Game is $60

>Game is $60
>Just wait a few months
>Now it's $25(That's not saying it's a bad game)

Feels pretty good to be patient.

Attached: 1584288395270.png (1000x1828, 872.22K)

>don't buy Atelier Ryza at launch expecting a price drop by now
>only time it's not $60 is during steam sales which barely knock enough off the price to make it worth it

Attached: 1578641397023.png (900x869, 161.02K)

It also feels pretty good not being a retarded paypig.

>Enjoy a hobby

Attached: Prostitute.png (1920x1080, 1012.85K)

>paying 60 dollars to jerk off
Yep, oink for me piggy

That's how you show your support

Attached: 1584193401178.png (1385x1929, 2.4M)

And it also makes you a retarded paypig.

How is that bad?

Attached: 1584032290623.jpg (1100x1323, 129.87K)

I never said it was bad, I just said it feels pretty good not being one. Can you not read either?

>has the best sales
>be very patient
>almost always wait 6 months for sales
>except for select multiplayer games
>save so much money that it's cheaper than being a consolefag including pc part cost

Attached: 1528296994577.jpg (236x275, 50.75K)

Same, but we're probably killing the industry.

Attached: jf1.gif (320x240, 1.33M)

That's only one way you're showing your support though.

Attached: 1566924600129.png (600x840, 697.31K)


>Gmes comes out
>1 year later
>Diamond edition game comes out

Attached: mmm2.jpg (763x763, 90.33K)

god I wish that were me

No you dont

>he doesn't know that koei tecmo are the biggest jews in vidya
You fucking played yourself.

Not him but I do.

>game is 60 dollars
>pirate it
>don't wait at all and don't pay anything

Attached: 1534474890992.jpg (640x640, 158.78K)

A better way is to run into the company's office, and jerk off all over the place, saying "MY WAIFU AAAAAHHH"

Please don't post lewd pictures of Jeanne Ruler.

>game price never drops
Fuck ninty

Attached: 3673f56355719e3475a6a47ade8a3f8938a492130c7930724fe0d88c4b695dd7.jpg (2480x3508, 1.98M)

Shame i missed the Jeanne thread earlier.

Attached: 1566054196270.jpg (754x1024, 76.46K)

Delete gacha

>Game comes out
>You are still a virgin

Attached: 1580327980757.jpg (663x950, 76.95K)

But you see I need to play this singleplayer game RIGHT NOW.

>game is $60
>wait a few days
>download fitgirl repack

Feels pretty good to be intelligent

Attached: 1579295406967.jpg (1200x854, 164.65K)

Why would you download a repack? Don't tell me your internet speed is not fast enough to download 100gb in max 2 hours.

you calling it retarded implies that it's bad

>industry gives me supbar products
>I give them half the msrp
Patience is a virtue.

>Bread is $6
>Wait a week
>Bread is $2

Feels good having such poor taste I can't even tell when my products are mostly rotten.

We can change that, user.

How do I marry these women?

You can't because they aren't real

Neither am I really

oh, then never mind
things that aren't real can marry things that aren't real, no compatibility issue

Attached: 1576264781723.jpg (2966x4096, 788.38K)

Why are the shittiest analogies always the food related ones?

Attached: 1532779249632.jpg (1464x2048, 281.54K)

Kill yourself, Redditor.

Food analogies are the food analogies of analogies.

i want jannuzuri

Attached: 1522090735538.jpg (1482x1500, 247.35K)

Attached: 1543813096944.jpg (1000x1415, 257.15K)

Seriously, when the fuck are these fateniggers going to be forced into /jp/? Every single one of these threads that starts with a picture of their one dimensional "characters" turns into the same shitty image dump.

Why are Jannu/Horta so perfect bros

You know you love it.

Attached: 1536616365010.png (1180x1672, 1.64M)

Not that user, but I only like MHX Alter's plump butt.

Attached: 1529408201456.jpg (750x1334, 192.69K)

Because mods are trannies that are probably jacking off to these threads with a dildo up their ass.

That's it, now turn around and stick that lush thing out

>WoW expansions stay $60 until the next one is nearly out
>Then it's free and added to every account

There needs to be more art of her condom suit

Attached: 1582903187351.jpg (311x478, 105.95K)

Because Jeanne is the ideal woman. To be frank, most are ideal now that I think about it There are only a few outright bad women in FGO (Medb, Elizabeth).

Attached: 6cir356tyk931.jpg (555x960, 73.8K)

>$25 dollars is still too much

Attached: 1513016148405.png (1440x1800, 1.66M)

Is this what you want user?

Attached: 1552754202442.jpg (1457x2064, 1.22M)

Attached: 1520895234945.png (1765x2750, 2.5M)

This is exactly what I want, MHX Alter poster.
Please continue, I need more

You'll never be a woman.

Attached: 1552752948909.jpg (837x1200, 85.2K)


Should we post men?

Attached: 1547364385615.jpg (792x800, 487.56K)

I need such a butt on my face, for lascivious reasons.

Attached: 1534077573411.png (700x979, 471.56K)