Is Xbox Live down all over the world right now?
Is Xbox Live down all over the world right now?
Who cares? Only fags play Xbox.
I can’t connect to anything i have like 90% packet loss when I check my connection
oh shit it's happening
xbox live still exists?
yeah its down
>Paying for xcuck live
Deserve it.
Services up, games down.
It's been spotty these last few days dont know what the fuck is up.
its free genius
servers can't handle a world wide quarantine it seems
Every sf 5 player is a fat loser shithead
I'm running out of shampoo I forgot that in my prep list.
Lmao xbone fags stay losing lmao
PS4 chad race
From watching my friend use his xbone it looks like you need an online connection just to play single player offline games
Xbros....the ChadStation players are laughing at us...
A thread about xbox is immediately flooded with seething Snoyniggers. Pottery
What kind of subhuman retard owns an Xbox? There's no exclusives, meaning you're better off owning a PS4.
No you dont, just go offline mode.
;lmao imagine playing xbox
I enjoy the premium feel of the Xbox One X and the 3rd revision of the controllers.
It's not really a mode, you just dont connect. There have been weird issues where a pending update confused itself but I go offline all the time.
Oh it's probably amerisharts. They're dumb enough to buy one and probably have brand nationalism.
I have a ps4 too because it's all just cheap electronics to me. I can't pretend some good games are shit just because they're on a console I dont have which is what fanboys do.
people are saying that psn is also down, can any sonybros itt confirm?
There is actually a specific off linemode in the setup. Handy for some stuff.
I paid a buck for PC game pass for a month to play Ori, now it says "join game pass" instead of letting me play the game. The fuck is this? Is it related to the outtage? So PC is effected too?
Not looking good for XGP honestly, if I got the game on Steam I'd still be able to play it when Steam is down.
Damn I'll look for it thanks. Might have fixed update issue.
>the premium feel of the Xbox One X
what does that even mean.
fucking hell you drones crack me up.
I've been playing xiv all day on ps4. its been fine. its been fine all week.
People that don't own pc. I don't play games on pc so Xbox is my main console. I unironically prefer multiplayer games like halo, gears, forza to single player story stuff Sony makes. I also trust them more for backwards compatibility and multiplats usually perform better on one x.
>People that don't own pc
Why wouldn't they own objectively superior things? A cheap shitty laptop is better than an xbone.
>backwards compatibility
Spoilers, PC has the best backwards compatibility of all, meaning the only thing a console is good for is exclusives, and Xbone has jack fucking shit.
XGP for PC is fucked too, for what it's worth. At least it's not effectively a shutdown of the whole PC online system.
supposedly it's down in europe and US east coast
Xbox games being on PC doesn't mean they're on PS4 what the fuck is this logic?
>Xbox exclusive goes to PC
>Xbox fans don't care
>Sony exclusive goes to PC
>Sony fans go apeshit
The fuck is this shit?
Who the fuck are you replying to? Are you a schizo or something? What's wrong with your eyes?
There's no xbox fans here, dumbass. They stopped coming to Yas Forums once Kinect turned MS into a joke. You only have falseflaggers acting as dumb and fanboyish as possible for laughs. At best you have idorts who bought xbones for...uhh...halo ports?
>Xbox "exclusive" releases with PC version
>no one cares
>Sony exclusive goes to PC
>PC fans go apeshit
>kids cant go to school this whole week and lots of working people cant go to work
>decide to play some Xbox
>Live is down
You cant make this shit up. Stupid consolefags
Sony fans are retarded. One took a pic of a kid at a Target simply playing the Xbox One and posted it here.
So you own a pc or shitty laptop?
>It's been spotty these last few days dont know what the fuck is up.
Kids dont have school right now and many working people are staying home on quarantine, because of Corona-chan. It must suck being a consolepleb right now.
not in Germany I guess
I own a shitty laptop and I assure you the console is better than my laptop. I'll swap to PC when I have enough money to buy a gaming laptop.
I'm sure you will poorfag
>gaming laptop.
Do you buy Alienware products by any chance?
No, but I was gonna buy it. What's the problem here?
Buy a gaming desktop instead, laptops are mostly shit.
>but I was gonna buy it
Damn I'm good.
>Xbox games aren't exclusive (they aren't on PS4 though) so you should get a PS4 (which does not have access to Xbox games).
Alienware is overpriced garbage
Laptops are alright. I have mine since 2 years now, paid 1000 for it, still rocking it.
I own a little elitebook that's not more powerful than my one x. Dude, I don't want to slam pc gamibg but I'm not interested. The average ps4 owner doesn't own a gaming pc. Yeah if you legitimately play games on PC then xbox is irrelevant. The fact is that there are people that don't own oc and prefer Xbox. You can call them retards all you want but it just sounds like virgin cope to me. The console wars are over. Sony won. Be happy
>try to play a SINGLE PLAYER game
>get this
Thanks Microsoft, very cool.
Where does it say that you shouldn't own a PC?
Good for you then i guess, i got sick of laptops years ago and am happy with my desktop.
Go offline dumbass
>I wasted my money that could've gone into a pc
Okay, good to know.
Or is it down because people are only home now which should be a huge boom for vidya since people are bored. Is it? Are games and consoles getting sold this week?
Most Xbox games are on PS4 actually.
I have no interest in pc gaming.
you can't sign in with your account. you don't have access to your saves and shit
>PC is suddenly involved in the topic at hand
>Sony is starting to port to PC as well but lol get a PS4 anyway
Yeah let me just replay the last 10 hours real quick.
...but you have interest in Xbox gaming even though everything in it is on PC? You make no sense.
I have nowhere in my apartment to put a desktop. Plus I enjoy viewing the internet on my bed instead of a chair.
How's that 1440p/ugly checkerboard looking for you?
Oh what's that? You can't just output in 1440p on a gaming monitor? Oh what's that no vrr? No 120hz? Atleast you got those two back buttons on your 4hour charge cobtroller to play those xbox games
I dont want to use a personal computer for games and I dont need to
>>PC is suddenly involved in the topic at hand
You're the one who brought it up, not me. Stop pretending like your reading comprehension isn't abysmal.
>>Sony is starting to port to PC as well but lol get a PS4 anyway
Call me when Bloodborne gets a PC port.
Why? Autism?
Nice goalpost moving.
Name those xbox games.
Or are you going to say, "i was pretending to be retarded haha disingenuous me haha multiplats amiright"
Are you gonna pretend like most Xbox games aren't multiplat and on playstation? Even in the 7th gen this was true.
It might not be but everyone with xbox live has downs
>Haha i-i-i was talking about multiplats n-not exclusives haha.. Theyre on pc... No games
Good job on looking retarded
>>Haha i-i-i was talking about multiplats
No fucking shit I was talking about multiplats. What else would I be talking about when I say "most xbox games are on ps4 too", do you have a brain?
>Alienware is overpriced garbage
Their keyboards and stuff are good and priced around the same as their competitors. The PCs and laptops though? Might as well be buying your computer shit from an ebay scalper.