Games to play while quarantined

Quarantined Yas Forumsros what games are you playing to pass the time?

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mass effect trilogy


unironically wow

you are not going to be able to play games while quarantined as you will be too busy trying to breathe

Sinking City


long jrpgs you've been putting off. i'm finally playin persona 4, will probably play smt: nocturne afterwards

>have been caughing for the past few days
>have been feeling like shit and most likely have gotten a cold on top of the coughing
Should I go to the doctor?

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smt strange journey

Since fapping increase defense, porn games like:
>Spoiled Child
>Evenicle and Rance games
>Bunny Black
>Rune's Pharmacy
>Sold Girl Town
>Liliths Throne or Corruption of Champions
>modded Skyrim

I'm working from home for the next two weeks and plan to finish Tokyo Mirage Sessions and restart XC2 because I stopped playing it 20 hours in about 2 years ago and can't remember anything. When ACNH comes out I'll start playing that in between.

PoE. New League came out last Friday.

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Yes nigger.

Bought Dad of War for 12 bucks but I got bored with it after 2 hours so I'm gonna reinstall STALKER with some new mod

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Literally the same games I played while not quarantined.
Also, it was nothing but diarrhea for a week. I'm sure that's enough to kill the fuck out of third-worlders who don't understand what that does to your hydration, but pretty much any country in which gatorade exists should be fine.

>Rune's Pharmacy
>mfw I expected decent crafting elements
>mfw it was just more RPGM trash

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If you had the flu of any sort you wouldnt have just a cough, pain behind the eyes and chest pains/trouble breathing are the flu, if you want to be safe see a GP or doctor for sure, but its likely to just be a cold given the time of year it is and how shit the weather has been.

Same, but i enjoyed it.

The thing is being old, alone and having other disease. Then you are fucked.

Before the cold, was it a wet or dry cough? Corona cough is dry.

not sure if retarded or memein


Anyone here actually getting quarantined? Everything is still business as usual in my area, just no toilet paper or frozen food at the Wal Marts

Honestly you people laugh at toilet paper hoarders, but you really dont have enough toilet paper yourselves. The average person uses 1 roll per day. If you have a family of 4, that's 28 rolls a week. Over 100 a month. TP rolls will be worth their weight in gold in a few months, because everyone needs it.

most places are saying DO NOT just show up at the doctor's office but call ahead. you might just have a cold, but if you go to the doc, you are going to get it there. better to call ahead and talk to them than basically guarantee you get it

>asking 4channel for advice when every government in the world is giving advice
retard read your fucking local news

One roll per day? Are you fucking with me? My family goes through like two rolls a month

It's not a true quarantine where I am, but most office workers who can do their work remotely have been sent home for at least two weeks.

Oh is that the reason for this toilet paper meme?
Nobody talks about resulting diarrhea.

>The average person uses 1 roll per day
wtf are eating?


Toilet paper

>Work as a door-to-door fundraiser for charity.
>Basically waiting to get made redundant the moment the government bans the job, someone in the charity infects someone (or even coughs near them) on the door, or I catch it and get sent into self-isolation, which at this current moment is homelessness because I'm living in.

the teams we have in the central UK have had four near misses (I.E people who are in isolation fucking open their doors for some fucking reason to tell us that, instead of just, not answering the door) in two days, so at least here its definitely happening.

I was deemed as an essential personnel since I work as a dispatcher for places like hospitals, US Marshal’s office, power companies, etc. Easy enough job to do from home if the company demands it, but I definitely won’t be getting any time off

Good for you? I mean good for us, since that's a vital job. Fundraising isn't, at least I fucking hope not.

This. Sunk 30 hours into pic related and just booted up the sequel.

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Yeah but I’m definitely not getting paid enough for this

This quarantining shit is getting out of hand here in the states. I've had family and friends get sent home recently just because they had a cold. A fucking cold, and now they're being quarantined lmao this shit is so fucking stupid.

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Well sorry to keep coming back to me on this one old chum but its better than the alternative of not getting paid at all, so my personal sympathy level is a little low. That's just me though, there's got to be a load of assholes who will get full paid time off and no work for x weeks, so we can both hate those people, I guess?
I don't actually hate any of you, just stay alive, over 25 to play that game but under 75 to not fucking die, don't have diabeetus or chest problems anons, and at least two of you record yourself yelling shitty cringy memes between apartments when/if on lockdown. I'll laugh at least.

Replaying dark souls 2. Its fun despite its glaring flaws, currently starting dlc1


why the fuck were you traveling during a pandemic in the first place

literal retards


self isolate right now

it's not stupid, it's necessary

I'm a migrant meme farmer user its seasonal work.

Eh true. I just don’t know anyone being forced into unpaid time off. They’re either getting paid or working at home. Which left me a little bitter that I’m still showing up to my office while people I know are staying home with Nioh 2 and such

>Eh true. I just don’t know anyone being forced into unpaid time off.
Well, if it happens to me (I'd say like a 50% chance in the next week) I'll post about it and you can know someone, sound good?

No it's not. There are actual cases of the virus going around, but it's no where near as serious as the media is making it out to be. Fucking sheeple.

>because everyone needs it.
I grew up in a village with no TP, running water, or electricity.
Don't get me started on how coddled the modern anus is.

>Quarantined just in time for Doom Eternal

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Good luck user. I hope you still get paid

Me too, jesus.

I think people are just buying the toilet paper because they heard toilet paper was running out and saw others buying mass quantities of it.
It's kind of a problem since at home even without TP you could just stick your ass in the shower, but if businesses can't get more stock because all these retards are hoarding it then what the fuck are the workers supposed to do if they run out?

>tfw bidet
What's it like living in the third world?

Suck, my 4 siblings and I didn't get a birth certificate until 5 months old because of high infant mortality.

>not playing STALKER/Metro to simulate the feeling of everything being overpriced and good boolet being of high demand


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>The average person uses 1 roll per day
Eat healthy. Your shit comes out smoothly and you only have to wipe once.

It's a pasta you dip

>quarantine over a cold
God, the left is so pathetic.

I'm not playing it but Rimworld is probably great.

I ordered a Ravensburger puzzle.

>not looting leftists with your gunz because they are nogunz fags
I bet you're a centrist faggot.

>have two weeks off work
>spend all day watching twitch streams instead of playing vidya
How do I unfuck myself


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Gothic and Max Payne are top tier comfy games to play chilling at home.

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Silkroad Online on a pserver.
It's still the best MMO there is desu senpai.

I dunno, maybe stop sucking cocks and taking them up your asshole?

As a boomer I'll just never understand this watching game streams shit. I guess it's for especially the type of faggots who can't into comp gaming