>le obscure video game
>le "subtle" Yas Forums references
Remind me why Yas Forums likes this guy?
Le obscure video game
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you just said it
Idk, his videos are entertaining to me.
he's /ourguy/
reddit likes him, idk if Yas Forums does it
>wow wtf why does Yas Forums like Yas Forums jokes
I don't know who you're talking about, so no I don't like them.
i really hope he doesnt do a video on Rain World. it's a perfect game, i really don't need him making edgy political jokes out of nothing for the Yas Forums crowd.
some of the vids and games he recommended are good, though.
Get the fuck outa here Sseth i know you're false flagging to get material for your next video.
Because he's a talentless hack, just like Yas Forums
he should review "i have no mouth and i must scream"
There's like 10 people here who like him. I prefer Mandalore.
His dwarf fortress video is really, really, really bad. Honestly wish he'd revisit it. It's just so much worse than most of his other videos. Hope you're reading this seth you faggot.
>Dude Star Wars!
fun to watch, mocks jews
His videos entertain me
Sseth tide annoyed me quite a bit. But he's alright I guess.
He is entertaining and he has shown me lesser known games.
Whatever you're arguing, you're automatically wrong
because hes a jew
He's a nigger
And Yas Forums love niggers for some reason, like that nigger who killed himself that played games
he's the kojima of youtube videos
worst shit was Yas Forums shat on underrail (just for the sake of shitting on something mind you) until he made a video on it
>Yas Forums is one person
You are like a toddler with a snot bubble and crossed arms fuming in the corner because he didnt get attention.
Stop obsessing and just start doing something with yourself man
His videos are good, but most of the situations are fake and setup. They arent his. This was important for ss13.
you couldn't have underrail threads because they were filled with more shit posting vs people actually talking about the game
take your gay rebuttal and put it where a gay would
good comedic timing, decently edited for what he's going for
Great 10-20min time killer
>Remind me why Yas Forums likes this guy?
Because he blatantly panders to them and local simps are the easy prey
>mocks jews
He doesn't, he's literally one himself (watch his dlive stream). Saying the word "merchant" a couple of times, showing a few stars of David and equating Jews with anything money related is hardly "mocking". And the popular he got the less of the imagery he uses. And you dumb goyim fall for it every time, no wonder they think you have no souls.
He said before that graduating with a degree in pharma and working there greatly depressed him and how he genuinely wanted to help people (he mentioned he did work involving cancer STEM research and regularly follows any kind of news)
Is Big Pharma really that depressing?
Oh great there is another stupid buzzword got created?
he also uses dog-whistling Yas Forums tier humor. The only reason I watch him is the games he picks, but the humor is getting so annoying I think I'm gonna stop.
Jew Jokes can get stale fast
And him growing more popular isn't a good thing. He mentioned there was a group of people mass flagging his videos in hopes of taking his channel down and the more he grows the more likely he is to just disappear in a blink of an eye because youtube hates edgy content
Singling them out in any way is always good.
He's stupid and can't even beat Lobotomy Corporation, a fucking flash game
heyhey pipo
Imagine busting your ass to improve the world and being told to work on homeopathic sugar pills after your actually useful project got canned.
Pewdiepie made a video on it.
I had two classes on Pharmacology. I legitimately wanted to neck myself during the entirety of those classes, no joke.
Ok bye
Yas Forums just likes niggers.
bye bye
When was this stated? I was hoping that game would catch his attention, and other than an Aleph reference in one of his Might and Magic videos, I didn’t hear of him playing it
Kys namefag
I dont think I need to watch it to understand it, its just another variation of the usual. Basedboy cuck bugman etc etc. Its just a new word to stay "fresh"
He makes entertaining videos.
I have a friend in pharma and he says his job is to just try and raise funding over doing actual work
>2011+ fucking 9
>still watching Pewds
>plays god hand
>points out there isnt very much porn of the game
>uses the money he gets from making videos to commission a bunch of porn
>makes said porn readily available to anyone who watches the video
Coomer here, im thinking he's based.
>talent less hack
>steals from others
>cant make a new thing
>each new product is worse than previous
>and feels more and more forced
>cultist tier fans will defend frothing at the mouth
Checks out
Bullshit, Etika has done that for years and is legitimately an oldfag, yet half of Yas Forums hates him.
Who the fuck simps for sseth, do you even know what that word means?
it can be used in this context just fine. People are giving him too much praise and attention while he's not that special.
Shills are simps
I like how DF-fags are still SEETHING
Yes, also incredibly mind numbing work for the most part.
Some peeps don't record themselves 24/7, so I can understand using b-roll footage, or something outsourced. The guy has a valid point for not getting credited tho.
Who ever actually cared what the actual Reddit or Yas Forums opinion? If you like a channel, that's fine. I kinda like the Game Grumps from time to time, shuddup
It's hard to call him a racist, he pokes fun off of literally every demographic. Youtube hates it, but implying he's out for a specific group is pushing it.
Because shoving in "NIGGA" and other ebonics talk makes it less funny then it already is.
>Yas Forums humor
He hasn't made any pol tier jokes since Starsector
Everything is pretty normie about his vids now
theres nothing subtle about the references, every reference is just a common meme
>muh seekreet club
>stop liking what I don't like
>it's popular therefore it's bad
OP is a huge faggot as usual
Shills for females are simps. That’s the definition of the word
Etika isn’t funny. Sseth is. Also Etika is a fag lol
we liked him until he became popular, his stuff also had a massive drop in quality around the same time for some reason.
Anyone who likes listening to Yas Forums memes said audibly by some e-celeb faggot doesn't belong here, I've seen his videos and it's all fucking screencaps and hentai shit flashed repeatedly across the screen, he even has a subreddit. People who identity with this place like it's some secret society need to be fucking shot.