how much money have you wasted so far bros
How much money have you wasted so far bros
I think this is great advice for people aspiring to some goal. Doesn't mean you can't relax, just means that if you have things you want to pursue you should try to do so.
Here's a hint retard you can't be productive all the time
>time spent having fun is not wasted.
Stop coping get a grip, do something worthwhile and productive, spend 2h in the gym, then you can waste time with video games
>yes thats right, "waste time with games"
>and fun is the gateway to learning
hurr I have fun with something therefore i learn
>Stop coping get a grip, do something worthwhile and productive, spend 2h in the gym.
what if i have a job (so i'm being productive) that keeps me resonably fit.
>*gets a chemical dependency and flies to Russia for treatment*
Noooo you can't stop me from spending $500 on Gacha games. You're not my Mom!
Yeah, I take advice from guys who go to Russian hospitals to get off pills and end up crippled. Sensible!
Do as I say, not as I do.
Planning to become a data scientist, learning R and Python. Jordan Peterson is a faggot drug addict memelord with a whore daughter.
>listening to a man who gave himself brain damage
They're wrong but you're also retarded if you think you should learn things you're not having fun with.
If you don't enjoy it there is no reason to learn it.
Games are played to learn but it has to either be necessary or fun otherwise there is no advantage for you to learn it.
Cats and dogs, for example, play as children to get their defensive skills up. They most likely wouldn't do at all it if this wasn't the case.
There's a reason most people don't find schooling worthwhile and after you won't catch them knowing what they supposedly learned.
It wasn't done in a way that resonated with them - AKA is fun - and since they don't teach things like taxes that you'll need people don't remember them due to being useless on top of unfun.
Thats Good, then you already did what i said..
why did you make it sound like a counter argument
i basically said "do (a) so you can play vidya" and you said "what if i do (a)"
I cleaned my room respond to me daddy Peterson!
"Don't listen to grifters propped up by billionaires." - Me
>everyone should be a workaholic
>t.ex-alcoholic with a phd in psychology durrr
the guys an idiot, honestly
>you should learn things you're not having fun with.
i was trying NOT to imply that, sorry if i didn't make it clear
I mean he's kind of right you know. If we could build some sort of community where people weren't forced to waste the majority of their time on obligations like meaningless jobs they would have tonnes of time to do productive things and still have time to relax each day.
Video games are personally meaningful to me.
These self-help gurus rely on assumptions that people might not agree with. If we hold different values we are going to talk past each other.
>implying i'm going to listen to some boomer on how to live my life
i feel bad for the anons who buy into his dumb bullshit
Peterson's advice is nothing but detrimental.
I was happier when I could just blame the world for everything wrong and be content with playing video games all day.
>jordan peterson
how's the beef and tallow wax diet going user? are you losing sleep because of cider?
He's talking about npcs who play destiny/fortnite/raid shadow legends
time spent almost dying in a russian hospital is not time wasted
based, how much time does a normal employee waste in a company, is there a better way to pay people, something else than time?
Well you're contently not going to listen to yourself, and even if you did, who the hell are you? this man is not only older than you but also 100x smarter
id rather listen to him than to myself
but you're probably baiting
I'd rather work myself to death than be some sort of anarchist or commie
this. why would you want to be addicted to workahol?
$25k on maplestory
Screw you, I work full time and go to college as well as maintain an active social life. If I want to spend my free days vegetating in my bed watching shit, reading or playing video games I will.
cant take anything he says seriously any more after his mental breakdown
I haven't worked a single day in the past 12 years and plan to continue doing so until the day I die. Fuck society, fuck wagies and especially fuck you lmao.
If your life isn't fun, why bother? Why live it?
Life is a personal experience and is exactly what you make out of it
Don't let anyone tell you how to live your life
Being a good-for-nothing deadbeat is one thing, but so long as you can end the day saying you had a good time, you're living.
I wish I were dedicated enough to pay people to put me in a coma in order to beat my addictions.
People often watch television shows and play video games because they enjoy it and if they enjoy it then who gives a shit? When you stop enjoying it you can just take up something else to do with your time
PRO TIP: The gym is the least productive thing you can. Unbelievable that Yas Forums and /sig/ retards think doing something that 50 year old ladies do every day is going to turn their life around in some meaningful way. Also, gyms are fucking disgusting, get a home gym.
if youve got both work and school going on then you can fuck around in your free time
like, maybe pick one creative skill to get good with, but otherwise you're set
Have you done anything worthwhile today Yas Forums?
holy cope
im going to laught at this post with my Yas Forums bros lol
>Well you're contently not going to listen to yourself,
That doesn't mean anything
>who the hell are you
first, that's irrelevant to what we're discussing
second, your obsession with fame and popularity does not equate to substance
just because you don't know who i am doesn't invalidate anything i say, faggot
>this man is not only older than you but also 100x smarter
conning a generation into bullshit doesn't make you smart, it certainly does make you rich, though.
>id rather listen to him than to myself
spoken like a true NPC
did he come out of his coma
Case in point: my nephew didn't remember any of his history lesson he had that day without being prompted to remember something specific yet could recall almost instantly details from the horrible histories TV show.
>First debate with an actual communist
>Winds up in the hospital addicted to goofballs
Nearly all work is useless. The job market is bloated as fuck.
We are literally just waiting till automation replaces all the few actually necessary jobs and basic income kicks in.
no. thanks for asking.
the fuck am I gonna do on a sunday? Everything I wanted to do was done on Saturday
my dad left me his house and savings
i just work 3 days a week to cover outgoings and have more than enough left to buy all the games and travel every 3 months
living the dream
my dad worked his whole life so i could take it easy
thanks dad
I went to my mother's house and installed new glass sliders
I am going to die before most people my age and I won't be having children or getting married. Why the fuck shouldn't I spend my life playing video games?
cool, nice
my step dad beat the shit out of me
i still have scars on my back 20+ years later
>fame and popularity
stop implying things i didn't mean, i meant who are you in the sense of what do you know about psychology and the world
>spoken like a true NPC
if i would listen to myself i would just sit at home and do nothing
i decided not to do that, stay lazy fatty
Suggest me something then, mister crackhead!
>Winds up in the hospital addicted to goofballs
god I wish that were me
just get better RNG then 4Head
That's a really worrying thought. Don't you have any hobbies? Are you just gonna waste the day?
Good job!
Define worthwhile
Same situation here.
>Dad busts his ass for nearly 30 years
>Divorce almost takes all
>Dad gets a good lawyer and still manages to swindle house from mother
>Gives it to me and my brother
>Encourages me to work for what I like and don't waste a life
>To this day while playing videogames I can look back and thank him for enabling me a lot of shit and introduce me to super mario at age 4
He's a cool cat.
Oh and also, obligatory
>Unironically still watching jordan peterson in the year of our lord 2020
>Listening to a man who gave himself brain damage
who is that guy? he looks like a dopefiend
>and fun is the gateway to learning
Lmao the cope is unreal. What fucking life skills or knowledge are you "learning" playing videogames or cooming to anime? At least be honest about it.
Where does he mention anything about being productive? Retard
That's the beauty of it. You get to decide. Did you do anything that was worth the time spent doing it?
Yeah, he has brain and nerve damage now
gaming and shitposting on Yas Forums isn't a worthwhile thing.
>he doesn't plan his week to give himself true leisure time
>he doesn't prioritize meaningful and worthwhile things to do first
>Listening to a man who gave himself brain damage
Explain pls.
kek, this