How's your self-isolation going, son?

How's your self-isolation going, son?

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I'm winning dad.

Been working from home for 3 days and I'm already going nuts.

Death shall not reach me, Father. As long as I stay away from the world and I have my vidya gaems.


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Same as it ever was, dad.
Same as it ever was.

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Father, If I don’t survive this illness I want you to know that I love you.

>tfw have no dad

you guys are lucky, you know that.

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I'm not even scared it's the rest of my family I worry about.

Hey user it’s me your dad. I just wanted you to know even though we never met that I am proud of you son with whatever decisions you have chosen to take with your life. The only thing that matters is that you are alive and breathing. Say hi to your mother for me.

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Pretty good.

I love being alone, fuck people for the most part

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don't know who that other guy is son but you're a fucking faggot and look at this funny cat haha he's dancing haha

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How the f-

Now do this irl

>Ever wsas

ESL nigger

My dad is an alcoholic.

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I'm desperately trying to find reasons to not commit suicide. I got fired because I live too far away from my job, and didn't want me to travel so far from a different region, but the boss who's a well-known liar, promised me he'd hire me back once it's over. Said he'd call me soon, but I've gotten nothing from him or anyone. Literally the only thing keeping me going was the job I actually enjoyed. I thought getting to stay home and play vidya gaemz and talk to other Yas Forumsirgins would be cool, but it quickly lost it's appeal. I don't know what to do anymore with my life, it all seems so pointless.

>makes a typo
>misses an obvious Talking Heads reference
looks like you're the nigger here, buddy

Nigger look at the funne cat

Wineglass make he head look smlal

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I've been looking at funny cats for 12 years in this shithole
Twelve fucking years
And I would do it all over again.

What self-isolation? I have 2 part time jobs and they're both still open.

>couldnt make it past 3 days

user you were never gonna make it as a NEET, your will to freedom is too weak.

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god i'm so fucking bored, can a chinese girl spit into my mouth and infect me so I can get a few weeks off work

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it'd be more likely that it's an italian nowadays.

I already do, everyday. Don’t you user?


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know any italian cuties?

Just move back with your parents and leech them for 2 years.

more like italian cooties amiright

funny funny man

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Ruined, thanks to your intrusion.
Please leave.

the neet shall inherit the universe.

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>Government shut everything down for two weeks, starting today
>All because of just 5 cases
Overkill, but goddamn do I have time to play vidya now.

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No one to speak to

i need food but i dont want to go out

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If you wait for notable amount of cases it is already too late to stop the spread.

how do we cope with this

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Do you not have supermarket deliveries?

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normie gtfo

good, dad. effectively pushed all my friends away.

I'm hoping my works asks us to go home-office tomorrow, cause otherwise I'll just give up and start not caring about corona anymore
It's not like I am going to die, and I don't care about infecting other people
But I'd rather not get sick

Real talk how tf they get that cat to do that


Why does this cat make jannies/mods seethe so much?

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going strong for 31,7453270954 years, DAD

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this is how ive always lived my life

for some reason I decided to use the self isolation as an excuse to go no fap, and I'm going double crazy as a result. But I can't give in or all my suffering will be in vain.

this situation reminds me of the japanese horror film Kairo, where everybody on earth gets confined to a closed looping existence in isolation.

my whole life is self-isolation desu

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not him but every delivery service is backed up and not accepting orders right now

I have work in an hour

Good, actually. I hate almost everyone, so isolating myself is nothing new

selling TP, DM for price

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You know how it’s going dad, you’re off too. We work in the same department, remember?

400 GPB?