What the fuck was his problem?

What the fuck was his problem?

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Math and autism

Reminder that he is actually bad at math

Nothing. He was based.

Where’s your beauty?

>his health is comprised of the first four digits of pi

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designer himself

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>spouts middle school tier mathematics in order to hide how retarded he actually is
Why is Sho so great?


He’s so passionate about his craft that you can’t help but respect it.

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What is a Level i Flare anyway?

The villains in this game were great, especially when it came to these two. Their boss battles were also hype as fuck.

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>mfw they had their own fusion and puck

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This should have been obvious when he fucked up the instructions to make the taboo noise generator.

>Yo Uzuki, how about that ramen?
Kariya was based. He seems like the kind of chill bro that you can go out for a drink with.

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>In Final Fantasy, Flare is one of the most powerful Black Magic spells; "Level x Flare" targets all enemies with the level divisible by the number given. Since i squared is -1, and -1 squared is 1, then every level that is a multiple of 1 is a multiple of -1, and thus a multiple of i. Meaning that Level i Flare is an immensely powerful magic that targets every enemy (or simply everyone on the screen), including those with imaginary levels.

>Tfw uzuki has the power puck and uses the pink flower attack
That shit killed me more times then I'd like to admit

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Sounds metal as fuck. Too bad he blew himself up along with it and didn’t even get to hit Joshua.

There tag team boss fight is my favorite in the game. I also love how there personalities work with each other. Shame they got brainwashed tho.

>there will never be another game like TWEWY
>there will never be another game in Square’s catalogue that’s so unique yet does everything so well at the same time
Why must it be like this?

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I think it’s better this way. TWEWY was a one-of-a-kind game and Square’s attempt to add more onto it and port it only cheapens it. The original DS release is still the best way to experience it, in my opinion.

He might get another shot at it

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It's too late. TWEWY has already been completely ruined by A New Day. Neku lost his happy ending so a sequel is the only way.

>be me
>get disillusioned with Square at the time due to their various fuck-ups
>start seeing ads for TWEWY
>wtf is this gay shit?
>get disinterested
>couple of months later, get pressured by one of my friends to try it because how supposedly great it was
>eh, fuck it
>start playing it for the first time
>get hooked and never look back
I’ll never forget that experience. One hell of a game, honestly.

>wanting a sequel when you know Square will probably fuck it up even more
Just let it go already.

No. They've been teasing this shit for nearly 8 years and even added a cliffhanger. Give me the fucking game.

>Get told by an angel how to make taboo noise
>Fucking turns himself into one by blowing himself up
>Loses anyway

And they’ll keep doing this shit due to all of this enabling. Who’s to say that the next piece of TWEWY media we’ll get will end in another shitty ending? Again, its time to let it go and just reflect on the memories of the OG DS version.

If TWEWY2 does happen I hope Shiki accepts that Neku is for Joshua only

Fuck off, Joshua

>implying Neku won’t nwf Joshua as well

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Neku is mine, Shiki. Back off.

I can only pray that they have the sense to use a new MC if a twewy2 ever actually happens.
Maybe throw in a playable Rhyme to appease the fags as well as drive home that the universe really REALLY has it out for her.

Do you think Joshua is an adult RPing as a child?

I like vaginas but this is too much.

11 days TWEWYbros

Literally the only redeeming part of that Extra day. It was a cheap shot to use him to grab my attention. but it worked

Make way for the true patrician pairing.

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Twewy is not gay, stop it.

Man of culture right here


It’s a little gay, user. Mostly when it comes to Joshua, though.

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Joshua could easily rape Neku if he want to, he's basically a God so he could just make all of Neku's clothes vanish at the snap of a finger and rape him in front of Shiki, Beat and Rhyme.

What the fuck dude


What? It's possible. Joshua COULD do that if he wanted to with no effort.

Post ur pinfu

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My bread and butter

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What rules would you add to the reaper's game if you were running it?

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No winning allowed.

Got me out of some rough times
Make the girls wear tiny mini-skirts.

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My man. Yoshimitsu was the shit.

Neku has to play the Reaper's Game naked, he'd look better naked than wearing that stupid tunnel

>he isn’t a Pegaso chad
Imagine being a poorfag.

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Are you that autist that wouldn’t shut up about Neku getting stripped naked a while back? Weren’t you banned?


You, dude. There was a rather notorious autist around here that wouldn’t shut up about Neku being naked or some shit.

Do you think he'll redeem himself in the sequel and become friends with Neku and co? He's clearly upset about it still in AND

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