For the love of all that is holy, someone please stop them. They pozzed Final Fantasy 7: Remake. They pozzed Capcom...

For the love of all that is holy, someone please stop them. They pozzed Final Fantasy 7: Remake. They pozzed Capcom. They pozzed Cyberpunk 2077. They pozzed Last of Us. They pozzed Fire Emblem. They pozzed Mortal Kombat. The whole industry bows to these fucking degenerates. Enough is enough.

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ResetEra always wins, bay bay. Seethe more.

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You should kill yourself, OP.

Reminder this could have all been avoided if you didn't try to get your epic faGGot movement going. You'll pay for that colossal mistake for the rest of your pathetic incel life, Yas Forumsnigger.

This. You tried casting us ResetChads out of our beloved industry. Why would we have mercy on you weaklings?

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The truth is that gaming media is a joke and most people just get their info from twitter, youtube, or twitch, where you can easily filter info relevant to you rather than reading a game review from a tranny with an english degree from california.


They only go on Resetera because it's the largest gaming forum, it doesn't mean that they actually believe in what they say.

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>173 Angry Comments
Jesus Christ stop shilling One Angry Retard here

>Tifa's tits are reduced
>Capcom women are now all goblinas
>Cyberpunk 2077 is about trannies and niggers
>Tokyo Mirage is censored
>B-b-b-but they totally don't care about them, lads
Enough coping. We have to DO SOMETHING!

>They pozzed Final Fantasy 7: Remake
>They pozzed Capcom
>They pozzed Cyberpunk 2077
>They pozzed Last of Us
Anyone that likes that piece of shit deserves to be served feces in the form of a videogame
>They pozzed Fire Emblem
Never played them
>They pozzed Mortal Kombat
11's girls weren't that bad. Past Skarlet aka the one with the long hair and mask is top tier qt
>The whole industry bows to these fucking degenerates
Wasn't here during GG but people say it's because of that
>Enough is enough
If fucking only. I do believe someday all this will backfire but who knows how long it'll take and how many games will be affected.

Attached: The Fall of CDPR.jpg (4112x2384, 1.87M)

Why anyone would want to be surrounded by dogmatic trannies is anyone's guess.

>For the love of all that is holy, someone please stop them.
Just don't buy the games, resetera doesn't buy games, and if this doesn't change the market then just stop playing games.

Tokyo Mirage Session came out before ResetEra was even a fucking big thing.

Remember when retards said the person who advocated for loli and hired Playboy for a Bayonetta 2 marketing campaign was the sole person in charge of censoring it

Resetera is fucking cancer and every single user in there should go to jail but these threads are not helping

They were Neogaf at that point, retard.

This. Don't give the sjw pandering studios and publishers any of your money. But you're gonna buy them anyway huh.

my god she is so beautiful.

>>They pozzed Final Fantasy 7: Remake

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I said this before and I'll say it again. Resetera has an influence over gaming because they fight dirty. They doxx, they harass, they SWAT, they do everything that's fucking underhanded and dirty. They're fucking bullies, and ironically enough Yas Forums is more than willing to play ball with them.

I'm not ENDORSING or ENCOURAGING anything bad, but I'm just saying that you need to fight if you want change in this world.

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Seems like you're the one coping though

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Anti-SJWs harassed somebody I loved until she committed suicide and then laughed about it, but I’m sorry this one website you don’t like is popular with video game developers. That sounds really hard.

>Frankie got banned
Fucking lol

The problem is that anytime we "fight dirty", they expose us and get even more people against us. Look at the embarrassment that was GamerGate. In fact, that only opened the doors to more influence for them. I hate to say it, but the best way to fight them really is to just let them spread their rot and ignore it. Support the games that aren't pozzed.

Yas Forums doesn't fight back any more.
Most people just say you're being cringe and ignore.

idk i'm just gonna pirate this shit and they wont see the color of my money

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Doesn't matter, Final Titsize: Reduction, CyberTranny and The Pozzed of Us 2 are all gonna sell a billon copies and you'll have shills like celebrating here. Even if you pirate it, you're still playing pozzed shit. And they're gonna keep getting incentivized to cater to the trannies. I miss when woke went broke.

