What went so wrong?

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they were trying to provide a solution to a problem nobody had

No mascot.
They needed their answer to Mario.


I'm holding out hope for next-gen. Geforece Now can work without input lag, even if you have to compromise on image quality (I'm in Europe). Stadia isn't available here yet, but if it can do the same thing, then that means I won't have to buy another console or upgrade my PC; so I'm thinking of migrating over to streaming completely.

Well, I'll either use Stadia or whichever competing streaming service works best/has the games I want.

Laws of physics, having to port to linux, general hatred of google. They've been screwing youtubers for years so they screwed them right back.

this is what happens when most of your hires are diversity hires then you have them spear head a new product.
This could have been something good but it was left hands of incompetents.

You don't own anything on Google Stadia and you must continue to pay the subscription fee to use it at all.

There's no way to mod your games and there's no way retention of older games would remain, it is anti consumer and anti backwards compatibility all in one. Google STD.

The speed of light

Subscription fees are not cheaper than buying hardware. You aren't saving money by subscribing to a streaming service instead of buying hardware.

The worlds largest ad company decided to not advertise its platform or the products on their platform.
You know how Nintendo someone has an Indie direct, how Sony uploads indie game trailers on their Youtube channel and lets devs make PS Blog posts about them and how Xbox has Major Nelson give a quick summary of upcoming indie games every week on their official communication channels? Stadia has none of that.
They assumed everyone would attempt to sell their games as being on Stadia, when it should've been Google trying to sell Stadia with the games.

>Geforece Now can work without input lag

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Pretty much this:
The entire concept has been retarded from the very beginning because you can't beat the physics behind it, no matter how many fancy PR words and AI meme learning you throw around.

Actually I do. I earn a paycheck every month, subscribing is a pittance from that.

Meanwhile, a high-end computer costs at bare minimum five to seven times what I earn a month. And even consoles cost quite the pretty penny.

Besides, I'm pretty sure subscription services won't be the only way to go. I'm certain I'll be able to just buy games for real cheap on sale years down the line.

>No piracy(?)
>No modding
>Subscription fee will add up to hundreds of dollars just so you can play a game you could've bought for $60
>Must pay over $100 USD to have the internet to support using Stadia
In the U.S. I have 300mbps up and down but that shit is $90 and has a data cap. I never come anywhere near the cap so it doesn't bother me but I'm sure that cap would be an issue if I had to stream all my games. I think the cap is 1 or 2 TB. I don't even remember.

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It's called switching to Competitive mode in the settings. Try it out!

>trying to create a video game streaming service when cable companies throttle speeds


>it's due largely to too few games on its platform
No, it's due to it being a shit idea that is and always will be technologically infeasible and no one wants it regardless of how many games it has.

This. It has tons of benefits in theory but in reality there's no reason to switch.

>the months of threads about how this was literally the apocalypse for vidya and everything would be streaming from here on out

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Poor solution to a non-existent problem. Everyone who cared about games already has a system that plays them better.

>b-but they'll let me use their service for free though right?
Spending 500 dollars every 6 years is not more expensive than spending 10 dollars every month. It's the opposite.

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Google's basic pitch was, "Give us twice as much money as you would normally spend to play games you don't want and will never own."

It's like if Budweiser said "Pay us $8 a beer for something that won't get you drunk."

They thought they could ignore what has been learned from 30 years of console development (or thought it didn't apply to them because Google) and released their brand new platform without any kind of killer app.

nice made up shit. simp.

>In the U.S. I have 300mbps up and down but that shit is $90 and has a data cap. I never come anywhere near the cap so it doesn't bother me but I'm sure that cap would be an issue if I had to stream all my games. I think the cap is 1 or 2 TB. I don't even remember.
I don't have a data cap, or if I do, I'm not aware of it. What would happen if you hit the cap? Do you just get a lower speed? Or does it disconnect you completely?

Google bought into a market that never lived. It was always dead. Streaming box game consoles aren’t, haven’t, and won’t ever be a thing. Google probably could’ve had moderate success if they actually tried competing with any of the big three. Especially considering they could probably make a more powerful handheld than the Switch, which already sells like hotcakes. Knowing them they’d probably fuck it up though.

Lower speed usually, like dial up speed.

>Let's create problems that don't have solutions so that you can further degrade the concept of media ownership for the end user so that they can have an inferior experience to simply owning a game and playing it locally
fuck game streaming

>Geforece Now can work without input lag
haha. idiot

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I can use Steam Link to play any of my games on PC (Not even just Steam ones) on my phone or any other Android device even off WiFi without using data and without paying anything to do so. Why would I want Stadia, where I have to repurchase the same games and buy an expensive peripheral when I can do something even better and never have to worry about having my service terminated?

>no input lag
Even if they were using quantum entanglement there would be input lag due to processing.

Everyone already knew this when Stadia was first announced. And yet we'll still see articles like "why Stadia failed" and shit. It pisses me off, everyone saw it coming, but it's gotta be a big surprise that Google failed at yet another experiment.

>What would happen if you hit the cap? Do you just get a lower speed? Or does it disconnect you completely?

Depends on your ISP. Some lower your speed, some charge you $50 per megabyte, it just depends on what you (((agreed))) to.

They’re making their own exclusive game studios now because “fuck you” Google money.

New strat seems to be
>become normal software/hardware publisher
>slowly trickle SaaS model to be prominent product
>phase out traditional publishing biz once frog has boiled

Too bad it’s still lightyears behind competitors like XCloud and will probably die a painful death.

