All that I want for Doom Eternal's launch day

Is to see Yas Forums reeeeeing, it to see Yas Forums cry in pain, is to see Yas Forums feeling like a virgin getting raped by a pack of ebola niggers because people are having fun and enjoying it
I wanna see Yas Forums tortured
I wanna see Yas Forums being defenestrated
I wanna see Yas Forums die

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all the DOOMGUY =/= DOOM SLAYER fags are fucking SEETHING
I can't wait to SHOOT some FUCKING DEMONS

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Based, fuck nu-Yas Forums and its contrarianism

Eternally based

Based and dare i say, redpilled?

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You don't have to wait, Yas Forums is seething about this game nonstop. Also, this is for you

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Yas Forums BTFO once more
When will they learn?

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updated version

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but its mostly just one guy doing the shitposting anons

Eh it’s like 2 guys

this, i see way more people saying "lol fuck Yas Forums is full of contrarians!" when it's like 2 turbo autists posting + falseflaggers

Why is the smashfag seething? It doesn't make any sense user.

Depends on the thread really

take your meds


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The crying demon always cracks me up

Most of Yas Forums seems to be looking forward to this. Only the pretend boomer zoomers are shitposting about it. You are an autist though.

You’re trying to hard to fit in on your first day, fuck off back to ifunny underage

Not that user, but I have actually done that in threads when I notice an especially easy to trigger user, but I can't wait for the game

Yas Forums is really still mad because they said doom 4 would be like call of duty and they got BTFO

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I'm excited for this game but do you honestly not think your shilling for this game is cringe?

why should I care about schoolschildren having fun with nuDoom?
it won't suddenly make it a good or memorable game...

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I don't understand why Yas Forums hate this game so much.

haha upvote, do you mind if I share your funny meme on my gamer Facebook page?


at least CoD doesn't have shitty flow-breaking executions, or does it?
the genre is supposedly first person shooter, not first person pinata executioner

everyone does dumbass fucking newfag

Is that a yes or a no? I’m sure it’ll get plenty of likes.

We have confirmation that the turbo-autist that did it with RE2(he's got a youtube channel with videos daily on that shit) is on an autism fuelled crusade against Doom Eternal. It's all the same dude.

>flow breaking
How do I know you haven't played the game....

Except the guy I was replying to thinks people don't do that you absolute fucking retard

i'm kind of a lurker i don't really post user

Aging neckbeards with nothing to be proud of or anything resembling a personality besides "muh old school eff pee eshes"

that was me doing the exact thing you're talking about you absolute fucking down syndrome pile of useless flesh.

doom release is postponed due to coronavirus

>it’s all just one big meanie, nobody could possibly dislike this magnum opus of video games
Nice tinfoil hat

why does every retard who complains about glory kills act like it's a requirement to kill the demons?
>inb4 it's the only way to survive in the game
literally git gud

what made you think I didn't play the game?
I played nuDoom demo for 5 minutes until the first QTE thing
are you telling me they've removed that harmful gameplay element in Eternal?
I like my demons when they die, not when they shamble around at 1 HP and glow for no logical reason.

crack when

Absolutely based

Awww... little boomer gonna piss his pants?? Awww so sad :(((
It's funny how you sit and bitch while Nudoom sold millions and Eternal will outsell even that.
So go on little guy. Shit your pants and cry. I'll be back to laugh at you.

so you do not care about the game?


Jesus Christ this is cringe

I wish I had the pictures saved but it's legit 1 guy making over 90% of the noise.

Same but with R3make. Not as into nudoom but I respect the sentiment.

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why do you care about sales?
I don't
I care about worthy sequels
e.g. Doom 3 is a good black swan doing own thing, not slapping on some worthless gimmicks

>Jesus Christ this is cringe
Underage, you're not intelligent enough to post here.

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>Disable glow
>Shoot demon instead of executing it
There you go, your problem is solved.

>I care about worthy sequels
Everyone but you thinks it worthy.
Do you ever sit down and dwell on how meaningless your shitty opinion is? Perhaps you should.

>Looking for logic in Doom.
user doesn’t know how to have fun anymore, autism consumed him

why is it there in the first place?
my problem of game designers inventing bullshit is not solved

>I wanna see Yas Forums being defenestrated
Do it.
You don't have enough windows for all of us!

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this not how you troll... you're really not impressing anybody
and you didn't answer the question, even
just how uninvested are you...

>why is it there in the first place?
>my problem of game designers inventing bullshit is not solved
ah yes, i;ve deduced that you are indeed retarded.

lol, that guy above really wants a (you) that hard

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>this not how you troll
Is this how you cope with opinions not aligned with yours? You're a moron plain and simple.

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>why is it there in the first place?
Because a lot of people find it fun to have have quick executions that are both done pretty fast and feel visceral.
>my problem of game designers inventing bullshit is not solved
Your problem is autism than and it will most likely never be solved. Go back to playing Doom 1 if you can't accept the smallest changes.

Doom 1-3 will be replayed many times by fans. Everything afterwards? No.

All the fags crying about Doom Eternal always fill my heart with pure joy.
Look at the cope in this thread.

>Doom 1-3 will be replayed many times by fans. Everything afterwards? No.
You wouldn't know that. I'm replaying Doom 2016 right now too. The gun modification and rune combos make for an interesting experience even after the fact. Not to mention the levels in hell are expertly crafted.

Sure, go ahead. But only if you link it here afterwards.


You can literally hop in right now and play Doom 2016 multiplayer with loads of people. And there's even more people re-playing the campaign(I've done it 3 times so far).


why? shti is boring as fuck.

dark mood fans

based doombro

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>Doom 1-3 will be replayed many times by fans

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>I played nuDoom demo for 5 minutes until the first QTE thing
Genuine autism. Go take a shower, loser.

All I want for Doom Eternal's launch day is for it to be closer; I've literally been sitting the last week or so being restless as fuck not knowing what to play or do in general

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it's funny, you think you belong here more than me

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That's a shame

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