Why did Alex take Josh out to the river at night

Attached: silent hill homecoming 7918.jpg (624x352, 51.02K)

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Silent Hill 2 was better

because silent hill homecoming is a bad game

I agree. But Homecoming still deserves recognition.

bad gameplay stupid story, why the fuck does pyramid head show up?

Because they can't stop sucking 2s dick

You didn't like the family drama? but yeah pyramid head is retarded, and so is Deputy Wheeler.

The only reason I even finished homecoming was because Alex is cute

bad gameplay, retarded story, terrible symbolism, looked bad, terrible characters, buggy, everything was fucked

Do you think think he's cut or uncut. How big you reckon his pecker is?

I usually don't have any videogame but this one holy shit, what a dumpster fire.
From the shit graphics, shit combat, bad dialogue, terrible VA, soulless models, cringe story and stupid ''twist'', prob the worst game I've ever played.

We in here, nigga. Team Silent run this town NIGGA

While Homecoming was bad, I think we can all agree Downpour was the absolute worst in the series.

Attached: Silent-Hill-Downpour.jpg (1000x1000, 95.65K)

Homecoming was shit but the soundtrack was kino.

by have I meant hate

downpour at least tried something, unlike homecoming

it's KCET team silent doesn't exist

Don't forget unoptimized buggy mess.

Is there seriously not one person on this board of edgy contrarian teenagers who likes this game apart from me?
Voice acting was the best part

i love homecoming. based Amerimutts refused to do the shitty japanse fixed camera tank controls gameplay.

first and only SH with non-shit gameplay

gameplay was worse than tank controls combat

no it wasnt. it was pretty good, you just suck and you hate it because you can no longer blame the shitty gameplay for being bad at videogames

Disliking Homecoming is the opposite of being contrarian though, I think it has about three fans globally.
It feels like playing a shit knockoff that cost a tenner to produce.

>It feels like playing a shit knockoff that cost a tenner to produce.
well thats what you generic for playing your generic fixed camera tank controls japanese games

I liked homecoming. Sue me. It was better than 4.

No, it's another shitty western horror game. Ameriturds couldn't make a good horror game to save themselves.

so it fits in perfectly with the rest of the series which are just shitty japanse horror games and they even have less originality

I enjoyed Homecoming, but I've only played that and Downpour. I think it was around the point where I reached the child's doll boss that I really got into it. Homecoming had some of the best boss designs of the last generation.

What I meant is the player character felt lighter than air when moving, the dodge was laughable, attacking somehow managed to feel both far too lightweight and extremely cumbersome at the same time, big fuckoff button prompts made it feel like an early 90s arcade game. Everything about the gameplay felt horrendously cheap, no polish at all.

>saying all this while pretending the fixed camera tank controls arent just good, but straight up better
mental illness

The first three games are solid adventure horror games with amazing graphics (better than homecoming), and gamepolay typical of the genre (though Remake will always be a tighter game than anything in the SH series). How are they "less original" when everyone was trying their hardest to copy Silent Hill or RE? You could say they tried copying Alone in the Dark, but those had become shit for years before RE1 or SH1 came out.

Homecoming was a modern, HD game which looked and played worse than the PS2 games. It managed to be more generic than the shitty games that copied RE or SH. Fuck off.

no it wasn't

best girl coming through!

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damn, this is some high level japan worshipping
>shitty fixed camera tank controls is good because japan never could do better
based butthurt nipponfag
>Homecoming was a modern, HD game which looked and played worse than the PS2 games
nice hyperbole, but not true.
it doesnt just look better, but plays better than any other SH game, dear buttblasted nipponfag
> It managed to be more generic than the shitty games that copied RE or SH.
other way around. the older SH games are generic as fuck.
>. Fuck off.
literally who ameritards beat the original nippons on theirfirst try to make a decent game that doesnt play like dogshit

but of course its hard to admit any of this when you too busy stuffing your face with tiny japanese cocks lol

Tank controls are better though, for any game with a changing camera perspective. Play the HD remaster of RE1 and that's enough proof as to why both should be options.

