Why is there no remaster of this game?

I don't get it

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you can download it for xbone

There is a 4K remaster of Black and NG2 on the Xbox One. At the time the "remaster" was considered Sigma even though it outputs at 720p just like Black and has loading screens out the ass im exchange for ugly bloom effects.

>Japanese game
More than likely lost source code.

nobody cares about ancient autism simulators

Has it aged poorly? Can't you play it on XBONE?

>Has it aged poorly?
No, it was ahead of its time with widescreen HD output on an original Xbox at 60fps along with online mission packs that brought new mechanics and content for free in 2004. Black comes with all the mission pack content except for one mechanic which was removed because it trivialized bosses.

>Can't you play it on XBONE?
Yes at 1080p on the S and 4K on the X.

Why are Japanese people such butterfingers with their source codes?

In the case of Ninja Gaiden the director was fired under false allegations to avoid paying his promised bonus and a lengthy legal battle occured afterwards.

Americans were almost as likely as them to lose source code but unlike Japanese people, they actually made PC releases, which can be easily sold in digital stores and are easier to reverse engineer, what makes projects like ScummVM possible at all.

Ninja Gaiden Black and Ninja Gaiden 2 are both native 4K, have locked 60 FPS (outside of 1 room in Ninja Gaiden 2), have 16x anisotropic texture filtering, and VSync enabled only on the Xbox One, and soon the Xbox Series X.

Power Your Dreams.

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lead designer threw a bitch fit over money and quit, then he made Nioh

the only reason i want an xbone

>Why is there no remaster of this game?
>what is sigma
and this is the reason why it's pointless to beg for ports because you will never get anything but the sigma versions

Sigma fucking sucks tho.

sigma 1 is alright but yes 2 is a disaster

I never understood what's the reason behind the Sigma versions. The add shit, but they remove shit in return. What's the reason behind this?

How about you just play the original you fucking mouthbreathing piece of shit

1 is still a technical mess. The game has to load every time you open a chest or read a note and there are even loading screens in the middle of fights despite Black not having any of that. How could the devs be so incompetent when the PS3 has at least 2x the hardware specs of the Xbox?

Not OP. Emulation of the OG Xbox is a bitch and gamers nowadays won't accept a port of an old game without the word "Remastered" in the title.

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>when the PS3 has at least 2x the hardware specs of the Xbox?
power of the cell baybeh
but for real while the ps3 did have more potential it was a nightmare to develop for. so much so in fact that most devs just didn't consider it to be a worthy use of their time, which left the system with most ports running like shit
also emulation fixes this issue

No, the emulation version of Sigma still has loading screens everywhere, they're just faster.

There is already a "Remaster" on Xbone and NG2 is free on gamepads right now.

>No, the emulation version of Sigma still has loading screens everywhere
nah, it loads fast enough that you never see em
t. emulated it myself

nimin gaiiag, rated M for erutam

That is an impressive technique Ryu

devs got filtered by the cell processor

it's the same everywhere. companies didn't think they needed those anymore so it was just useless trash taking space.
if you would have been like HEY BOSSMAN WE BETTER KEEP THIS. IN 20 YEARS PEOPLE WILL WANT TO BUY IT AGAIN. they would have think you crazy

MS should release their emulator years down the line or at least some mad lad reverse engineer it.

Bullshit. Electronic Arts actually preserved a lot of source code and re-releases were already the norm back in 2000 at the very least.

>it's the same everywhere
No it's really not, nips are a special case of retarded. Companies like Falcom would look at their floppy disk source code and would've thrown them out until everyone told them to just donate it to a preservation organization. There are very rarely cases of western companies where they outright destroy their source code, hell, some of them made their games open source.

true, and even earlier than that. Final Fantasy 1-6 had remakes on SNES and PS1. SNES had re-releases of every NES Mario game, etc

final fantasy 3 included?

What are some action games like NGB?

release it on steam
play it at 240 FPS


Why is there no good Xbox emulator?


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Ninja Blade

No one cares about the console.

There is, you just have to buy an Xbox console to access it.

Al Lowe has a lot of source code of his games because he knew Sierra wouldn't bother to back them up, so it's not just a Japanese thing only. Of course, 99% of it is worthless since the ScummVM has reverse engineered them already.

*ScummVM team

>NGB is not emulatable
>doesn't have a PC
>no remaster
I just want to play it at least once. I've already finished every DMC, a bunch of Platinum games, and God Hand; I need more.

How expensive is an OG XBOX these days?

i could currenlty buy one for ~$100 with softmod+chip

Join the Xchad master race.

Should I play it on og, 360 or x?
Shit's expensive

Tecmo has a vendetta against Itagaki and all of the old guard that left with him because they tried to steal his compensation and had a false rape lawsuit against him that lost

Hundred is a bit much to play Ninja Gaiden and maybe one or two other games. I can't remember what the OG Xbox had. Halo? Fable?

>buying a console for one game

Just wait for the Series X at this point. If you can't for whatever reason, you need the X. OG and 360 and base Xbox One consoles don't get the full suite of enhancements.


NG2 on Xbone isn't quite 4k iirc, it's more like 1800p with MSAA

stop remastering shit faggot. make new games.

OG and 360 output at 720p, Xbox One at 1080p and Xbone X at 4K. Go for at least 360 if you want to play Ninja Gaiden 2.

OG is 480p and Xbone is 960p internally. Output res may be different but that's scaled.

makes me wanna get an xbone, could use a gen 6/7/multiplat machine.
how is the fan noise on One S?

Sega games.

no one has that shit console

Otogi 1 and 2
DoA games
Phantom Dust
Armed and Dangerous

That game came out on original xbox and was remastered last gen.

It is too based for modern gamers with their shitty gamer skills.

This fucking game makes me consider getting an xbone, I have a 360 but it only runs at 720p there. If the next xbox is not severely overpriced/shit I miiiiiight consider getting it, my PC is getting old as fuck and I don't feel like getting a ps5 until 2 years after release

bro an xbone s is $130 new on eBay if you're only going to use it as an NG machine
the only thing that sucks is NG2 isn't at HD resolutions on anything but X and its way cheaper to buy a disc copy of NGB than a digital one

IF I buy it I would totally go X
But yea, I'm waiting until the new xbox is released whatever is called, chances are the xbone will get jailbroken/modded and I can play the other titles like Otogi and other that have no official support on it. Biggest gaming purchase mistake I ever made was buying a 360 that can't be modded, if I can avoid that in the future I will.

I mean fucks sake you can even play Midnight Club 3 on modded 360.

it works with the original disc and isn't missing any effects unlike the shitty DMC trilogy remaster