Yuna is the best girl in the entire history of the Final Fantasy franchise. This is an irrefutable statement of fact

Yuna is the best girl in the entire history of the Final Fantasy franchise. This is an irrefutable statement of fact.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Garnet is better, came first, has a better boyfriend, and also didn't need her game to literally describe her character to the player through the voice of in game characters.

Don't. You'll summon Garnet-user.

Maria is better.

Love that you posted a non-remaster picture of her.
My god the remaster is SO FUCKING SHIT.


I love fighting in the old-fashioned Final Fantasy battle where characters run against enemies, attack and return to their home position again.
I think that if you do it with the current graphic like this, you will feel uncomfortable, but I hope you will revive this battle by all means.

First there's Barry, now there's some Garnet obsessed one? I've only been working my way through the series for a little while and went from 4-10, so I haven't been in that many threads.

How many more of these shitposters do I to look out for?

*blocks your path*

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X-2 Yuna > X Yuna

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>half Al Bhed
>best anything

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He's a weapons-grade autist. First time he showed up, he started posting his self-insert fanart of him with his 'wife.' When somebody mentioned Zidane he went full nuclear and started posting in caps about how Zidane died and that their relationship was bestiality. Even started posting Bible quotes condemning bestiality.

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Not even best girl in her game.

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Why not both?

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The Grand Wizard has spoken

mmmmm hm.

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I still can't believe that somebody approved those fucking models

not even the best in her own games

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Both Yuna and Rikku were better in X.

Eiko a best.

Not even the best girl in her own game

She is not even the best girl in her own game
Not even the best girl involved in her intro scene
She is quite shit actually

Lulu is standing RIGHT NEXT TO HER and you point your eyes to this timid skin and bones?

>Was going to buy this soon

Thanks anons guess I will just put FFX International on my hacked PS2

>still gets more porn to this day than Yuna & Rikku combined
How does he do it?

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Garnet sucks. Useless retard. At least rinoa had some tiny inklings of a personality.

Behold the true strength and beauty of the noble rat!

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>has a better boyfriend

Sounds pretty based. Too bad he likes a shit FF

it's not TERRIBLE, but it's a definite downgrade to "generic"

He also freaks out if you say anything remotely nice about Kingdom Hearts

Rikku taking Yuna's virginity.

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Pervert. PERVERT!

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Sorry, for me it’s Vanille.

Fucking bitch girl Cloud

Pycat yht, tyna E cyo, Yunabemmat

Based. Claire is Based

How come?

I want to put my penis in Claire's vagina!


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Used up whore

I can't believe how beautiful Yuna looks for a 2001 game. Its magic


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Rikku squad rise up

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she's not the best girl in her own franchise, not even in her own game

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She fucked half of Spira ya know.

not even best girl in her game

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You misspelled Fang

and I'm gonna fuck her too

um;... ok

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> forehead crease

lol ok

Not so fast.

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> a cute girl will never sit on your bed

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Link me Agrias x Ramza fanfics.

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Too bad her character screeches to a halt the moment she's recruited. No it's really too bad, I hate that about Tactics

I legitimately like Yuna's character and I think she's a strong female character done well

In FFX yeah and I think the game would be a lot better if she was the protagonist and Tidus didn't even exist.

Oh come on they were cute

Not lies. Gippal knew, that's why she got all embarrassed.


>Now kiss me you damn bastard!
Freya, you're drunk!

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>if she was the protagonist and Tidus didn't even exist.
Disagree wholeheartedly. Yuna's arc does not work without Teedus and Teedus's arc does not work without Yuna. It's a rare example of the Male and female leads actually needing each other

Yeah well I wasn't convinced by their romance.

Then you rewrite the game so that it does work. Tidus is an irritating character and the story isn't even really about him. So he can be dropped.

For me, it's Terra.

should i buy FFVIII remaster

FFXII had such a great cast, Vaan aside.

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For over two decades I have remained constant to one waifu.

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