Why the hell does Dark Souls 3 have so much unused, cut, and reworked content?
Why the hell does Dark Souls 3 have so much unused, cut, and reworked content?
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Things done change.
At least most of it was reused, unlike shit souls 2.
Because it wasn't working out during development.
No it wasn't. The DLC adds in a few unused things but the vast majority of it sits untouched.
doesn't each souls game have a shitload of those?
>Well, what is it! is in the game's files, but not an official gesture
Fucking WHY?! Fuck EVERYTHING else they cut, if they brought that back it'd be 10/10. Best taunt in all of multiplayer video games.
Indeed. 1 has missing events (Shiva Black Eye), armor sets, and rings and 2 has a ton of unused icons for places and spells but 3 blows them all out of the water with things people have found locked up in alphas and hidden in code.
I like this thread, post more unused content and assets, also post for the other souls games.
Because they changed engine mid-development or something. It wasn't until all the DLC was out that DS3 felt like a complete game.
Less than both previous games
All games have cut content, retardbro.
Doesn't every game?
>Shiva Black Eye
Wait what? I remember doing that quest.
Or was there supposed to be more to it?
Yea but Dark Souls 3 has a lot more.
Can't be, unless you played a mod. The black eye orb to invade Shiva was cut. You must be thinking of Lotrec's quest.
Shit my bad user. I got the names mixed up.
Probably due to a wider scope of ideas being narrowed from time constraints.
post all of them please
Which one is it, faggots?
I'm sure I read somewhere that they had an entire year taken off of their dev time because lol bamco, though that might've just been Yas Forums conjecture based on all the unused shit.
I love das3, but seeing just how much bigger, more coherent, and plain better the game was going to be kills me every time i think about it
I think the wierdest thing in DS3 is the silver knight weapons not being usable when they're in the game
Dark Souls 3
It's because of the difference between Japanese developers and American/Canadian developers. Japanese development teams are loaded with people who are extremely motivated, extremely dedicated, extremely creative, and extremely focused on producing content quickly and efficiently. American/Canadian development teams are loaded with people who will do the least amount of work they can while complaining about intolerable work conditions and insufficient pay and inadequate respect and unacceptable diversity and that the employer doesn't provide enough free tea and danish, and so on, while the job of actually producing content is these employees last concern. That is why it takes six to ten years to produce a game like Skyrim or Mass Effect Andromeda that ends up costing hundreds of millions of dollars to develop and is still released riddled with bugs and shallow as a puddle of water.
>Behold! I present to you the creative development team of BioWare.
I won't stop being mad.
The only complete Souls game is Demon's Souls.
No it's not there's a missing archstone
Does anyone have that big infodump image on the cut content?
I have this document of potentially true, cut/redesigned content
Fromsoft can't complete a video game
rent fucking free.
There is always going to be cut content within a development process, the difference is the cut content in Demon's Souls doesn't impact the experience whatsoever. You get a complete game that doesn't need anything added to it. Whereas with the other games it's obvious that they didn't have enough time to flesh out some idea.
the fact that they cut god's garden and the phases of the world (there was going to be a more involved time passing system than just before/after killing the twin princes) was a huge mistake. the stuff they removed was integral towards making the game a more cohesive whole.
i suspect the game was a victim of its development schedule. there simply wasn't enough time to fulfill the plans of the game.
Because it's a From Software game.
Just out of curiosity - wha it the point of making all those armours and weapons and not putting them in the game? They're already done, why wouldn't they just set them to be sold by greirat or whatever for variety sake?
Or alternatively From has unrealistic expectations in regards of what they can accomplish in a short timeframe
but how did Dragon God get out of stonefang to kill you, only to then trap himself in stonefang again.
Couldn't find somewhere to put them, they didn't really work out the stats, they just didn't like it at the end of the day.
Loads of reasons that only the devs know.
Pretty much, imagine having to develop shit souls 2 with it's dlc, bloodborne+dlc and ds3+dlc in less than 3 years.
Banco probably told fromsoft to make it quick so they could farm more money from westerners
i think that if given a budget/schedule at the outset the team would plan the game's scale around those constraints. we see this with sekiro, a relatively well paced/more cohesive game than dark souls 3 is (with some stuff that seems like it's unfinished, namely mibu village's boss being the corrupted monk, but that's the only glaring thing i can think of). i think the scope for das3 was planned in light of a longer schedule that got reduced like said. the game was made extraordinarily quickly after bloodborne/das2. it didn't get much time in the oven at all.
You can fucking hear the laugh track in this gif
Publishers have more power than you think
what makes you think i don't know that? publishers decide the major constraints that the developers work by and have plenty of control of modifying those constraints while the game is in development
dark souls 3 has plenty of cut content, but it's hard to say whether or not it has more than previous games. Just because a lot of ds3 content was datamined, that only means that certain things were found. Who knows how much unfound content there is for all the games, and who knows how much cut content made it into the engine. Plenty of content is cut before it's even written into the code, this can't be datamined obviously.
Also, a lot of the cut content from ds3 isn't necessarily cut content, but content that was changed. For instance, smouldering lake used to have the batwing demon as a boss in the lake area, changed later to old demon king in a separate room. This is cut content, but it's not like you're losing out on stuff. If the batwing demon was kept, there'd be no old demon king, and that would be the cut content. To compare to bloodborne, bloodborne probably has more cut content. Bloodborne has a number of bosses, areas, and enemies that never made it into the final game, while ds3 is mostly just armors and skyboxes that never ended up having a place. Most of the real cut content in ds3 was the general structure of the game, which because it's not reflected in the files can't really be talked about objectively.
>god's garden
Huh? What do you mean? I've never heard anything about a garden.
I think he means God's Grave
was watching this video recently. lance mcdonald is a youtuber who is the prolific dataminer of souls titles, he did a bunch of work on dark souls 3 along with some other people in the past year or so and uncovered a lot of references to stuff not in the game, namely this area, god's grave. i got the name wrong before.
Cut content is cut content. Just because master Willem is still in the game in some capacity doesn't mean his boss fight wasn't cut.
Bloodborne's 'cut' content is almost all easily accessible with chalice glyph codes so it's not technically cut at all.
Why do women have to always be disgustingly obnoxious?
good question.
This is why you disregard Dark Souls 3 and play Dark Souls 3 Cinders instead, you get all the cut items and also shit from Demon's and Bloodborne.
I long for DS3 that was supposed to be but never was
Imagine getting robbed as hard as Pontiff
They just had to fucking throw in more "guys remember Dark Souls???"
This poor bastard didn't even get a boss intro cutscene.
This is the one i really hated. That was supposedly going to be another dual weapon with like an one handed sword and two handed sword combo thing. Sounded interesting on top of looking cool.