Wishlist Thread

Smash Bros Wishlist thread, I'll start.

Attached: wishlist.png (1198x674, 1.01M)

3/6, Rash is a nice sight to see

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Here's my BASED list

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Never happening you delusional weebs.

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6 characters who actually deserve to get in Smash (big Japanese IP with a lot of history and influence on vidya culture):

Phoenix Wright
Chosen Undead
Resident Evil char (swappable skins for one moveset)
Lloyd / Tales character
Sora or maybe a Monster Hunter

That's literally every iconic Japanese IP in Smash. I'd like a Rhythm Heaven rep though.

Attached: FurFag.png (1170x1170, 367.04K)

We already got Banjo, fag.
Rash, Joanna or Fulgore before Bootleg Banjo

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>File: wishlist.png (1.01 MB, 1198x674)
>1.01 MB
>Wishlist Thread Anonymous 03/15/20(Sun)15:18:12 No.499428791▶
> Smash Bros Wishlist thread, I'll start.

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Isn’t that Yooka?
BFD and B-K have almost nothing to do with each other

>6 characters who actually deserve to get in Smash

Attached: d90.png (644x800, 14.63K)

>6 characters who actually deserve to get in Smash
>aka the opinions of some uncultured nigger on Yas Forums
Opinion discarded.

you don't play this game

fuck off furfag

Giv Travis please, the other 5 could be baby Mario characters for all I care

well yeah? he's a rosterfag, what do you expect? he fits in with the rest of Yas Forums who spend more time arguing over non-video game topics than actually playing video games.

My six wishlist picks:
>Zero (MMZ version)
>Prince of Persia
>Crash Bandicoot

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I just want Scorpion. Fuck the rest. Oh, and Master Chief.

you don't play this game

see this, your argument is invalid

Attached: ConkerBTFO.png (1170x1170, 116.61K)

>Rosterfags don't play the game
Ridley and K Rool collecting dust everywhere should've clued you in.

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Why are you trying to start a war between two rare characters? It’s pointless as fuck, rare bros shouldn’t fight each other, you are giving a bad face to rash bros
you are probably a falseflagger anyways

I love how rosterfags never even try to talk back when they are called out for not playing the game. Your favorite shit pick getting in is not going to revive your favorite series. Your series getting more fans is just gonna make the fandom absolutely fucking cancerous like the current state of Fire Emblem.
I don't fucking understand why you retards want new characters when you won't even be trying them out since you fuckers never touch smash.

This, why start a war between the rare characters when all of them have a common enemy, Steve and master chief

try again fuckboys

Attached: RashSteve.png (1920x1084, 1.68M)

Attached: Smash wants.jpg (800x640, 195.59K)

Common enemy
Fuck off. If we have to work with Stevefags to get in then so be it.

>Grotesque Steve
Common vidya bros, don’t you remember when you teamed up with dragon quest fags?

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>MMZ Zero over MMX
curious, why? I know Zero is an assist trophy but I wouldn't think that's the only reason

You don't have to work with anyone you absolute autist. Neither Sakurai nor Nintendo gives the slightest amount of fuck what you say about which character "deserves" to be in or who you like the most.

>Stevefags are behind everything
We'd have a Bajillion images if they were helping us.

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rate it

Attached: My Fighter Pass 2 .jpg (1366x768, 918.59K)

Fuck off. Rash is the next Rare rep and you're going to accept it.

Based Rashbros

>>Stevefags are behind everything
You just posted a pic that has grotesque Steve,
You are not fooling anyone

That's not my image you stupid faggot

Oh yeah? I’ve been in every single smash thread, and that’s the first time I’ve seen that pic being posted, of course you made it

Honestly if we got exactly this I'd be satisfied. Pokey and Eggman balance out Geno and Toxtricity as good and bad picks respectively.

>I’ve been in every single smash thread
Except last night when the Rash Support thread was up?


Attached: vom.jpg (1024x764, 69.47K)

I was in that thread, the only pic I saw was the one that has Rash kicking Conker

Reimuchads and Doomchads.
Bros for life.

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They're in.

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Yeah that image was literally in the thread dipshit you just contradicted yourself

who the fuck is reimu fuck off with your literal who

I don't really care about Smash, but I had an epiphany regarding the DLC recently that I'm near positive that Nintendo will go with. They have an opportunity to satisfy almost everyone's wishes with a single character and they almost certainly will, please be excited.

Attached: The Cloudman Cometh.png (6016x2816, 2.03M)

Absolutely based.

I think I want Rash now or any Beat em up rep

>Master Chief

Attached: pass two.png (1920x1080, 1.96M)

Explain your reason for wanting him.

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Attached: FPVol2.jpg (1920x1080, 229.69K)

Potential for a fun moveset (Could transform into other Atari sprites a la Game & Watch), would be a neat retro character that'd also be a pleasant curveball
would also double as a villain rep for R.O.B.

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Fuck off furfag


That's right, fuck off furfag

Don’t you see bubsy

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Am I the only Mach Riderfag left?

The only worthwhile character there is Marina