Is PC gaming even worth if I'm a MP shooter addict?

I'm kinda losing my mind because the past few months have been an exercise of patience that I'm staring to lose little by little.
Majority of the games I've gotten into have been overrun by rampant cheaters and there's clearly no big incentive from companies to stop this apparently. Maybe it gives them more sales after wave bans? Maybe anti cheat tech is too expensive?
Just from the too of my mind:
Battlefield 5: (wallhacks, norecoil, aimbot, unplayable at this point)
Division, PUBG, Apex:(speedhacks, loot hacks, same old shit)
Cod Warzone: Hacks already deployed, 1 week in...

Should I just give up and look for another pastime?
I'm raging more than having fun as of late, it's really getting into my nerves.

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you should use cheats too

play tarkov.

stop playing with noobs and join a team you fucking casual

tl;dr have fun shooting other fags idk lmao

Either grow a thicker skin or . I would guess that around 20% of any playerbase in a MP shooter is using some form of cheat, especially in games like counterstrike.

I have a feeling OP doesn't actually meet many real cheaters and instead is just a paranoid manchild that cries cheats after every death.


while hacks exist, the amount you'll encounter them in any decent game is absolutely minimal

think you're about 2 orders of magnitude of the mark

These are my PS4 stats from BFV when I wasn't playing on my PC, I can't be bothered to find PC stats but I'm not just larping...I'm addicted to these games as you can tell, so I know when I'm facing a cheater or not.

Attached: Screenshot_20190716-104846__01.jpg (1080x1813, 251.38K)

PC always has the lowest user bases and is just a meme perpetuated by Yas Forums autists who spent too much on their hobby and need to justify it to themselves so they tell others how much better it is, so no

in which direction?

You're addicted to MP shooters and you're not playing on PC? You still in high school or something?

>Overall Playtime: 7d
doubt you can learn that in a week

Just headshot the cheater lol

you do know sub 200h is considered nothing on Yas Forums right?
Compared to your bf hours, I have more hours in:
RoTMG (shit basically flash mmo)
Xenoverse 2
All three Dark Souls titles
Yu Gi Oh Duel Links
and Rust

I don't think it's possible for there to be 2000% cheaters user

Everyone better than me is a cheater!

Do you have a single fact to back that up?

>has never been in a 2000% cheaters lobby
oh... honey...

How is this suppose to prove anything, besides that you're a shitter?
You have a sub 2.0 KD
You think 187 hours of playtime is impressive
And despite this, you think this is enough credibility to make you an expert on detecting cheaters?

Yea, you are just a mad shitter. You're that guy that dies to super obvious shit and cries for an admin in chat.

I want to cum inside you, Nagatoro

You've been playing shooters on console?

Attached: 1553126788248.png (528x501, 292.53K)

This is pretty good bait, I like it. Really good roleplay of the average gamer girl.

> sub 200h play time
> sub 2 kdr

I am addicted to this game

you do not have the experience and or skill to back up your claim to correctly identify cheaters in video games.

Just give up and accept that you are just trash.

Play games with dedicated servers you chump

I dare you to share similar or better stats on console, it was just a screenshot I took last year.
Yes, I had a PS4 Pro before building my PC rig, but I grew up playing CS1.6 24/7 so I can handle myself on PC...I know when I'm facing a cheater.

>on console

>I dare you to share similar or better stats on console
17% of the playerbase has a higher KD

just play on consoles

PC is hacker/cheater central
that's what you get for free, or rather worthless online

I know first hand how annoying hackers can be. I have around 5000 hours in TF2 alone, which has really outdated anti cheat, but even then I wouldn't consider switching to console. The game just doesn't play the same without keyboard and mouse, and even if I could perform well with a controller, the average player won't be doing triple projectile twitch airshots. I want my performance to be what holds me back, not the controls themselves.
If there's a hacker, just kick them or join another game.

