Nintendo will buy Atlus

Ohayou gozaimasu! (。´・ω・`)

I am an employee from Atlus (gomenasai for my bad english). ( ;´Д`)

I have heard (for a little moment) that Nintendo wants to buy franchises such as the Shin Megami Tensei and Persona, etc. (*゚д゚*)

They want to remake Persona 3 and 4. I heard Sakurai will be involved. It will be a Switch exclusive.
Persona 5 will also get a remaster on the Switch, with improved graphics and more content. It will be like the Dragon Quest 11 S for Switch.



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Other urls found in this thread:

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>Sega selling Atlus
Shit bait why am I even replying

Why do people do this.

Easier for Nintendo to just buy Sega


>Persona 5 will also get a remaster on the Switch, with improved graphics
fuck you

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Huh I wouldn't usually believe this but the Japanese adds credibility. Going to spread this around

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Kek, you actually got me user. Good job.

>Nintendo buying Sega

Hello, John Nintendo here. Just checking up on Yas Forums to say that the creator of this thread is incorrect, we will be buying the rights for Atlas Shrugged, as we will be making a video game adaptation of the Ayn Rand book, not Atlus. Additionally, I would like to inform that we at Nintendo wil be doing a few researches to further investigate on why the creator of this thread loves cocks and why you just lost the game.

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but that's actually true, though.

It's clearly satire, user.

>please excuse my English
>used perfect English
As someone who lives in Japan, and chats with Asians over SMS/LINE on a regular basis, you’re very bad at impersonating a Japanese person. For one, the level of vocabulary you’re using is too high, same for the grammar structures. You might not realize cause you’re a native (and that’s what gives you away), but several things that you consider natural/easy, are significantly harder for non-native speakers, especially Japanese. Things like “will be involved” for example. A Jap would say “form a part” or “be a part,” will also get a remaster. This is too hard. Phrasal verbs are really hard for non-natives. They’d say, “be remastered.”

Nice try though.

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Thank god this will never ever happen. Nintendo ruins everything the buy.

doesn't even deserve a (you)

>bought Monolith
>Made some of the best JRPGs ever with the Xenoblade franchise


It's based on a Yas Forums post, thus its guaranteed to be horseshit. OP basically memed that

We get it, you never played anything but Nintendo RPGs.


as you said, shitty machine translation dude

n3 at best

What a fucking timeline if that ever happens.

It's literally based on a Yas Forums thread from two months ago and the retard who wrote that article is reporting on it now, as if it was a major leak.

Remember the time when Nintendo had a larger market cap than Sony at one point?

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What other good JRPGs have been released recently? The only thing that comes to mind is Lost Odyssey.

Without memeing, didn't Nintendo want to buy Atlus some time ago but Sega/Atlus refused?

No, Atlus was on sale some time ago after their parent company went bankrupt, but Nintendo didn't get involved. Honestly, they don't really seem to care much about studio acquisitions, the only exceptions that come to mind being Monolith and Retro.

Ohayou japanese atlus employee! Your english is very very good! I am very attraction to japanese lady! Would you please email photo of yourself to my address? I would like to love you and make sex to you. Thank you desu!

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Kill yourself, yellow fever faggot.

Xenoblade is worse than both Xenosaga and Xenogears

Jelly Nintengroids KEK

I only want Persona 5 on Switch because its red, but the next question, for the commercial and box, would they change the shade of red of the switch's box to match persona 5's or vice versa?

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some nintensperg clearly got triggered by those questionable rumors of konami selling franchises to sony.

>Made some of the best JRPGs ever with the Xenoblade franchise

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Holy shit.

It was literally just a Yas Forums post taken for granted by a twitter literal who

Based. Nintendo killed the Xeno series by maing it into generic shonen weebshit. I miss the days when Takahashi was allowed to make good games.


The xenoblade series is unironically some of the worst JRPGs I've ever played. If you want a real JRPG worth playing stick to Xenogears/Xenosaga.

>Made some of the worst JRPGs ever with the Xenoblade franchise
FTFY. God I miss Xenogears so much, Shitendo killed any chance we'll ever get a game that good from the Xeno series again.

>unironically defending the game that devolved a once-respected JRPG series from mature storytelling and actual thought provoking themes to "muh le power of epik frendshep XDDDD"
OK zoomer

Be gone Sony-groids.

the xeno series was always garbage. all nintendo did was turn it into sub-neptunia garbage.

This. "Xeno"blade is dogshit and everyone on this board knows it.

>still defending zoomerblade
Begone Nintengroid.

>Persona already BTFO's sales of all other IPs and is a Sony-only franchise, even most of its spin-offs aren't on Nintendo systems
>Persona 5 shattered Persona franchise sales records, furthering the gap
>Atlus will somehow be bought by Nintendo

Also how muc hmore fake can a post be when all games mentioned already had remakes? And that Persona's team doesn't work with 3rd parties (the implied Sakurai's involvement) when it comes to mainline Persona AND that this team (P3 through P5) has left the Persona franchise behind and has been working on Project RE:Fantasy for years now

Too true. It''s because Nintendo bought Monolith out that we got the Sonic 06-level atrocity that is Xenoblade 2.

He's a nintnegroid, ignore him.


xenoblade is the best JRPG franchise

literally seething

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The worst thing is that in some hours or tomorrow, gaming sites will report this as:
>RUMOUR! Nintendo plans to buy Atlus!

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zoom zoom zoomerblade apologist

>He's a nintnegroid, ignore him.

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oh nonono sonybros we got too cocky

Ok zoomer, how's the wait for that Zoomerblade 1 remake with literal Neptunia graphics just like Zoomerblade 2?

>nintengroid using an irrelevant game nobody cares about anymore to bait
Maximum coperino

Stay mad and stop larping you gave a shit about xenosaga or gears.


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>people still haven't played persona 5 on ps4 or PS3 and will continue to portbeg for a switch version when it's clear as day at this point it's never coming out

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okay nincel