Since we will all be quarantined, shill your Super Mario Maker 2 levels here

Give us SOMETHING to do during the pandemic.

Yank The Chomp's Chain


Lost In The Cavern's Depths

Attached: SuperMarioMaker2.jpg (1000x1000, 155.21K)

first code doesn’t work anymore

Attached: AA291BCA-7323-4423-88F5-7D083A611A78.png (1280x720, 439.41K)

Mine or yours?


Replacing 100 Man Mario with Endless Mario utterly killed this game. I wish I could get a refund.


I build a level based on the Banjo-Tooie world Grunty Industries. I uploaded it yesterday and it haven't got much attention yet. You have to collect ten red coins (Jiggies), which will bring you to the boss fight against Weldar. However it is pretty long and you might not make it in time but there are checkpoins so you will not lose all of your progress if you die because of time out. Theres also a bit of backtracking involved like in the original.

I also did other Bano Kazooie levels like Freezeezy Peak (TH4-VC9-3JF) and Mad Monster Mansion (YBR-C28-2FG).

>playing Endless on each of the difficulties
>expected to see levels full of the multi-coins everywhere
>so far people have used them sparingly and appropriately
>haven't seen enemy spam
>no lakitu spam either
>no corridor-filled-with-starmen-and-8-Bowsers levels
>not a single DON'T MOVE level
Did Nintendo develop an algorithm to kill these or has the player base matured

Attached: 1559587258303.jpg (1829x2049, 540.3K)

Haven't made anything in like a year and now my NSO is expired. Oh well.

Spam it on Twitch to get Stars