Why do people hate on this game?

Why do people hate on this game?

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Because it was popular and v is a bunch of contrarian asshats

Because people can't handle letting go of something they love without becoming embittered.

Because it's an ultra-linear and pretentious mess when it could have easily been fucking amazing.

Because it's shit


>dumbed down gameplay
>not finished
>the story is full of holes and mostly makes no sense
>ruins the plot of first two games
There's more but I got tired of typing

It's a fine game but the way it was shoved down everyone's throat as the greatest game ever and the pinnacle of modern storytelling tainted it.

>Why do people hate on this game?

Bad story.
Bad gameplay.

It's boring and pozzed.

plot holes and copious story contrivances that reveal its amateur writing staff for the hacks they are.

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-they're idiots
-they're racists
-they're tasteless

Either one or multiple

Man, I used to look up to Tim Rogers and devoured everything he wrote.

But then he did this and I've hated him ever since.

Some people unironically believe that open world borefests are better than tightly designed linear experiences with fantastic gameplay like this game.

And I guess they're either too dumb for the story or misunderstand it.

t. Levine

Bioshock Infinite (or how I learned to stop worrying and love streamlining) is a game whose gameplay contradicts itself with such odd design choices as a sabotaging Vigor (plasmid) in linear levels with one sided encounters, a weapon upgrade system with a two weapon limit, the utter imposibility of stocking up on health items to give an otherwise useless character something to do, and giving you limited resources while giving your enemies unlimited regeneration every time you die, also not a single risky situation is conveyed through gameplay, turning the gameplay into an exercise in tedium in which you go from linear encounter to linear encounter while spamming stun and shooting peashooters just to get to the next forced unskippable cutscene.
It then has to fall back on its story, characters and worldbuilding.
Its story is utter nonsense, the head writer is unable to understand the themes behind the story (quantum physics) so he thinks it up as magic, it's so poorly written that it writes itself into a corner twice and has to continue using a deus ex machina in which they jump to another dimension where everything is conveniently fixed, the game introduces the concept of infinite realities and then undermines it with the asspull of "constants and variables" and the solution at the end fixes nothing since realities clearly had divided way before the baptism, it also does nothing with its supposed themes and drops them instantly after mentioning them.
Its characters are either one dimensional or simply contradicting, we have a disney princess that says you're a monster for killing people and then throws ammo at you the next minute, that was locked up for two decades and behaves like a social butterfly 10 minutes after being freed and she's the less insultingly one dimensional character.

It's only a handful of cretins. Everybody agrees it's a masterpiece.

We then have the Luteces whose trait is simply "condescending" and Booker and Comstock which are just assholes, one a little more than the other to make sure that the player knows he's the villain.
And the worldbuilding is so insultingly linear it's impossible to believe that the city of Columbia is actually located in the sky or is an actual city since everyone would end up in the guns factory just by following the streets and there's a marble mausoleum in the outskirts.
I firmly believe that Bioshock Infinite is utter shit and at this point it's only praised by people who don't know what makes a good game or a good story.

>Why do people hate on this game?

It's pretentious and boring. I played it on the PS3 and it was a horrible experience. Not sure if it was because of the over all game, or the platform. Ending was very underwhelming too

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Shouldn't you be working on keeping yourself from getting fired, Tim?

this was when I realized buying a game based on critic consensus was a bad idea.
I dropped this after about 3 hours because it was so boring.

Some idiot typed this whole thing out originally and thought he was being clever; correct even.

Let that sink in. That is how stupid the people who don't like this game are.

Refute it, vagueposter

Fuck niggers and fuck you

This is still, to this day; the best I ever played. Never played another game with a better combination of gameplay, graphics, story, characters and themes.

This is bait

I think you manged to sum up the thoughts I've had for this game for years more eloquently than I could ever have hoped to.

I remember how people used to criticise this game for Columbia being cartoonishly racist. But you look at America today and Columbia looks tame by comparison.

Think about that, this game actually grew more relevant as time passed by! There is really no better way for anything to age!

Obvious samefaggotry

the story was a complete mess and the gameplay was a downgrade from Bioshock 2

Somebody's butthurt

v is an equal and opposite reaction to game journos. The more something is praised the more it is hated here.
Because most Yas Forumsirgins don't play game and literally only experience them through youtube videos and clickbait journalism

Because it’s setting wasn’t as interesting as bioshock so they weren’t able to ignore how linear it is. Also it’s lack of long term weapons made it feel more like a general shooter.


Bioshock 2 was garbage while Infinite is up there with any contemporary shooter

1) Removal of weapon wheel, you can only have 2 guns at a time.
2) Vigors are bland and uninspired and boring compared to Plasmids in Bioshock.
3) Story that tries to be 2deep4u and comes off as pretentious, quippy, and Joss Whedon-y. The story is actually extremely shallow.
4) Time travel and alternate universes break any story, it's used by hack writers who want to seem intellectual. If Elizabeth can hop into new realities through tears, why not go to Paris? Why not hop into a reality where Comstock isn't a bad guy? etc.
5) Extremely linear compared to previous games.
7) The game just fucking sucks ass.

try again, retard

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it was ok as a mediocre shooter, but the retarded story made me hate it

Linearity did it good, it was able to have excellent level design and thrilling combat encounters.

