Go through all Dark Souls games

>go through all Dark Souls games
>decide to replay Oblivion for nostalgia's sake
>see this

Attached: OB-item-Glass_Armor[1].jpg (1050x1050, 136.66K)

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Pretty based armor set.

thanks for making this great thread, it means a lot.

What's the connection? Nothing similar from Dark Souls comes to mind.

so ??

i like it better as a comment in the other oblivion thread

The armor design in TES is complete garbage especially after going through the DS games.

Attached: Elven_Armor_(Oblivion)[1].png (600x1000, 1.04M)

sensible armor design that could very well be used in medical times minus the color

in Dark Souls we get jousting armor just because it looks cool
And we get anime style weapons

>medical times


>amour with fuckoff huge horns that'll snap your neck if something catches them and boobplate to direct attacks into your chest

Based and redpilled.

Attached: Vidya weapon design dichotomy.png (804x630, 97.28K)

lmao, isn't that pic supposed to be the other way around? Daedric Dagger vs Broadsword from DS?

That's literally the joke but the daedric weapons have to look outlandish and edgy

>not wearing daedric armor and the mythic dawn hood
Ya blew it

>both of which existed historically

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Ive been playing oblivion recently and really getting into it. playing with efficient leveling makes leveling up feel a lot better

ive taken +5 str + 5 speed +1 luck every level and I'm level 7, I have about 95 speed lmao

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I can't play Oblivion without the Daedric armor replacer.

Attached: 16442-1-1207538857[1].jpg (500x800, 80.42K)

>efficient leveling
I just use those "always +5" mods for both Morrowind and Oblivion. I also recommend this one mod for Oblivion, it auto-levels all items that have low level versions (e.g. quest rewards like Chillrend), so that you don't have to avoid quests at low levels.


Bless you, user. Bless you. You're doing your best, keep it up!

Looks like shit, complete with the ugliest version of the helm. Oh wait, I’m sorry, its from Morrowind, so it must automatically be better than Oblivion. So much “nerd cred” you must have.

Skyrim had the best Daedric Armor, the game is shit but it had the beat daedric armor. Oblivion still has better looking daedric armor than Morrowind. Now Glass Armor, THAT should be replaced in Oblivion by the Morrowind version.

is elven armor in Oblivion supposed to be Altmer or Ayleid?


You couldn't possibly have worse taste
leave this thread

At least there's mods to get rid of boobplate.

Says the fucker who actually likes the anticipation helm

Fuck off, skyrims daedric designs are spiky garbage.

Morrowind had the best daedric dagger in the series.

Attached: morrowind_dagger.jpg (768x1024, 44.5K)

Ayleid of course. The statues are all wearing the same armor.

Skyrim daedric sucked.

Morrowind’s daedric has retarded football shoulderpads and masks that look like they’re frozen in the eternal face of down syndrome

Bethesda needs to start outsourcing, Jesus Christ

>medical times
Thanks doc.

the problem with the armor in oblivion is that all the crazy shit should be unique, not diamond dozen shit you can find anywhere.
It ruins the immersion. You don't feel like you live in a doggy dog world. For all intensive purposes the TES world is a giant clown circus

>wanna replay an ES game
>games still expensive for their age
What the hell is their problem?

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You unironically have bad taste, it happens and I know you can't help it, but please be aware of it

nigga just pirate them

stupid zoomer

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>people still have trouble obtaining free games

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Morrowind's Daedric gear was heavily inspired by the samurai stuff, the game even had katanas, daikatanas and tantos, if it wasn't anymore obvious. The helmets in particular were based off the samurai masks.


Attached: Somen-Samurai[1].jpg (717x900, 96.06K)

You unironically have no argument. It happens though, it’s hard for mongoloids like you to grasp complex concepts, but please be aware of it.

Morrowind's orcish set is straight up samurai armor.
Too bad medium armor fucking sucks.

the real embarrassing part here is that you played every souls game

>no argument
A classic non-argument cope answer


Can I get a quick rundown?

Oblivion was just particularly bad, not sure what they were thinking making everything look potato. It even stood out to me back then.
There's no point in comparing WRPG aesthetics to Souls though, just don't. It's a genre that visually grew from retarded DnD player's handbook illustrations.

There are some mods that fix this in skyrim. Does oblivion have anything similar to this?


Attached: file.png (1824x1196, 1.41M)

Dark souls is for faggots prove me wrong

Dump it

Steel plate and Ebony armor were some of the only good armors in Skyrim. And no not everything has to be High Medieval German armor.

Is that one of them glowniggers I have been hearing so much about?

Are there any non faggy looking versions of Elven and Glass?

i think you might be onto something

I personally only use the guard and legion armors. I just thought I should link the other one for the sake of completion

Not from the same guy, no. I don't know if Elven armors would really work in that style.

>lets just stick a real world helmet onto MMO armour

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The "doggy dog world" was pretty forced and unnatural, the other phrases were alright.

elder scrolls is such a waste of an ip in hands of these incompentent clowns. kirkbride's concept art is top tier stuff not to mention the entire lore he wrote

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>fantasy can't be light hearted fun
what an edgelord

Skyrim daedric looks bad man.

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>Not liking masks
Fucking pleb tier taste GTFO

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>wearing Barney slippers in medical times

barneyfag is that you