CK3 will it floop?

will it end like imperator?

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depends of the content there is at launch
If it's just another cashgrab and you have to buy 2000DLC to get the current content of CK2
Yes it will probably be shit on

I will buy it because I have 0 stewardship, intrigue, or learning.
It obviously won't have all the features of CK2 and all the expansions. It just needs the core gameplay to be robust enough so it can be a fun experience played normally (Catholic feudal). Secret cults, warrior lodges, etc. can all be added later.

Make way for the real medieval grand strat game. CK need not apply.

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Looks a bit like Civ, was the first game like that?

First game looks kinda the same but with sprites. Every region has a city and some villages/monastaries/resources that supply the city. There are a couple of dev diaries on the THQ youtube channel about the game there are also written ones on the community page. If it's gonna be like the first game it's gonna be a simple and fun game. Not a bloated amount of mechanics that are barely interlinked like a lot of paradox games.

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>will it end like imperator?
Imperator is good now, and still going. But yeah, I'm not going anywhere near this until it goes on sale

We'll see.
I'm waiting for the heresy gameplay. The way they said it in the dev diaries, it's going to be a pretty much "make your own religion" type of thing, like the reformation system in holy fury, and that was always my favourite part in the DLC.
However, I honestly don't really like the thought of these weird skill trees that they'll implement. It looks too "gamey" in my opinion.

The combat was already confirmed to be as deep as a puddle.

Will buy the base game from the bargain bin once mods and a dozen DLC are out and then pirate all the DLC.

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>total war real time battles crap
no thanks.

I am worried that there's going to be very little regional content beyond western european feudalism at launch, leading to the "Big Empty Box" situation. They've already announced that there will be no playable republics or nomads at launch, and latest DD has confirmed that Byzantine Empire is just getting straight-up feudal mechanics.

>However, I honestly don't really like the thought of these weird skill trees that they'll implement. It looks too "gamey" in my opinion

>we want the Hearts of Iron 4 audience
worst fucking part of the game, that
but god forbid they make the game too hard for the zoomers

was looking forward to that game

>deep as a puddle
For Paradox Standards?

how sjwd is it going to be? their each game has more and more of this garbage

It's Paradox, their games are basically early acces and if you want the full game you have to pay another 1000 euros.

It's going to be like every Paradox game, absolutely broken and unfinished at launch, and okay to decent after $200 of dlc.

ah yes, prepaering for releasing new dlcs day one....

crusades will be renamed to holy war as to not offend the islamic peoples by reminding them of the genocides white europeans committed upon their innocent, peaceful populace
really though and joke aside, they'll be removing deus vult and shit, but aside from that I dunno.

From the dev diaries it's implied that you can create Christian and Muslim heresies where you can set the inhertiance law to women only.
To be fair, it's probably optional and at this point Crusader Kings is all about "wacky alt history" anyway.

>Imperator is good now
lol what? its maybe a 5/10 game now, and there is still no depth beyond painting the map

Imperator was fundamentally a shit game that could not have been fixed without radically altering it. Unless they've completely reworked the core mechanics from the bottom-up, I don't believe you.

Nah, it'll sell enough for the autists and casuals for "le epic maymays"

Realistically it'll be complete and utter shit untill they sell their $300 worth of DLC to make it playable

>completely reworked the core mechanics from the bottom-up
Yep, they did that

It won't flop because Paradox is supported by retarded whales. Myself, I don't see any reason to play it over CK2, the lifestyle level up system looks like it has potential but I'm sure it'll just devolve to picking the same ones over and over again simply because they're too good.

I do like that raiding now locks you to a territory for a certain amount of time, so you can't just run away as soon as a counter-attack force is raised.

Anti-SJWs don’t play video games.

That's literally what they did, user.

Of course it will. It's soulless garbage that will need a dozen dlcs to be at CK2's level. Byzantines will even have a feudal system in place at launch lmao.

Needs rape mod

It's still shit.

Are they improving fucking ANYTHING?

no, they're cutting content, incorporating 3d models for chars, a shitty skill tree, and calling it a new game

Lol. Funny how outrage and negative reception can all of a sudden fix what a decade of slacking out couldn't


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well, they are making a better diplomacy/dynasty system
but in turn they are cutting fucking everything

>but they reworked it.
But for the better, or the worse? Stellaris changes that eliminated FTL ways to travel was a rework, after all.

When? Last I played it was between 1.2 and 1.3 and it was still fucking trash and incredibly dull

why does the UI look so shit

The people I know who like CK are all saying they’re going to wait a couple years when all the dlcs come out so it may not do well initially.

Hopefully combat is more involved and advanced than "who has more dudes", and hopefully mercenaries aren't as absurdly powerful.

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It's going to be a giant pile of donkey doo doo and it's going to take modders (at least the ones not alienated by Paracocks' behavior) at least 3 years to make it playable, and take Paracocks another 9 years to steal the modders ideas and add them as features. I sincerely hope every Swedish person fucking dies.

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Yes it will suck. People who say otherwise didnt experience the launch of EuIV, HOI IV, Imperator, and Stellaris

>Grand strategy smallbrain can't into micro
Boomers killed RTS

dont believe their lies, nothing has changed except the ways populations behave and they removed(not really) the mana system

gimme a quick rundown on that webm

they decided to rename "primogeniture" into "oldest child succession" to make the game more "approachable"
it's going to be a disaster

the absolute state lmao

Is there like a dev blog that says this or what?

will we be able to have anime portraits mod again?

What's wrong with that American?

oh well Imparator 2.0

do they even realise ck2 sold so well because it was realitivly deep compared to total war/civ etc

Lol thanks

The portraits are now in 3d and animated.
Nobody is stopping you from rendering them all yourself though

>All powerful vassals must approve in order to change any succession law
The fuck?

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With how they've been saying that they want to focus on character interaction rather realm management in CK3, makes me think they're just going to shit out all kinds of low effort story packs just to keep their content designers busy.

But that already exists in Ck2

they went the deep route with HoI3 and it was a disaster so they made HoI4 as shallow and shitty as possible and it was a huge success. so yeah take a wild guess

I don't think it does. Your council can maybe weigh in, but I'm pretty sure you can remove their power to do so, and it doesn't have to be made up of your biggest vassals. It can be filled with pathetic yes-men. Did something change?

They added that in CK2 with Conclave. But even though Conclave was a piece of shit that broke the game for a while, it still had/has more depth than this.