>5000 hours
get a fucking life

>I have around 5000 hours in TF2 alone
You are now forced to post your class breakdown
if you have less than 4000 combined hours on the classes (aka 1k hour of spectating or sitting in menu) you're gay

Is this how you're deluding yourself into paying for online? Sad

Wow..I was just trying to have a conversation about cheating here and all you know is trash talk me, at least I provided something.

Idk get better taste in games

>Is PC gaming even worth if I'm a MP shooter addict?
Playing shooter games isn't even worth, they all play almost exactly the same.
Try some other genres and if you don't like them then just give up on gaming bro because shooters are the most casual, and thus the most likely to be overrun by bug abusing and hacks.

Nigger this isn’t reddit

you came here with an absolutely bullshit claim and nothing to back it up

okay guess the other user was correct and this was all just bait, well done

Shooters and multiplayer in general is objectively better on PC due to higher frame rates, mouse controls, and bigger player lobbies

Cheaters in shooters are maddening, this is why I prefer playing MOBA's.

The game has been out for like 13 years. 5000 hours isn't much if you've been playing it since then.

What do you mean by this?
I have done no more than 12 hours idling from that one time I tried it when i first heard it was a thing. It didn't work for me.

this shit

Attached: kIPfwzw[1].png (837x995, 138K)

ah that
Total hours are around 3000 on the classes, but I don't think it's tracking them right. It may have to do with that I've been on offline jumpmaps and tr_walkway etc, or it just doesn't track right because I never just idle.

Here's my top 4. As for the stats themselves, they're not accurate cause as a kid I went on an idle map and tore billions of afk playes apart.

Attached: sumstats.png (382x435, 57.04K)

forgot to mention that I autistically limit myself to the grenade launcher cause I want to earn the kills I get. Please understand I'm not THAT kind of filth.

>forgot to mention that I autistically limit myself to the grenade launcher cause I want to earn the kills I get. Please understand I'm not THAT kind of filth.
oh don't you worry
you're EXACTLY the kind of filth I'm picturing you to be

I honestly can't imagine what goes on in someone's head to play that much demoman & force himself to not use sticky launcher or melee

I see you asked a question. Well I don't care about any of that dumb shit you wrote, but the first step you should do is stop being a stupid fucking anime poster

do you really prefer a stickyspammer with kritz up their ass vs someone who wants to place pipes well? Is this what people want?

Oh yeah melee isn't off the table. I just don't like that that the blast range of stickies cover about half the map.

I prefer someone who uses his entire arsenal to someone who autistically gimps himself because "he's above that"
If I saw you never use stickies in my game I'd call you a fucking inbred in a heartbeat

That's fine actually. It doesn't stop me from winning. Pipes are actually OP when they all land.

I still use stickies to airpogo around the map. I just don't spam them on other players cause it's a slower damage output.

Actually I wanna hear your reasoning now. Why do you want me to not directily land my projectiles onto my enemies and to put out damage slower?

>Is PC gaming even worth if I'm a MP shooter addict?
>playing MP shooters on consoles
what the fuck OP

Attached: what the fug2.jpg (680x793, 40.68K)

because limiting yourself makes you less versatile

I'm sure 95%+ of the times where you called hack it actually isn't

I shoot them with pipes, they die the fastest way possible. Now what?

based Limmy and free wata

Cheats are incentivized in overwatch by blizz so fags buy another copy when their account is perma-banned.

stay away from source engine games and cheating is not really an issue

now there's no more enemies, what do you do, someone with a brain would set up stickies in preparation to cover some passageways to kill enemies faster

play boomer shooters

ah right, that is a thing I forgot to mention.I am not as against sticky trapping. It's just spamming them at enemies.
Sticky traps, although cheap works for me. I just rarely do that either cause I use them for movement which blows the traps up. Instead of waiting for them to come to me, I usually push them back by moving forward though.

so you do use melee, you do use sticky launcher for sticky jumps and you do use sticky launcher for sticky traps
do you now see how different that is from "I autistically limit myself to the grenade launcher"

Yeah I may have phrased it poorly, but i don't even remember what it looks like seeing an opponent use a sticky launcher to not sticky spam. my brain has kind of associated it with spam only.

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