Is this the Holy Grail of CRTs?
Is this the Holy Grail of CRTs?
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refresh rate?
imagine the degauss
just when you thought vinyl fags were the worst.
120Hz iirc
that monitor cost around $10k back then and was obviously intended for professional use.
imagine being an earlet and an eyelet.
I pity pathetic genetic defects like you.
whats wrong with buying vinyl if it was made with the format in mind?
that must have been frustrating
>basedposting on Carmack of all people
I hate this board so much, holy shit
fun fact #3: Carmack was the ONLY one at id Software with such a monitor.
Jesus christ, my man made some money and immediately bought the most expensive monitor he could find
Buying modern vinyls is stupid because all masters are currently digital anyway.
What? Is "programmed" the only correct word
nothing wrong with enjoying vinyl, declaring a Jihad against digital is and makes you unlikeable as a group
Carmack is a fucking midwit who fooled ledditfags like you into worshipping him because he puts on an autistic genius affect. Call us when his latest foray into AI goes anywhere whatsoever.
t. romero
Literally who?
Sony fw900 is.
I want one but they're impossible to find.
I wonder where that monitor is today.
Reminder that this guy killed his cat because it was too troublesome to take care of
He was using a NeXT Computer with the NeXTSTEP OS
Fuck it honestly. There's better display technologies around these days. Just wait a few years more.
cats are a fucking pain in the ass, i wish everyone would kill them
No...that's not based.
90's workstation UI is so cool.
Imagine the weight
Not really. Not when you have engineers floating the idea of returning to CRTs because LCDs are cost ineffective and getting all the nice fancy features GAYMERs want these days is way easier on CRT than LCD.
I believe people have overclocked it to get somewhat higher refresh rate.
>$10K monitor
>1995 dollars
Jesus Christ
Just realized that is not a CRT, just a very fat LCD.
use soi or sΩu
>engineers floating the idea of returning to CRTs
Literally hearing about it for the first time. There's no way CRTs ever come back.
>all masters
analog studios still exist and plenty of music is produced at them. several albums i own from 2010 onward were recorded and mastered all on tape.
Why not? Go shopping for LCDs some time, and look at how many compromises you have to make? Good colors? Probably a low response time. High resolution? Probably a standard refresh rate. And vice-versa. CRTs are capable of all of those things at the same time, and considering the CRT retro game kick I wouldn't be surprised if some company started coming out with some in niche production levels.
um because they too heavy and heavy bad
the problem is that there's no cheap way to produce them because all of the factories shut down or converted to something else. if they ever came around again they would be massively expensive for just standard quality.
LCD technology gets better every year. stay tuned for microLED and OLED tech to blow up over the next 10 years.
those were different times
Carmack is such a fucking winner.
He is the absolute perfected form of a nerd, what all nerds strive to be.
you should see the ones designed for radiologists
>yeah we're just going to invest in obsolete tech because 0.01% of the consumer base thinks it was better and it sounds like a great financial idea.
anta baka?
its weird watching john carmack on the joe rogan podcast. super intelligent but you can tell something is wrong. like it legit seems like he has autism and can't understand basic things.
he put down his cat because it pissed on his sofa.
the keyboard is even more "le iconic"
he's an actual psychopath
That monitor wasn't sold until 1997, though.
they probably made a special custom one just for him. it's john carmack
Why is he being bested by Elon Musk?
Based, cats are useless stinky and sellfish creatures who would eat you a few hours after you are dead.
>a CRT is the holy grail
A 28-inch 16:9 CRT could be around 60 pounds in weight. Also, it doubles as a room heater. CRTs are enormously energy inefficient, wasting most of its energy in the form of heat. The footprint of those things were obscenely greedy, taking up the bulk of space on most workspaces. The worst part about CRTs is their laughable pixel density. There is no such thing as HD on a CRT.
CRT is extremely energy inefficient. There's no way a modern CRT will get certified.
Sometimes I wonder if we'll see start-ups on Kickstarter for boutique CRT monitors. This happens with camera lenses for instance. Lomography has ran multiple KSs for things like the Petzval lens.
lenses are much simpler to make than monitors though, not to mention the liability
I think about the things that monitor has seen
Looks like "window maker live", i used that once.
No for one simple reason and that is because it is not simple to make one, you need an entire factory dedicated to make one, and China has stopped making them a long time ago and making LCDs instead and crashing that market.
You sound like you're stuck somewhere in late 00s.
>Good colors?
Great colors compared to washed out CRT. The only thing CRT does better is maybe contrast due to brighter whites. Blacks on CRT are grey.
>Probably a low response time.
Most gaming monitors are in range of 4ms-7ms
>High resolution?
Already higher than any consumer CRTs from the past. 1080p, 1440p, 4K.
>Probably a standard refresh rate
Higher than CRTs which used to be around 100hz. Most gaming monitors are in range of 120-144hz and some can go up to 240hz.
He didn't put down his cat. Didn't he just took it to an animal shelter?
I love the officer who arrested him when he was 16 described him as a “brain on legs” with zero empathy.