Early MGS6 ideas? Looks like it's inevitable for PS5 as sony is carving out the money to Konami

Early MGS6 ideas? Looks like it's inevitable for PS5 as sony is carving out the money to Konami.

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I hope it's not a remake and they go right back into BiBo and his Phantom plotting against Solid. This time playing as both BiBo and the Phantom.

mg1 and mg2

Yeah just carry on where MGSV ended. Gameplay wise there is immense potential, story not so much who cares about the story in MGS anymore?

uhm, MGS5 first.

which is a fixed version of MGSV.

Boss and cobra unit playable in WW2

Did Big Boss hold any grudges against Solid though? If anything, he probably just sees him as a tool to be used and discarded, like BB once was by the US.

I want a game that takes place before MGS3 starring the Boss and the Cobra Unit.

Otherwise, MGR2, and something starring Johnny/Akiba from MGS4.

MGS V part 2
Same game, same engine, the lost chapters but the game itself is a remake of the first Metal Gear from the Phantom perspective. Galzburg, South Africa, lay the fortress of Outer Heaven.

Operation Intrude N313 is the last mission.

No more Big Boss/Venom horseshit please

Make it about The Boss.

Kojima doing a woman story would be a hoot. And on a new console? Sure!
No. That won't happen.

no more needing to farm soilders or real time in rnd and no money needed for each mission

Konami don't need Sony for MGS. They have an entire team devoted to Metal Gear stuff. Don't buy into rumours written by people who have no idea how business works. Konami have been outsourcing Silent Hill since 2006. Sony made them a pitch they liked. There are likely dozens of pitches from different developers. Some were accepted. Some weren't.

Any talk of Konami selling their IP to Sony is Sony pony fanboy bullshit.

I'd make a game with Liquid as the protagonist showing his story between MGSV and MGS1. Psycho Mantis tags along for sneak combat attacks.

they transfer snake brain to a cardboardbox shaped ninja body

>kojima doing mgs ever
never gonna happen.

A survival horror playing as The Sorrow doing INDOOR missions with character control of MGS V, using powers to communicate with the dead and facing horrors and beauties of the other side. The last boss is The Boss who is brutally hard, much harder than everything else and once she beats you MGS3 cutscene begins. But if you are really good at the game you can beat her and have an alternate (good) ending.

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Soft reboot, whole new cast of characters in the MGS universe with their own standalone story and some references to past events/characters
For the love of God don't make the Patriots, Big Boss, or any Snakes important to the story at all

Eh. Just make an HD remake of MG1 and be done with it.


Why are you so damn sure about that? I would love it but i don't think that Kojima, after DS, will bring back mgs soon or later

Leave Kojima out of it.
Better yet, force him to monitor devellopment without him having any word in the project, and shove his face into the sales number once it comes out.

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Good question. You're going to love this one. A semi-spinoff

Metal Gear: Damage.

For the first time since Revengence, we control a character unrelated to Snake in any way, story wise. He isn't a clone, he isn't trained to be like Snake, nothing of that sort. Who said that Big Boss was the only one who could pull off the whole soldier thing?

Hell, his gameplay style is very different to Snakes or MGS2 Raidens. Instead of sneaking around, he's more like the Point Man from F.E.A.R, but in third person. He can take more damage and moves faster by default, but those little differences aren't going to be enough, so you've gotta hit fast, hit hard, and make sure you pull it off right.

His codename? Rook Damage.

It's also a prequel.

And our protagonist, after realizing the amount of carnage he's wrought, commits suicide via fucking nuclear bomb because he wants to make sure that they can't clone him. See, he ends up coming across the plans for the whole "Clone Big Boss" thing, and decides that he needs to die so this whole fiasco doesn't happen again


I'm all for a new protagonist in the MG universe. I like the name Rook, just not the Damage part. Perhaps a new organization and all that.

I want another MGS game with a fixed camera like MGS1-3

I don't think that would work. I doubt Venom is actually doing anything aside from directing his men during that point. By then, they've already completed the infrastructure of Outer Heaven and are now just building the Metal Gear.

