IRL bosses
IRL bosses
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>not grabbing diapers
why would they wear the mask outside the plastic? probably not a great seal and the little folds will let in corona air
who would win ?
I think its funny how they'll then take those infected products into their home and theyre safe.
Are there compilations with guys dressed up for corona-proof shopping experiences?
is that a gas mask inside?
Which Dead Rising is this?
>fighting for TP scraps when you could just be grabbing wipes
they spray them with alcohol and disinfectant when they get home. GF corona
Is that garlic hanging from the mask?
I'm willing to bet these morons don't have a decontamination room to remove the virus on their clothes when they come back home.
This was me on my uni campus
Someone explain why people are buying so much toiletpaper.
do amercians really?
For scalping purposes
The team of bad guys bosses
This one has to be ironic, nobody would resort to shit from when miasma theory was still prevalent right?
thats just faust bro
That's not a boss. That's one of the mooks you fight to get to the boss.
Why does he wear the bag?
I've been asking this for days and have not received a single reasonable answer
Lots of confused looks though
No one cared who he was until he put on the bag
why are euros literally obsessed with america?
one of those pics clearly has non-english text too jesus christ
Literally obsessed. Two of those pics are from Finland
>virus has a 2.7% fatality rate
>less fatality rate than any other common virus
>all these people overreacting and becoming doomsday preppers
>caring at all about ass wiping when you can just wash it
He's a mid-boss.
Fear that there'll be none left, either because supply chains get fucked up, or because everyone else bought them all. The latter reason only ends up reinforcing this even more.
Because other people are buying toilet paper and when panicky people look and see theres almost no toilet paper left they try to buy as much as they can, its a vicious cycle perpetrated by retards thinking that when you have a life threatening pandemic (but not really that bad) that wiping your ass with your hand and washing it is out of the question
To avoid going out.
Mass media is genuinely immoral and all journalists deserve to be drawn and quartered.
>i am the cure
Third girl with short, blonde hair for me
>fight each one over the course of the game
>have to fight all of them at once right before the final boss
no one fucking knows
seriously no one
its just fucking retards doing it
How much fucking TP do you need to wipe your own ass? If you need to wipe more then 2-3 times you need to change your fucking diet.
All 3 of them have non-English text, one of them has the snap chat location icon to a euro city or from a search a euro store chain
Because the health care systems of the world absolutely are not prepared for the amount of ICUs they need.
1. Someone offhandedly mentions quarantine and stocking up, drop "toilet paper" in there somewhere.
2. A handful of people start buying loads of toilet paper.
3. People see those people buying toilet paper and do the same without questioning it. If a bunch of people are doing it, there must be a reason so they should do it too right?
4. More people start buying toilet paper seeing others do it.
5. Some people start stocking up on toilet paper "so those retards panick-buying don't buy it all first".
6. ????
7. Profit.
This entire Corona virus thing is just a social experiment to prove that stupidity spreads faster than any disease.
>less fatality rate than any other common virus
>flu is 0.1%
nigga you fucking what
based diaperfag
I use a single sheet and do the finger hole method
Who started the TP panic and for what purpose and why have none of these people stopped and thought "gee if this is an end of days scenario maybe there's more important things than toilet paper"
The NPC meme is real, the simulation is coming apart at the seams
But she's clearly a skinhead
The rate is higher than 2.7% for older people, and those with pre-existing conditions(at least 10% I think?), so boomers and those with shitty or no healthcare are right to be paranoid.
Dude who needs TP anyways? Just take a shower after you shit.
Did the asia countries rush to buy toilet paper too or was it just us westerners?
Okay, this is the second time I’ve seen this pic, and can ANYONE give the context? I’ve never been so curious about a 4chins pic.
Oh well? You have a higher % chance of dying in a car accident.
started in ausie then spread like wildfire across the west
>finger hole method
>if you get hit by 2 tons of fucking metal going 60 mph you have a higher chance of death!
here the context, a group of friends hanging out and posing for a pic/
Like dude go make some friends
>Boss can shapeshift
Add in scalpers selling to paniced retards too.
>he doesnt know
It's basic marketing, people got scared into buying toilet paper and now Big Phartma rolls in money
goddammit, we just got shitposted irl didnt we
>buying toilet paper
>not just living in the woods wiping your ass in the river until shit blows over
Is the guy at the back filming it on a 3DS?
no one wants to run out of tissue
every time
>they combine into 1 in the last phase
Poke a hole through the sheet with your finger, dig the shit out of your ass with your finger, wipe your finger with the sheet.
Also tear a tiny piece off prior to wipe your finger nail clean.
The true believer protects himself with a McDonalds food bag. Absolutely based.
why do people feel so smart for not stocking up on supplies like toilet paper? are you waiting until half the country is infected to go shopping?
