Has a video game ever genuinely frightened you?

has a video game ever genuinely frightened you?

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Fatal frame when i was like 11

When Monika knew my real name in DDLC, for a split second i was genuinely worried


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super mario 64's empty castle scared me alot
the "happy music" only made it scarier desu

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I used to be so scared of the Mask zooming into the screen and the Happy Mask Salesman giggling in the intro, to the point where whenever I turned the game on, I’d keep the tv off for about 30 seconds and then turn it on so I didn’t have to see it. I was about six.

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>About to enter castle for first time on save
>Mute TV before walking through the door because the sound effect and Bowser's laugh spooked me fierce as a child

Penumbra games terrorized me when I first played them

I can't handle silent hill games, or couldn't at the time of their releases. I watched someone play the room and it genuinely fucked me up for about two weeks. Weird how fear works, because deep sea doesn't bother me even slightly, subnautica is just fun.

I always get spooked in non horror centric games by enemies sneaking up on me

The fiddlesticks league of legends trailer

Amnesia spooped me good. so did Unreal 2 but I just hate hillbillies.

Fatal Frame can get pretty intense on a chilly autumn night when you're home alone.

The first half of Prey 2017, where you where still a vulnerable little bitch

Clock Tower is pretty upsetting for a Super Nintendo game lol

>actually falling for that

The story of Soma really got under my skin. It also didn't help that I was going through some shit during that time.
Silent Hill 1 when it dropped got me good. I knew nothing about the game when I first played it other than the AD I saw on the MGS manual. Boy, was I in for a ride as a child.
SH 3 was the only game that I had to stop playing. It was a visually and auditory visceral game to play. Scared the fuck out of me.
Penumbra series was unnerving to play especially at night.
Outlast was fun. If you can in for a haunted house ride full of tension, scares, and good atmosphere, it got you good.

OH! The Ada parts in FEAR were great! They got me good especially the school in FEAR 2.

Dead Space 1.
Im never touching that shit again.

how was i supposed to know it uses your pc profile name? I literally never use my name anywhere on the internet. I was confused okay

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In Black&White 2 (or the first, can't remember), if your profile name was on a list of 200 or so names the game would whisper your name quietly at night while playing.

>not setting your user profile as "themostbigdicked"

As a child:
DOOM 3 in particular would breed a hatred of jump scares in video games that's still there 17 years later.

I get really engrossed in games, so spooky ambiance and story actually gets to me.

As an adult the only game I found genuinely scary was Soma and that's more the existential terror than the monster hide&seek elements

The first couple hours of Amnesia: The Dark Descent were legitimately unsettling. Something about the way the screen is juuuuuust slightly tilted and knowing that a monster was out there but knowing nothing about it worked very well to freak me out. Then you learn the mechanics of the game and how safe zones work and it becomes much less creepy and much more comfy. Exploring the late game areas was really cool and at that point I wasn't really scared anymore.

Yeah but you can doom guy your way through the game, you need to have the fight response to fear instead of flight

She called me Admin. Kek.

>Then you learn the mechanics of the game and how safe zones work and it becomes much less creepy and much more comfy.
w-wait really
I never got past the elevator in Amnesia because hiding from monsters freaked me out

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Wait what Lmao is that real?
Haha what the fuck

Just realized that it's a hand and not a human face in the picture. I've seen this pic so many times and thought it was a scary face.

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Why didn't you press start

she called me xXxSoLidSnAkExXx

I just googled it... i thought you were talking about pokemon...

It's a dummy's face.

Soma is unbelievably grim. I don't think I've ever played a game more depressing.

>Just realized that it's a hand and not a human face in the picture.
Bruh I've got bad news...

Yes. Silent Hill games can really affect your psyche in a disturbing way after prolonged play lol. The vibe/mood/atmosphere is out of this world.

Silent Hill 3 hospital.

The sewer monsters in dark forces. Those things creep me out even today.

It's clearly a right hand. The thumb is what looks like an ear and middle finger is bent inwards so that the tip looks like an eye

You're so goddamn stupid.

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Playing Hellblade kind of unnerved me in some sections when playing with headphones because of some voices and places that resemble my nightmares.

Yeah, there are areas in the game where you are basically 100% safe and there are "danger" areas where you have to be careful. In the dangerous areas there is usually a monster so you just stick to the shadows and collect everything you can find and you'll be alright. You'll probably die a bunch but after the first few times you get used to it, and also know that if the monster is on your trail you can just huff it back to the safe areas and it'll immediately stop chasing. Though there is an area that is more frustrating than scary midgame with an invisible water monster. Fuck that one, it was simply unfun.

I mostly play games like this for exploration and by the end of the game I was having a really good time seeing all the weird and out-there environments. Shame the sequel was kind of shit and horror games where you can't defend yourself were played out by that point.

Something about GTAVs oceans do something to me that Ive never experienced in any other game. I dont even know why its that specifically, something about the pressure fucking up your poor controlling sub is the only game to make me just stop playing for a moment.

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That part in Max Payne where you have to fallow a trail of blood in the dark with a baby crying in the background still scares me.

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I used to think that the Toad was a ghosts since he only appears when you aproach him

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It's just a closeup of a puppet you dumb nigger.

I miss being an innocent retarded child. Now I'm an autistic retarded manchild

Thief 2 had this one mission where you are following some pagan in the mystical forest and the entire level was just spooky as shit, but the last part was fucking bonkers

You're walking around sneaking like usual then you hear the weirdest fucking sound like branches moving and some click click click noises, shit its probably ambient noise or something so you keep walking then all of a sudden you get fucking raped by a goddamn giant tree monster

Genuinely the most terrifying part of that game, I avoided that last area like the plague

Oh yeah. The more I thought about it afterwards, the more it got.


Lets be real, like 5 people played pc games back in the early 2000s

Play Penumbra

It's from non chan creepypasta about a mother finding a weird picture on the phone with an old woman's face near her sleeping son. Not a dummy, not a hand.

There were some parts of Thief and Thief 2 that were terrifying. It was also exacerbated by the soundtrack and sound effects the game had.

>The story of Soma really got under my skin. It also didn't help that I was going through some shit during that time.
I'm a fucking pussy when it comes to horror games and I made the big mistake of playing Soma with the wuss mod that makes enemies not attack.

Instead of semi-annoying hide and seek sections, the enemies just follow you. These horrible, post human, groaning reminders of lost humanity will follow you around staring at you and there's FUCKING NOTHING you can do about it.
You're trying to unlock the elevators and Akers is just standing 5 inches behind you breathing down your neck, in full glory on headphones.

Its worse than if they would just fucking attack you

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Yeah I know the origin, but it looks like the 'person/ghost' supposedly taking the picture is a hand that just looks like a person from that cropped angle.

Skeletons in morrowind scared the shit out of me in caves to the point I avoided caves entirely. It was just a combination of their noises, the dark maze like interior, and the fact it was like my first fps RPG in full 3D.

>anime poster is retarded
Oh wooow

that whole game was a gigantic spookfest

>the catacombs beneath the mechanist cathedral with the hammer haunt
>the prison beneath shoalsgate
>the fucking screaming graves
>the random zombies in the necromancer's spire in the rooftop mission
>dead pagan ghost child
>the eye plants
>the library ghost

it was genuinely the scariest game ive ever played


It's a couch. The eye must be a pillow or something

Are you claiming that by virtue of being a creepypasta it makes it more likely to be a person? I know about its origin, even more reasons about it being fake.