>A high-end computer is $500
Oh, how I wish...

Out of touch boomers who think that just because gamers are stupid, drooling sheep they will pay full price for a year old game

They would just give me 50 GB for $10. I looked it up and I have a 1TB cap. I average 300 to 400 GB used each month. Probably from pirating shit or updating Modern Warfare.

It’s just too early for it. Plenty of other publishers are moving this direction still. Eventually the Overton window will happen.


Look at where "Superb" starts. That's what is needed for a long-lasting PC.

>You have to buy a new computer every few years
Most people just upgrade some parts here and there so I don't know what kind of logic you're using.

How are they gonna justify keeping Stadia afloat for the 3-4 years it'll take to make their own games?
Google has a track record of killing much more successful projects. Yes, I'm still bitter about Google Reader

The Stadia had no target demographic. The people rich enough to afford the required connection to properly play games on the Stadia can easily afford a gaming computer or console. The people who could afford the $150 or whatever it was for a gaming console could not afford the required connection to play games.

It was designed from the perspective of what the industry wants, and built on top of a dream of defying basic physics.

the initial purchase is what logic he's using

They charged for hardware and the games weren't free as part of the service.

As long as you aren't retarded and can plug in wires and use a screwdriver, a good computer will run you $2,000 to $2,500, and that sucker won't need any more money sunk into it for a long while. The only reason I recently got a new Vidya card to replace my 6 year old one was because that specific model of card couldn't run the index, and I upgraded for $300.

Keep in mind, you can use PC as an all purpose media center, using it to play Vidya, watch movies and tv, download books and audiobooks, so on and so forth, and that can all be very cheap if your getting old Vidya on sale, or cost zero dollars if you fly the black flag and pirate everything. PC is initially expensive, but dirt cheap in the long run, also if you're making like $250 a month you have greater concerns then choosing between a PC and Google's abortion of a console

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Upgrading is hella expensive. We are in the era of $1000+ graphics cards

It was likely a mix of trolls and actual paid shills.

Surprising to no one who lived inside the Silicon Valley bubble, then left to see the train wreck from the outside.

It’s a land of dreamchasers, not dreamers. Everyone wants to become Steve Jobs, but refuse to realize why he was who he was, and why they aren’t him. Stupid rich people really should be regulated.

I don't think anyone believed it would succeed, but if it did, it would've been that, so everyone's glad it failed.

Today, anything I would want to use my Computer for, I can do with my phone. Really, the only thing my PC has that my phone doesn't is a physical mouse and keyboard.

I mean, I'm posting from my phone right now.

Also, that $300 card will not last you long, trust me.

>target audience: those with too little money to buy console/pc, but enough to pay for high quality internet and a subscription that will exceed the price of a console within a few years
who would this even be?

there are so many problems let me list my personal worst offender
>need to pay monthly
> also need to pay for games
>requires insane connection speed
>lies about being able to play even on airport wifi connection
>insaaaane lag for button pressed

help me fill with more stadia BS user please

>poorfags with shit internet still crying
Lmao, get out of your third world country maybe.

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>plural for stadium
Is this a name for how many bowls of shit they're serving up?

The concept. It's DRM's final unbeatable form.

>Google has a terrible reputation with product support
>People don't buy Stadia because they expect terrible product support
>Stadia ends up having terrible product support


>first reveal of stadia in action
>it's "streaming" from a server that's literally 5 yards away
>still a noticeable full second and a half of input delay in the gameplay

Pretty much. Consoles already act as the cheap entry into gaming.

You only earn 200 bucks a month?

Attached: Earnings.jpg (334x561, 31.72K)

>i want to pay for games i can't even have access to even if i just want to use a reshade/enb, a simple ui mod, or just edit an ini to fix stuff like texture filtering or disable abysmal mouse acceleration
who in their right mine would actually do this??

Even a PC with a mouse has some input lag. There is no such thing as instantaneous transfer of information.

Do you live in NASA or some shit?

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did people even use stadia?

Attached: 084.png (600x512, 297.71K)

And that removes the input lag inherent to streaming how?

you fags are wrong
you know why you're wrong? online gaming is literally a thing already and millions of people put up with all kinds of absurd amounts of lag already

you're telling me that it can't work because of lag? that's just bullshit, stadia just sucks from a value standpoint, geforce now is better but they fucked up legally

Stadia is the worst platform launch in the history of gaming. It outdid Ouya.

Input lag isn't why Stadia is failing. I've used it and I live outside a city and I haven't experienced any real input lag.

It's failing because it's got no games and no one needs this service.

No, but that's pretty average for europe.

Around $570, actually, but it's Hungary, and things are cheap (although it's starting to get out of hand).

well, I hear you Eurofags sure like getting flooded by third worlders, so I may have to take you up on that.

Streaming services are not using high-end pcs.

>Instead of having to buy games...
Nice misleading statement. You still have to buy the games on top of the service itself.

There's not a single place in the goddamn world where that is anywhere close to average.

Attached: average internet speeds.png (746x855, 43.91K)

You do not need an expensive pc to run games.

>millions of people put up with all kinds of absurd amounts of lag already

And they bitch every time about it when shit gets laggy.

Now imagine you have to put up with the same bullshit in singleplayer games.

Yes. Processing takes time.

There a huge fucking difference in latency between 1kb packets containing in game actions, and also including a constant 1080p/4k 60fps video feed.