always miraculously whiff for some reason even when I was sure it was going to hit and end me. It;s the same with the snake woman's grab.
The more I play the more apparent it is that Brute counter and form are useless. Just took down Nagamasa Azai and good fucking luck not eating 80% of your HP on one of his many different burst counter moves.
Other than that this game is stellar. Question for those farther, where the Tonfa unique gear and skills at?
I think the snake got nerfed. I remember there being a poison swamp in the middle of the area, limiting your movement. And its red attack no longer completely track your position, giving you plenty of room to dodge.
>that Brute counter and form are useless
Which oni form would you recommend then?
Brute counter shit on a lot of red move tho.
Also brute regen anima just by guarding so it's pretty strong.
There are 3 poison swamps. If you destroy the statues they despawn from the room.
Your summon probably took care of the statues for you and then drew aggro
Honestly its not like any of the 3 transformations are that great. Which is fine you actually have to learn situations/bosses this time around instead of popping living weapon after you break their stamina once and either maiming or outright killing NG bosses.
Whats a good weapon to pair with axe? 1kat was my favorite weapon in the first game but I was thinking odachi or spear would be better. Though I'm guessing my second weapon will just be whatever enables set bonuses.
Any news for us pcbros? Fucking loved Nioh, i need this in my life.
Spears are fantastic still, their range is a huge advantage. At least I think so.
>no PC release
Fucking bullshit to be quite honest. I gotta buy a snoystation just to play this game because CoronaVirus is a potential world ender and that November timed exclusive is looking to be not realistic at all.
>in dark realm
>realize my yokai abilites also get buffed just like the other yokais abilities
>That one sub mission you do with Hachikou or whatever his faggot name is
>He just sits there and watches me get my ass kicked
>Doesn't help at all.
>Takes 3 hits
>"Ugh I'm s-sorry. I can't..."
You fucking garbage worthless AI.
Why does this stupid question keep popping up? There is no "pair", use whatever you want. The only reason for pairing specific weapons is thematic.
try again in about 9 months, you will be waiting the obligatory year to play it unfortunately
This thing isn't hard to kill but it freaks me out so bad every time I see it.
Oh well, i dont mind waiting, as long as it comes.
Thats unfair though. Nioh was vey well recieved on PC. They should have had a simultaneous release.
The snake boss core is fucking insane
Took nearly half of the ferret bosses hp in a single use
>soul made up of beasts
>looks like a human anyway
That's just dumb and inconsistent. Should look like an amalgamation of animals.
>the camera trick for player upskirts still works like in 1
I am coom.
it's not insane, it's broken
>watching lobos try to beat the snake
5th region and it still fucks things up in narrow corridors and small areas. Even against bosses it will absolutely shred through their HP and Ki if it hits rights. Haven't found anything better yet. Pretty sure it's going to be the "get out of jail free" card for the rest of the game.
I was a little upset I had to get it on PS4 because of the performance issues the beta had
fortunately it seems to run perfectly fine now on action mode with my normal PS4, haven't noticed any slowdown at all
Why are you watching that complete faggot? God i hate zoomers.
What the FUCK do I do with this guy?
He literally 2-shots me and I've performed 4 grapples on him around about 2k damage each and he's only half way down
What the shit
Fuck side missions