>the surgical masks are designed to protect others from you (surgeons used them to to drop their own bacterias on the patient open body) not to protect yourself from others.
Why so many people doesn't know this?
>visible nips
That bitch naked under that suit?
>Nipples poking through
Is this bitch seriously going butt ass naked beneath that?
>why are euros literally obsessed with America
I have no idea. It’s not like we have much to emulate, but they seem hell bent on either copying every aspect of our society, or spending every waking minute bitching about it.
>The rate is higher than 2.7% for older people, and those with pre-existing conditions
Any mildly dangerous sickness provides higher danger to those groups of people.
A person over 80 years old (the only group with ~10% death risk from corona) shouldn't be exposed to viruses in first fucking place, a common flu is enough to cause massive problems for them.
isnt it illegal to wear full head masks in public like that?
whoops i meant this
>not having a stockpile of essentials to last 3 months already
>rushing out only after emergency is declared
you all are fucking retards for not doing basic prep a month ago
Literally looks like a quest giver.
Fox news please leave
breeding material
What makes you think so? Even then, who cares lol
How wet and nasty is your asshole. Get a bidet or something you fuckwit.
Yes. By then all the retards are gonna be staying home and I can shop in peace like normal.
>These guys are a group of minibosses who teach you new mechanics throughout the game.
>This guy is their boss who also serves as test of everything you learned though the game
dare I say, kino?
That looks like a class selection screen. It has already more creativity than most wrpgs.
exactly what I was thinking, I think the guys who use real hazmat suits have to get showered in chemicals before removing their suits
Ah a leaked screenshot of the next deus ex game
only in some regions
Why would it?
well corona is 0.2% for anyone below 50 years. And even then those 0.2% probably had alrdy complications
boomer humor is fucking awful
Objective: Get the temperature just right.
It's an Yas Forums shitpost, often accompanied with a non-american image.
That is exactly the reaction it's supposed to goad.
>all these people saying they don't use 1 roll of tp a day
Fucking disgusting, I can only imagine all the shit stains you people must have on your clothes.
Cut your hair, faggot.
Brian Peppers, that's a throwback.
Southern Europeans literally cannot stop mouth-fucking each other so I guess this was a given.
You can tell she has a huge rack
would not fuck
Ok Pieet van Kankerjood
that's a genuine evil laugh
>What makes you think so?
I dunno, maybe by the fact that she shaved all her hair off?
and usually they have other people remove their suits for them and dispose of them for cleaning
Who cares about my ass? I need to fap and dump my cum into something, you know.
is Yas Forums's entire brand of humor literally "i was only pretending to be retarded?"
Thinly veiled Rainbow Six Quarantine thread? Fucking shills
2.7% is very high for how contagious the virus is, and the long incubation period makes it tougher to deal with. The panic we're seeing is an overreaction, but it's definitely an issue and it's smart to have maybe a week or so of supplies. Quarantines are a very real possibility given that they could slow the spread of a virus like this.
i just wanna rip off his mask and cough right in his face
>full hazmat suit
>wears a meme mask and fucking swimming goggles
What is this retard doing?
Honestly you people laugh at toilet paper hoarders, but you really dont have enough toilet paper yourselves. The average person uses 1 roll per day. If you have a family of 4, that's 28 rolls a week. Over 100 a month. TP rolls will be worth their weight in gold in a few months, because everyone needs it.
Can you catch Corona from ingesting just one virus cell or do you have to suck down a bunch?
What if her son sees that page?
That one girl on the left looks so out of place. It's like she got trapped in the hallway with them and just happened to end up in the picture.
because land of the "free"
>every other country going into lockdown
>france does fuck all and people flood the streets for a holiday
I fucking hate people
yes, basically
>tfw I work at a company that buys paper towels TP and hand sanitize in bulk that I can yoink at any time
based RTL2 poster
We have measures and vaccines for the flu though, we have less for coronavirus. Also people over 80 don't necessarily have to go out to get infected since friends and family members(who may show 0 symptoms) can pass it onto them anyways
But I think what you're really trying to ask is why people are treating it as such a big deal when other dangers already exist?
and for the flu for people that young its in the 0.01% range
corona is fucking bad m8
nigger what do you think
I've heard it's a security blanket kind of thing.
Starting to think that the pandemic is the best thing to happen to the internet in a long time.
That guy is metal gear tier.
Maybe a cut-out so it can be understood?
The only 3 people you need are buff girl, stealth blonde and the tired looking wizard in the back. Change my mind.
Isn't it just bleach water that gets sprayed?
Genuinely don't know.
Shut the fuck up dork
And, who is this? and why should I take her tweet seriously?
>not shitting your bowels out once in the morning then being free until the next morning
do you have any pics of you in diapers haha just for a joke haha
This is no man, this is a god.
Yeah, love them.