KEK! Looks like the little whiny bitch babies on Yas Forums are crying and screeching and reeing because ResetEra is better than them again!

Is it, dare I say...ResetEra Derangement Syndrome? Yeah, I’m thinking it is!

>ResetEra level
>better than Yas Forums music starts playing

>Yas Forums level
>jealous that ResetEra is better than them starts playing





You have to go back.


You might have come off as someone who actually cares about video games and not just a sad coomer if you had opened with anything but "WAAAAAAH WAAAAAH MY ANIME TIDDY"

>someone please stop them
Why won't you stop them yourself with your elite team of redpilled Yas Forumsacks?

Funny how Billy called ReeraTakes a massive fucking SJW and a tranny then, being furious with ReeraTakes, but now he writes an article like this based on ReeraTakes's posts.

Seriously fuck off Billy. No one likes what resetera is doing, and neither does ReeraTakes, but that doesn't mean we'll have to like you. Stop spamming your shit on Yas Forums.
And OP, if you by any chance aren't Billy himself and genuinely wanted to make a thread on this topic, how come you didn't link directly to ReeraTakes instead of a post from fucking OAG by Billy? Yeah wonder why that is. Get lost.

That's what happens when you let females do anything, they infest everything with their cancer.

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>someone please stop them
You stop them. Just do it.

>173 Angry Comments

Ayeah where's the source?

This game will be shit, let the trannies dilate, and if your still pre ordering shit in 2020 your worse than reset/polygon/arseholetechnica dilaters

Billy calls KiwiFarms SJWs because they make fun of him and then he writes long screeds about hes going to destroy them

and here come the assblated trannies to make the stupid thread blow up... They just can't help themselves.

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Oh noooooes! I have to go back to a place that is better than Yas Forums! Where people play and discuss video games instead of piss and bitch that ResetEra is better than them!

Hahahahahaha! I sup upon a hearty goblet of KEKS tonight at your misfortune! Your envy can not alter the truth! The truth that ResetEra is better than Yas Forums!

(To the tune of “Larger Than Life” by the Backstreet Boys:)

ResetEra is much better than Yas Forums!
A place worse than ResetEra is called Yas Forums!
Yas Forums is mad that ResetEra’s better!
And that’s why they’re better than Yas Forums!

What ever they have failed, there is a major Rise in conservative ideology world wide now even media will be influenced by it after a while

>Resetera have contributed greatly to gaming. No group has had such an outsized influence per capita as all of you standing before you, and all of those who went before me and all of those who went before you …
>You make up 11 percent of the seats in the United States Congress. You make up one-third of all Nobel laureates …
>I think you, as usual, underestimate the impact of resetera. I really mean that. I think you vastly underestimate the impact you’ve had on the development of this industry.

Equal amount? So there should only be 2-6% homosexual content compared to 96% straight based on demographics.

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Why do devs listen to them tho? One could understand neogaf with all the popularity it had, but resetera? That page traffic is shit, almost no one visits that place.

>ignoring the problem will make it go away
ok retard

I legit belive it is Just millionairs trying to get other millionaires to invest into each other by using advertising to convince lower class idiots to spout whatever they want. The problem is that the money pile is getting lower between themselves and advertisers are the ones getting the better end of the deal

>They pozzed FF
>They pozzed CDPR
>They pozzed Fire Emblem

All of these were already pozzed series though?

It's just overestimating the importance of social media in general. 90% of the customers don't give a shit, but these degenerates have co-opted social media as a whole so industry gets the impression they matter.

Reset era wins baybay

The chad Resetera vs the virgin Yas Forums

Fighting back isn't allowed anymore at least on Yas Forums

Because those few who do are true fanatics.

Is it accurate that they're the biggest gaming forum? That sounds like bullshit to me. It seems like a space for ideologically aligned industry people to circle jerk.
Oh and to those saying GG is the cause of this in a transparent attempt at demoralization: GG did nothing wrong, gas trannies and sjws, you'll be six feet under soon you fifth columnist scum.

this is a dumb thread

can we just start executing culture war fags already

Billy just buy a banner already

This site isn't the comment section for oneangrytranny. Go back to arguing with people about you spent 700$ on Star Citizen and why it's gonna definetly gonna come out one day

Why are you still alive?

yes because mods and jannies ale leftist niggers

>Yas Forums
>NEETs who shitposts on twitter and try to make others fight for them

>Actually go outside and get jobs in the industry

And that's why you guys will lose the culture war.

