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to play PC games.

to mod tottys

to play epic visual novels like ddlc

to play indie games in 4k


The Game.


To spawn 10 more cars into BeamNG without it bottoming out to 30fps.

To play the vast plethora of hentai games


to play actual good games

I didn't, but I want to try next time.

Because paying for online is actual cuckoldry. I pay for my internet, why the fuck should I pay them to use it.

>Ability to turn off stupid visual settings like chromatic aberration
>Cause I already had half of it from an old office PC
>Lots of free games from various Steam/EGS/Humble giveaways

Because I am a programmer who needed a powerful CPU and tons of memory for massive parallel compilation, VMs, and AI training, and turning it into a "gaming PC" from that point was just sticking a good GPU into it.

Everyone I know who makes a gaming pc ends up playing shit like killing floor or dota 2 for eternity anyway.

144 fps gaming

lol you sound like a huge faggot

To shitpost.

Because I need to be able to run a virtual network for work and school and it wasn't that much of a stretch to spend a couple extra bucks making the graphics card decent.
No way in hell am I getting the "top of the line" garbage, though. I wouldn't pay $600 for a pair of real life glasses for my shit eyes and I'm sure as shit not paying twice that amount for a fraction of the visual difference in a game.

>gaming pc
i built a fast pc that runs photoshop, compiles programs, downloads all types of shit and plays games
everything i click opens instantly, i can emulate, use any controller i want, play vr games
nippa theres no such thing as a gaming pc
but most importantly fuck niggers


Dark Souls 3 at 60 fps.

to open 300 porn taps without lagging

To browse the internet while thinking about maybe playing a video game

probably for spouting a bunch of buzzwords

fap to traps

b-b-b-but user! There are no PC games!!!

GTAV, TPP and Arkham Knight


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triggering his jealousy response




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To play the best version of basically any video game?

To beg for console ports, emulate archaic console games, and play gaia online/blizzard games =D

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Games. Videos. Music. Images. Editing/modding/etc. of these 4 things. Spreadsheets. Because tinkering with tech is fun and not just PCs, I like tearing down consoles and modding/repairing/cleaning them as well.

very based

VR, video editing, great visuals on video games, emulation, and a solid PC to use for a variety of reasons.

Why buy a console? My ps4 is just a video streaming platform now. I might as well have bought a roku.

I seriously wonder what kind of person makes these posts

seething console cuck

to play and pirate shit i want how i want when i want without paying an extra 60$ a year to use my own internet

To play PC games in comfiness.

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Pirate games and emulate old games I never got to play
I'd never know how wonderful Persona 4 ever was without emulation unless I just wached someone play it on youtube

Half-Life: Alyx

Emulating console games from when games were good

>builds gaming pc
>plays at 60fps

because my sister's computer wouldn't boot so I parted it out and decided to take the graphics card out of it and build a PC around it so it wouldn't go to waste

honestly i had this pc for years and never realized it could run literally any game at 60fps, so i just used my xbox but then i sold that, one day i downloaded this game to see if my pc culd run it and it ran way way way better than on my xbox so i was like well shit i guess im a pc gaymer now

putting quotes around gaming pc mostly

to watch anime at higher qualities and to just generally have a more powerful PC than a prebuilt one. Also, I wanted the option to be able to upgrade parts, which I've done three times, so far.

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to erp with anime trannies on discord


They aren't buzzwords. When doing a full rebuild of my company's product, it takes like an hour with all cores running full tilt. That's "massively parallel". AI training is really heavy on CPU, memory, and often disk space, and most companies are at least experimenting with it (I don't think we're going anywhere with it in the long haul). VMs always eat memory. I need to run at least 2 processing VMs, 2 DB VMs, and a load balancer to stress test and smoke test our stuff.

You'd have to be completely ignorant of programming as a field to think that all this stuff doesn't have concrete meanings (other than AI, which describes a plethora of different technologies these days, but almost all of them require training and take a ton of CPU and memory).


That's because it doesn't really mean anything. Any PC can be called a gaming PC if you use it for games. It's like those "gaming chairs". It's a label you put on things to overcharge idiots for the same product.

neck yourself

To emulate PS2 and Gamecube because mine don't work anymore and i'm not shelling out tons of cash for games I can get for free

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>509 games on the switch
>94 are "good" 2 are "great"
man the switch has a lot of fucking shovelware

>guy makes a joke about how it use to be a big deal to have a computer and post on the internet back in 2004
>sonygros somehow thinks he meant that computers are dead even though he made the twitter post on one

I bet you faggots think games are made on PS4 hardware as well

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Ahhhh yes, 2004. Just one year later Apple would HUMILIATE PC, effectively making PC force themselves into the """console war"" with nintendy and snoy.
That's history!

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>mac represented by a irrelevant actor with a small dick