Many women do that nowadays
I think I remember hearing some news that there was an incorrect notion floating in Japan that toilet paper was made from the same material as breathing masks (they aren't) and that resources would be allocated towards making masks instead. That led to panic buying in Japan, and I guess idiots in America heard about it and thought toilet paper would run out in America too.
People panic buy here, then the news covers it, then the news incites more people to panic buy. Repeats until no more loo rolls.
>The average person uses 1 roll per day
oh god oh fuck SCP-049 got out again god dammit
What is this one roll a day meme and how did it happen?
rate my cart lads
>used good
>Reflects melee attacks at 1.5x the damage
if you come into contact with it you arent getting just one virus cell in you
You look very based.
This is literally every country.
>heh, look at [other country which has gone full corona]
>so stupid, they are panicing, that will never happen to us, what's the big deal anyways? Heh.
>oh shit oh fuck oh damn, why is this suddenly happening to us as well?!?!?? SHUT IT ALL DOWN!
some people have shower set ups outside their homes.
Where are the gloves?
only in places with too many black people
>We have measures and vaccines for the flu though
Literally nobody but people forced to use flu vaccines actually go through vaccination. That's why you have 3k people in Germany alone dead from the flu since the beginning of this fucking year.
I don't. I hate this fetish and don't share it with others. I do wear in public. I find this fetish and my other furry To have a community full of cringy mother fuckers and as such I hate it and myself at times.
It's like being self aware.
Oh my god, he's real...
You need flower petals to stuff inside the mask so you can dispel all the bad humors in the air, otherwise it's useless
You've heard of herd immunity? This is herd stupidity.
Is Ruki Bazuki still alive?
>1 roll per day
Bruh, how much do you shit?
Where is the walking stick?
That was not my question. Can my body handle x number of virus cells before it loses the battle and I become a corona slut?
Nice. You just killed 1k people stuck in Amazon wagecages.
>probably not a great seal and the little folds will let in corona air
That mask isn't good for anything other than larger air particulates. Wearing one, properly or not, will not have much of an affect on stopping viruses, especially with how small a virus actually is. Its best use is to stifle a cough so that it doesn't spread through rooms as easily. AKA you want as many infected people to have access to these masks as possible. Its funny that the people trying to take precautions to not get sick are in fact the people that will cause themselves and others to get sick due to buying up all the masks.
Why is Yas Forums so easy to bait?
Sons of Liberty
>Literally nobody but people forced to use flu vaccines actually go through vaccination.
>the vaccines are fucking FREE and take 5 min to do
>people still dont do it
I hate this world
/r/ing that big dick energy pic of Momokun on the beach. You know the one, that shit is peak IRL boss.
I would have a heart attack if I saw you in public
I don't use toilet papers. I lather my hands with soap, rinse my asshole to remove any sticking shit, uses that hand lathered with soap and just rub the asshole clean. Rinse again. And wash hands using soap. Ass free from shit, and smells like lavender.
i think he had those removed because he almost died
>News talks about not needing to panic buy things like pasta
>Next time I go to the shops, all the pasta is sold out
>No other non-perishables, like rice or canned vegetables, are sold out
People are honestly buying stuff simply because they're being told other people are buying stuff.
one cell will most likely die before doing any damage
Kill yourself
>I do wear in public
why are all these people finnish?
I rephrased the question for you and I'm still not seeing results.
If a white blood cell doesn't immediately come and destroy it, it will start reproducing and you will start to get symptoms, of course it might be like a week because the starting amount is so small
why not just get a catheter
In fact, you get 0 virus cells in you. Because that doesn't exist.
cause benis in bagina
Because this town's finished
>mfw zoomers think spoopy/ was the origin of the plague doctor
boi, the power rangers have changed
Honestly you people laugh at toilet paper hoarders, but you really dont have enough toilet paper yourselves. The average person uses 1 roll per day. If you have a family of 4, that's 28 rolls a week. Over 100 a month. TP rolls will be worth their weight in gold in a few months, because everyone needs it.
first one is estonian ;^ )
it's unfair
Yep. This is all just a flex to show how the media can control people.
I told you, a minute amount of virus wont be an issue and will fizzle out inside of you before it becomes a problem
I'm actually surprised that the self DIY engine crane manages to actually lift that entire block and didn't fall off when lifting it. And it still look strong enough to hold that entire thing afloat.
>why is this ocean of piss easy to piss in
because the whole human race will soon be finnish
You need prolonged contact to be infected if you're healthy. Passing someone infected on the street should be fine, unless they cough at you/touch you or something.
wtf is with europe and america buying all the toilet paper?
WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK? how can you shit if you are dead from starvation?
I see brainlets posting this shit all the time. The viral spores don't float freely through the fucking air you retard, they are suspended in drops of fluid. Why do you think front line health care providers and quarantine doctors/nurses wear them? Stupid fucking retard.