>Look ma, I can use Photoshop!

Did you play it? The game just wasn’t interesting. Story was convoluted mess and the gameplay was just a generic shooter without any sort of interesting hook to it. You could basically shoot lightning from your hands sometimes and that’s as far as it went. At least with the first and second there was the semblance of builds and different play styles.

I mean in a series mechanics where Infinite downgraded every single aspect of the gameplay compared to 2

Because, underneath the extremely pretty coat of paint and Disney Princess escort quest, it really just had nothing going for it. Story was a complete mess that was inconsistent with its own timeline. Combat was bad, with a 2 gun limit that still had an upgrade system ensuring you wouldn't have ammo for the guns you needed when you needed them most. Plasmids all did the same thing. Shield was paper-thin and took forever to recharge.

Levels were extremely linear, with lots of storefronts that look interesting but have no interior or exploration of any kind. Audiologs were even more out of place, being played over Elizabeth when she's scripted to say something right around the time you find them, and their dumb form factor makes less sense here than it did in Rapture. Songbird is literally the figure in the collector's edition and hyped the whole game, but you never fight him. He ends up being a bazooka you aim at zeppelins for some reason, and then he dies. How anticlimactic.

I could go on, but basically... It gets shit on because the ONLY things of note about it were visuals and audio. Every single other thing just fails once you tear down those curtains.

I can't remember a single level or combat encounter in the game and I played it a few years ago.
I can remember Bioshock like I played it yesterday and I haven't touched it in a decade.

Honestly though not even trolling just play a cod game then. They do the same thing but way better. Before bioshock had a unique niche and gave it up to try their hand at something generic not done as well.

You're delusional.

It was shit.
It was stuck up its own ass but at the same time very, very stupid.
It was mechanically inferior to prior -Shocks in every way, if they had changed literally nothing they would have had a better game.

>1) Removal of weapon wheel, you can only have 2 guns at a time.
Who... who gives a shit?
>2) Vigors are bland and uninspired and boring compared to Plasmids in Bioshock.
This is just silly.
>3) Story that tries to be 2deep4u and comes off as pretentious, quippy, and Joss Whedon-y. The story is actually extremely shallow.
Spotted the brainlet
>4) Time travel and alternate universes break any story, it's used by hack writers who want to seem intellectual. If Elizabeth can hop into new realities through tears, why not go to Paris?
*sigh*Because she is scared of being alone, that's eastablished early on!
>Why not hop into a reality where Comstock isn't a bad guy? etc.
Because that wouldn't erase the one where she came from and wouldn't give her any answers as to who she is.
>5) Extremely linear compared to previous games.
Linearity > open worlds.
I have to assume this is just shitposting at this point.
>7) The game just fucking sucks ass.
If you have shit taste in vidya.

Holy fuck, the cretins that infest this board, my God...

No, it wasn't. Infinite was what the other two games should have been. It was better than both of them put together.

It's just "alright" as a linear shooter, but the initial trailers promised so much more. You can tell they dumbed everything down when they had to remake the game to get it out the door. The rails, Elizabeth's powers, and the whole setting are missed opportunities

Nobody can excuse remember that card. Either admit that’s fucking. Stupid or you seriously identify with somebody who needs that kind of reminder.

>just play a cod game
I don't want to support bad industry practices, racism; anti-intellectualism, the denial of U.S. war crimes, the death of crativity, that kind of stuff.

That's what makes Infinite so wonderful: it does everything that its competition does, but stands in complete opposition to its values. Who says you can't play a good game that also enriches your soul?!

If, after all these years, you still can't understand that it was a narrative device and not a puzzle, there is no saving you. You are retarded.

Because its a dogshit FPS, which is what it should be first and foremost

Bioshock disappointed me. Bioshock 2 was awful. Bioshock Infinite is my favorite game of all-time.

What an absolute shitpost of a reply, literally nuh-huh
Nobody is telling you that you can't like the game, it's just that a big segment of this board believes it's a mediocre to bad game for the reasons listed.

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Personally I find infinite to be anti-intellectualism. It’s a nihilistic jumbled mess when you get down to it.

I can't believe how ridiculously defensive people get over Infinite when you criticize it.

As much as I want to pin it on the strange amount of huge waifufags for Elizabeth (which was rampant for years and even on /vg/), at this point I'm thinking it's mostly just newcomers to the bioshock franchise starting with infinite.

The only reasonable way I can see someone enjoying Infinite more than shock 1 and 2 would be that Infinite was their first game, that they bought into the hype before release that the entire industry gave it, and that they were simply on the more casual side of the spectrum.

I know when Bioshock came out, older Systemshock fans viewed Bio the way I view Infinite, but Bio feels like the perfect inbetween the extensive stats and builds of System and the pure CoD/cookie cutter shooter action style Infinite went for. Most of the people I've met IRL who say Infinite is the best tend to be much younger than me, and they did grow up with 360 as their main era/influential console. Maybe that has something to do with it? I can't really figure it out myself. After shock 1 and 2 came out, i went back and played System 1 and 2 and loved those ones a lot.