C2077 will be just alright. Geralt carried Witcher

I just hate resetera types and OAG types equally. Is that unreasonable?

>Yas Forums an unapproachable shit hole that no one wants to associate with
>expects their opinions to matter

Shape up if you want an actual voice

>GG did nothing wrong, gas trannies and sjws

Tell me more about how GamerGate doesn’t harass people.

I want this industry to burn down

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>Resetera pozzed 2077

Attached: Here's your Cyberpunk2077 bro.jpg (1920x1202, 802.3K)

nu-Yas Forums is too cowardly and ignorant of strategy to engage them in cyber warfare.

Will be GOTD.

Nintendo is the only company pushing back against SJW yet all Yas Forums can do is attack it. It's your fault Yas Forums live with the fucking consequences. Out of pure spite, I hope every single game is pozzed.

>Gamergate harass people
Gamergate did not harass people

>only 1 chink
>no blacks
>1 women above 70
Yeah they are based.

They changed the character I was hoping to play as for 2 years now though

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I literally don't see an issue with this.
Isn't every complaint you guys have that the gay characters feel forced and not nuanced? Isn't this gonna fix that?

>right-wingers won the election but lost the culture wars
poetic justice

This. The answer is always females. They are the cancer ruining everything.

Really how does resetera have so much influence and users if they ban everyone who talks even slightly out of line?

God damn, so many women and not a single one of them is cute.
I feel sorry for the men working at CDPR.

>buying "AAA" shit
You deserve everything for perpetuating this shit. Stop giving your money to them and they'll die of natural causes.

The right just doesn’t want to be reminded gay people exist.

>retard era pozzed cyberpunk

pretty sure the danger hairs hired by CD project did that.

What do you get from denying the truth? Honest question, I'm interested.

Go back to retardera

see It's because they're pieces of shit

Because their userbase isn't a bunch of scumbag incels.

I wonder how many devs, journos, etc come here and we have no idea.
Who knows, every skyrim thread we may be telling the Todd Howard kys faggot

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Why do you hate women and LGBT people? I don't understand it

>For the love of all that is holy, someone please stop them.
no - it's for your own good. M*le toxicity must be stopped. unless they're muslim men, in which case we should just bite the pillow and loudly think "for progress!"

Bull. Fucking. Shit.

>Because their userbase isn't a bunch of scumbag incels.
But... they are.

when the problem literally grows on attention of any kind, yeah. yeah it would

most Muslim men are fags, I dunno where this stereotype came from that they are masculine

You do realize there is probably a woman who worked on a game you liked in the past right?

Stop being an incel honestly

I don't if they're written in a way that naturally melds with the rest of the game. A female/LGBT character shoehorned in for the sake of having one ruins immersion like nothing else.

Dumb fuck, the issue in the gaming industry was never ppl of color but women.

You have to stop being a consoomer. Stop buying any game pushing a political agenda, no matter which agenda it is. Doesn't matter if it's AAA or AA or indie. Stop spending your money on netflix. Stop buying from companies who feel like they need to be political to sell their product, that includes cars, clothes, hotel groups, etc.
People who always complain about muh sjw boogieman never stop consooming, only have yourself to blame for your purchasing impulses.

FBI exonerated us bitch. They did not find a single case of GGers harassing femicunts online. It was exclusively twelve year old cod kids from xbox live.

As a secretary perhaps. Voice actress at best. Female = cancer. Always.

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>A female/LGBT character shoehorned in for the sake of having one ruins immersion like nothing else.
That's just a roundabout way of saying any character you don't like is "shoehorned in"

>most Muslim men are fags
that's what progresive brine does to your pickle brick of a brain
>60% of the world was homo, 99% of ancient rome was pansexual, promise

It has to be an inside job, just like how neogaf fell.

If only a third of the people that frequent this site was as intelligent as you...

Never go full retard, retard.

I fail to see the difference.

Every single conservative deserves to be sent to a concentration camp and killed.

