Nioh 1.5 loses once again!

No Game of the Year for you faggots!

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It honestly makes me hard to how poorly received Nioh 2 has been compared to Sekiro!

No GOTY for Sekiro either.


>Expecting a mediocre Diablo looter to win against the only game in the story of the industry to feature real sword combat

its a not diabloclone, its a soulsclone

>the only game in the story of the industry to feature real sword combat
For Honor or Kingdom Come are 2 games and none of them was mentioned
get fucked

>review scorefagging
I wish I could smite you off the face of this website

>Sekiro is must play
>Nioh is not.

>Citing Metacritic
>Citing "Critics" who are prone to dick ride From games more because its whats cool to do babies first "hard" games that DSP can beat.

Man this site is shit.

Pretty based, the best game got the most awards, personally RE2 favors me out but people that think Sekiro was GotY are clearly souls shitters that wanted strawberry souls instead of vanilla souls.
It's the same shit

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>best game
its a shit game
a shit horror game because not scary
a shitty action game because bulletsponge enemies
and a shit game in general because its just a walking sim basically

but im glad RE2 remake exist because this way i super easily filter out retards

>diablo loot faggotry again

yeah nope, I may pirate it for the character creator though.

No one cares retard, R3make will crush in sales too.
You're mad because you're bad.

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Back to your kindergarten, Redditor!

>anything higher than a 6

Muh From Software Dark Souls bonus points lmao

>R3make will crush in sales too.
yeah its sales will crush other nippon games that dont sell kek
>You're mad because you're bad.
More you like you are mad because i pointed out that you love eating shit. lmao

Ignoring GOTY awards, sales, rave, and greatness doesn't make your opinion worth a fuck loser.

based butthurt RE2tard

Sekiro was nothing like Dark Souls, just admit you got filtered

RE2make couldnt even outsell RE7, let alone 6 and 5

Outsold them on launch.
Of course a game that's a year old won't sell as many copies as years old games, dumbass.

>Of course a game that's a year old won't sell as many copies as years old games
RDR2 did. In less then a week also.

>R* game
I like how you switched from other RE titles to something else because you got cropdusted.
Let that sink in.

>I like how you switched from other RE titles to something else
i didnt. you said "a game" not "a RE game" haha truly a retard
but at least you proved that when you meant "RE3make gonna crush sales" you meant shitty number

>Let that sink in.
nobody is at the door

I like both Nioh and Sekiro

>If your game doesn't sell as much as a rockstar title it failed
Nice precedent retard, do Sekirofags usually get this upset or is just because their game got cropdusted?
Let that sink in.

>oh like RDR2?

What is this forced meme? Nioh and Sekiro aren't competing in any way, both are based. Are you just a nintendobab seething that he doesn't get to play either?

Name another western game that sold 5 million copies at launch, CoD's warzone is free and only has 6 million players.
I'll wait.

Same Sekiro is a good solo game but I feel like people don't realize how great of a coop game Nioh 2 is. Expeditions making the game significantly more challenging and fun with friends. I feel like Nioh 2 is the best coop soulslike game considering how many hoops you have to jump through to play through the game with friends.

GTA (lmao)
The Division
Watch Dogs
Far Cry 5

i named 5

Does Nioh 2 have better enemy variety? If not, no idea how people aren't upset

Cropdusted, loser.

Anyone who plays coop in Soulsborne is a retarded piece of shit who should go play something else anyway. Imagine playing Ninja Gaiden 2 coop and thinking you beat it

>RE2tard Status: Eternally BTFO

Yeah, totally BTFO, getting another game that'll make you cry salty tears in 3 whole weeks.
When's the next Souls garbage or R* title releasing again?

Thats the thing though this game makes it more like Monster Hunter in coop because it scales everything and makes things way harder in coop. You aren't playing Monster Hunter completely solo are you user?

>Yeah, totally BTFO,
i mean yeah, literally read back the post-chain
>getting another game that'll make you cry salty tears in 3 whole weeks.
why would a shitty game i wont play make me cry? because you love eating shit? thats your problem
>When's the next Souls garbage or R* title releasing again?
i hope very soon

Coop breaks the AI in games like this and Dark Souls. Thinking otherwise makes you retarded and copeing

>Why would it make me cry
>Went into an autistic fucking wreck when RE2 and Kino Stranding shit on cuckiro
Why don't you just pretend to suck more Rockstar dick to make your Cuckiro fangays look less autistic retard.
I'm smarter than you.

sounds like you are the one who is going to cry when FROM or Rockstar releases a new game

Yes double reply with shit grammar very epic samefag I'm impressed.
Pull out your phone now to make a double post in the post timer, rookie.

>Went into an autistic fucking wreck when RE2 and Kino Stranding shit on cuckiro
nope, you went full autismo when you described how shit RE2 is and why and you literally couldnt even argue with it. just started throwing an autism fit thats still going


Do you at least get a waifu in NiOh 2?

Ok user sorry you can't enjoy exploring the levels with some buddies having a great time

>people pitting DMC fans against Sekiro
>year later people pitting Nioh fans against Sekiro
Pls stop. I love all of these.

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we have like 2 large ass movie games coming out this year
trannypunk 2007 and last of us 2
either of those two will get goty

no it will be AssCreed

You are the waifu in Nioh 2

>ubishit title
no, not even the normies think ubisoft makes good games

yeah they just happen to accidently buy 10 million copies every release

>sales numbers = high score on shit like metacritic

>plays coop because he's too shit to beat it otherwise
>I have the high ground!!
You never even played a Souls games if you only beat it coop. I'm so glad you were filtered by Kinokiro

nobody was talking about metacritic scores
you said normies dont like ubigames, the fact that each of their releases sell a shitton constantly contradicts that

goddamn retard

we're talking about what games will get goty
my point being normies that are online and talk about videogames don't care for ubishit

asscreed vikangz gonna be goty
you can screencap this now

I beat Sekiro user. I also beat all of the souls games solo and didn't bother to coop because the coop in Dark souls is fucking terrible to try to play with friends. These games aren't hard I'm just saying Nioh 2 in particular is a blast to play with friends.

cya next year, fucker

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how is the difficulty? watched dist playing and it seems bullshit at times