At least that remake of system shock is out soonish, right?


I don't get it either. The game does everything perfectly, fuckawsome gameplay with an unforgettable story and characters.

And holy fuck is Columbia better than Rapture by miles!

Succinctly explain the themes of Bioshock infinite and how they are reinforced through the game's design and writing

I'm sorry you enjoy eating feces user.

>those rollercoaster rides Skylines
>Tears that let you reshape the very battlefield
Goddamn, this game is still ahead of it's genre after all these years!

>Personally I find infinite to be anti-intellectualism.
Because you are an idiot.

i dont know who is serious and who isnt anymore

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>I don't have an argument so I will say it's a shitpost
Nice job

Movie shit, a cinematic occurs then the shotting range minigame part comes, then a cinematic ocurrs then the shotting range minigame part comes again and again

Orcs must die did tears better.

Bioshock Infinite is bad because it's nothing like System Shock. Bioshock as a concept was to be a spiritual successor to System Shock, and Infinite throws away all of that.

because it's a bad game objectively. has nothing to do with LE CONTRARIAN Yas Forums!!!
just because normies on steam and ''''critics'''' suck it's dick doesn't mean it's good, it's just popular.

it's a pretentious, meandering, boring game with half baked gameplay ideas, a nonsensical plot (that pseuds will mistake as complex) and cringey characters and world building. bioshocks wern't that good anyway (they're very much a product of their time and console generation) people liked them though because it was the first time in years we'd had anything reminiscent of older system shock style games.

Off the top of my head one of its cleverest themes was that it's a video game. So all your choices have been pre-determined and whatever choice you think you do have does not matter at all.

It's refreshing for a video game to straight up admit that.

>who cares
>uh no sweaty
>you're a brainlet
>nuh uh

Damn got me.

Go back and play it again without all the rhetoric. It's honestly just a good looking 7/10. The only 'good' thing to come out of it were the callbacks to BS1/2.

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I can't believe people write posts this long because people like a game. Racism really gives you brainworms.


why would you ever post that abomination ?

To stay with the theme:

Well in a none linear game that wouldn’t be a theme. Shit genius game design. I bet you think that Kojima is a genius and not just fucking around when he says that Quiet has to be half naked because she breathes through her skin

He wrote like 5 sentences. Go back to reading your phone.

what does racism have to do with what I typed?

Look at all the brainlet, pseudointellectual posts trying to bash this game.

It's funny, really, how much asshurt a good game can give to dumbshits.

Race baiting makes it a lot easier to get shitty ideas accepted as genius. Just give people shit and say it’s an analogy for racism and watch the retards flock to it to stay woke.

This game still has probably the best story ever told in a video game.

They don't understand that its the Infinity version of Bioshock and re-telling the same story.

>just turn your brain off bro

Do you think Donnie Darko is genius?

>posts this
>IP counter doesn't go up
Why are you running?

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>Teases racist theme only to trow it aside for the most part
>Teases consequences for the players actions only to completely ignore it
>Teases an interesting antagonist in the form of Songbird only to forget about him except for a gimmicky mob fight
>Teases the free-roaming concept of the rail system only for it to mostly be a set piece or quick movement option in mob levels
>Teases the idea of constant dimension tears in combat all throughout the game that feel flexible only to reuse the same couple of assets for the majority of the game

Gee, I wonder why this small list of flaws already makes me never want to play it again. And I really wanted it to succeed.

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The 7th gen was so fucking good and this game stands as a testament to why. World class gameplay with a story that is completely political.

Nowadays, publishers are trying to make their games into worthless mush that does not engage anybody. It's sad what a downgrade this generation was.

>one of its cleverest themes was that it's a video game
>It's refreshing for a video game to straight up admit that
Yikes sweetie

You're not even trying with this bait, OP.

Infinite was good, but when you look into its development it could have been so much better. Fuck Levine for watering down a masterpiece just for consoles.

Just for the fact alone that Bioshock Infinite pioneered the depiction of historic racism in the medium it deserves a place among the greats. No other game ever dared to do that before, and unfortunately, no game since has caught up to it.

That it is absolutely fantastic in every concievable way is just icing on the cake. Never met a world so beautiful or characters so memorable in a game with gameplay this fun before.

The story isn’t political at all it doesn’t take a side. The communists revolt turns into a jumbled mess where the leaders are just as evil as the people they’re fighting. I bet you think SLC Punk is a testament to living the punk spirit because you just ignore the parts in it that call out the flaws in it.

Its shit

And there we go with the bigotry

it's shit

I have a hunch that OP is copy and pasting reviews from somewhere

>The communists revolt turns into a jumbled mess where the leaders are just as evil as the people they’re fighting.
How do people misinterpret this game so hard?

2K forced them to.
They had more of an arena based thing with multiple entries and at least three floors, as they showed in E3 2011, but then reworked what they had into a pseudo COD game six months to launch

haha okay alright, you got us. successful bait.

Let alone make the recism depicted in the game genuinely relevant to the modern world. Infinite really hit the jackpot.

He's fucking right though.