>masculine = toxic
also, brainwashed retard

lol, this is why video games will never be art

Build a gaming PC and wait for the cracks. Video games aren't worth buying anymore and haven't been for around 7 years now.

It is. And you know what decides whether I like a character or not? Whether they contribute to the story and plot of the game in a meaningful way.

Don't forget how Yas Forums is a staunch believer of 1s and 0s not being worth real money.
So developers have even less of a reason to not listen to Yas Forums

>Hey, aren't you going to buy my game?
>Nah. Why should I when the torrent is already up?

not ignoring it worked really well, right?

>60% of the world was homo, 99% of ancient rome was pansexual, promise
What's your point? Why do you care if other people are fags? Are you in the closet or something?

that's not very tolerant and/or inclusive

Were you there? Gamergate never advocated for that, so it wasn't gamergate who "harassed" people.

>muh coomer
Nice psi-op meme by ResetEra trannies to try to pretend everything is alright.

The hell does "respectful" mean? This just sounds like the thought police wanting to dictate how you use these characters.

I'm gonna take a wild guess and say anything that even remotely pokes fun at them no matter how lighthearted is "wrongthink" and has to be intensely scrutinized and shown to be "incorrect".

Autism will do that to you

nah, it's about whether the game offends your Yas Forumstard sensibilities, your type are easy to spot

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tranys aren't human

This has been common knowledge since NeoGAF was the big bad. It also runs pretty deep with translators too unfortunately. I work in the industry and I've met a lot of insufferable translators who like to censor anything they can and like to rewrite things to try to make them funny. A lot of them have a Discord server that's as bad as ResetEra, you can't post anything amusing or else the mods will come after you for supporting sex crimes or disparaging minorities or whatever bullshit they can make up. Amusingly several of them have said that they couldn't pass the TL test that the company that localized Sekiro set up.


McCarthy did literally nothing wrong

No, trannies are still men so they are human. Females are not human, more like parasites.

This. They even fucking bragged about it before

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So what's stopping you from learning Japanese?

fuck off billy

are you a homosexual by any chance

>sales projection plummets through the floor the next day

i'm articulating my point on how effective the brainwash is - the stats never were that high. Also, I'm against empowering corporations to spoonfeed racism/homophobia / climate change etc. bullshit so that the government can have more authority on curating the way of living (uncluding promotion of degenerate sex lifestyle, tax-paid, real life, consequence-free abortion fetish and so on)

Heres a quick rundown:
>Rothschilds bow to ResetEra
>In contact with aliens
>Possess psychic-like abilities
>Control gaming with an iron but fair fist
>Own castles & banks globally
>Direct descendants of the ancient royal blood line
>Will bankroll the first cities on Mars (ResetErakistan will be be the first city)
>Own 99% of DNA editing research facilities on Earth
>First designer babies will in all likelihood be ResetEra babies
>All members said to have 215+ IQ, such intelligence on Earth has only existed deep in Tibetan monasteries & Area 51
>You likely have ResetEra bots inside you right now
>They are in regular communication with the Archangels Michael and Gabriel, forwarding the word of God to the Orthodox Church. Who do you think set up the meeting between the pope & the Orthodox high command (First meeting between the two organisations in over 1000 years) and arranged the Orthodox leader's first trip to Antarctica in history literally a few days later to the ResetEra bunker in Wilkes land?
>They learned fluent Java in under a week
>Nation states entrust their gold reserves with the twins. There's no gold in Ft. Knox, only Ft. REnox
>All members about 2 decades old, from the space-time reference point of the base human currently accepted by our society
>In reality, they are timeless beings existing in all points of time and space from the big bang to the end of the universe. We don't know their ultimate plans yet. We hope they're benevolent beings.

Sounds just like any female ever.



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Top tier projection. Sjws are the only ones who engaged in doxxing and getting people's projects shut down.

>One board is full of retards unified on their authoritarian worldview

>The other is full of retards who pride themselves on creating division and concern trolling and are so fucking retarded they pretend to not enjoy things despite posting on a forum daily about said things

Hmm I wonder which has momentum in the industry.

t. ranny


always report unfair bans in irc so that this place won't be overrun by censor-loving fucks.