Making the last mission N313 is pointless because Snake is the only enemy. It's a solo infiltration mission and Venom is literally surrounded by allies. It's also a fight he's destined to lose.

Level editor. No open world. Instead GZ size maps. No Kojima. Playable Grey Fox or other Cyberninja or someone like Quite at least. I realy don't care what Snake will be MC. I realy don't care about story because it is shit after MGS 2 anyway. Just use Fox Engine and add more enemies and vehicles. If you have tanks, use them in mission. If you have enemy gunship, let me fight it.

What is point man like? I never played any Fear game.

Also, he literally nukes himself so they don't clone him. Based or not?
Like this:

i'd be okay with this if kojima got the OG team back together. it would be game of the fucking century.

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So you want Metal Gear Solid: Max Payne 2 Boogaloo the game?

...Kind of. But with more complicated gunplay.

Fuck that. I want Metatron Gear.

>You're codenamed Adam, your goal as an Earth operative is to sneak in on a Jupiter-based space station assaulted by a Mars-based paramilitary, and retrieve the latest "Metal Gear" and get it safely back to Earth.
Just give me the missing link between MGS and ZoE, goddamnit. Anyone who played both games know Metal Gear Ray is MEANT to become Jehuty/Anubis.

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Eh. Little edgy.

If they continue forwards after MGS4 then I'd like to see a new generation of stealth operatives form, you can have Raiden serve a role similar to Campbell making his move away from direct combat in MGS2 and MGS4 more evident, clarify that he retired some time after MGRR.

Also probably need something that deals with Nanomachines, either targeted viruses similar to FOXDIE or new AI that control them, something that essentially warrants the continual process of updating and upgrading Nanomachines to eventually be rendered pointless because the countermeasures are better and faster, hence bringing the world back to non-enhanced stealth.

Could also build on other stealth elements like radar systems, jamming, camouflage, cameras, etc. Drones like in MGS2 could become more prevalent having limitations due to EMPs but being less costly than actual soldiers.

As for a plot, I dunno, probably start fresh with a smaller conflict in a specific area similar to MG1, MG2 and MGS1.

No. No. I hope this hack will never touch MGS ever again. I hope all his future games will flop. I hope he get anal cancer. I hate him.

>more complicated gunplay
What do you mean?

If it has to be a new story then set it post MGS4 with a new cast. You can't get much more out of Solid or BiBo unless you actually want to see Solid Snake die on screen

But futuristic MGS is boring. MGS4 is worst MGS. Setting is ugly.

>Konami making good games in current year

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sounds kino

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>BiBo and his phantom
oh my god you fell for it, you fell for it fffffff

>You can't get much more out of Solid or BiBo unless you actually want to see Solid Snake die on screen

>thinking they can't just undo solid's aging with reverse parasite nanomachines

what is your problem?

Good thing Konami won't be making it.

This would be nice

I have one, don't fucking make it. MGSV was a mistake

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just dont make kojima do it please. he had a hard life

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Metal Gear Joy

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What is my problem with Kojima? He disapointed me 5 times in row. 6 if i would count watching DS cutscenes on youtube. He is worst person in videogame industry.

Well, how else could he ensure the total destruction of his body?

If you get disappointed six times maybe you should fucking stop following the guy and what games he makes

Your logic is flawed; if he's been an operator most of his adult life, any government agency would already have his genetic material already.

So what the fuck happens to the MGS developers still at Konami? Are they getting purchased too?

The last section of the game is based around tracking down your genetic material within "super top secret" government labs and destroying them.

>Early MGS6 ideas?
Yeah: ignore everything about MGSV except the gameplay.

Sony isn't buying shit. This is a news story to combat the PS5 being delayed to 2021.

You can just type Big Boss and Venom, bro. Most people have played it by now.

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C'mon man even if he wouldn't be old on the outside he's old on the inside just let the poor guy retire in peace

fox unit?