>tank controls are better though
they are never better

>other way around. the older SH games are generic as fuck.
How? What are they copying to be generic? Don't say Jacob's Ladder, as that's a single film and SH1's foggy town is nothing like that movie. Is it that they're adventure games? Sure, that's a genre though and I like that genre. Shoehorning in shitty combat doesn't improve on that.

>decent game that doesnt play like dogshit
But it doesn't though. By the way, SH2 and 3 have options for non tank controls you autistic.

cock and ball torture

They absolutely are; forward is always forward. When an angle changes or shifts in a game with non tank controls, so does what "forward" constitutes. Tank are objective and unchanging, and if you can't adapt you're shit. They absolutely have their utility and should always be an option.

It did copy Jacob's Ladder, big time, though. It obviously had a lot of influence for David Lynch's movies as well.

>When an angle changes or shifts in a game with non tank controls, so does what "forward" constitutes
lol nope, you are literally retarded

>if you dont enjoy shit gameplay you're shit
topkek, you truly got me, nice cope

The soundtrack deserves recognition and even then it's not Akira's best stuff

I enjoyed the Twin Perfect video.

Why does Homecoming have some of the best SH music? Yamaoka with McGlynns vocals is pure heaven.

>Why did Alex take Josh out to the river at night
Because plot needs to happen lol
>I agree. But Homecoming still deserves recognition.
It is terrible game on its own, worse considering it Silent Hill title.

why do you weebs always defend the shitty outdated garbage that japan still produces?
oh right, because you have no standards. JRPGs are top tier example for that

>baiting this hard

The themes? sure. Monster designs? A little bit, more like inspiration. Set design and atmosphere? Absolutely not, and you're proving you haven't seen the movie. Jacob's Ladder is filled to the brim with characters and populated locations in broad daylight. There are perhaps three scenes that visually inspired sections from silent hill; Jacob's Ladder's bloody, rusty hospital being the primary example. However that whole section was in broad daylight, had characters talking with the protag and consisted with him being dragged around in a stretcher before having instruments and shit shoved in his face. The creature design and otherworld are the primary things inspired from this. However, how the hell is this generic? As I said, JL is a single movie and SH1 is the primary game that drew inspiration from it. "Generic" implies such inspiration was wide spread, when it wasn't. The only thing "generic" that rose from this whole thing, are shitty games like Homecoming and Origins superficially trying to copy the appearance of SH1 by missing the point, as many other SH clones tried to do. Being the progenitor of an aesthetic is not generic you gamer.

SH1-3 are nothing like that, and nearly the entire game consists of you being along, exploring pitch black buildings and fighting off/running away from weak enemies dishing out chip damage. That's nothing like the scenario presented in Jacob's Ladder, where he's spending most of the film talking to people before slipping in and out of short dream like sequences. You're a fucking contrarian idiot.

>>When an angle changes or shifts in a game with non tank controls, so does what "forward" constitutes
>lol nope, you are literally retarded

Except that's literally what tank controls are you dipshit. Forward is always forward.


Why do SH fans hate Homecoming again? Is it cuz of the monsters from the movie? The more action based fighting? I honestly think it's more of the former since a lot of fans hate the movie? I actually didnt hate the movie, it introduced me to SH1-3 and made me a fan of the games. Revelations on the other hand, now that was hot garbage aside from the cutie who played Heather.

Homecoming and Downpour weren't even bad. Just not nearly as good.

SHfags really blew them both out of proportion. Hell, most of them are still pretending SH4 is bad.

Because it's designed for westacucks whose only knowledge of SH was the movie. It's for casuals who like that shitty film and never replayed the originals.

>you being *alone*

Why was she so perfectly casted bros? The best thing to come out of a shitty sequel. Adding 3D elements was garbage.

Attached: RevelationsHeather.jpg (717x478, 64.88K)

Literally too old. Heather is supposed to be a kid.

Thats how white women age. It's fine.

Then why are western games trying so hard to copy the Japanese ? Why not create their own IPs instead of copying/producing shitty installments of Silent Hill and RE? It's funny because RE and Sh are so inspired by Western horror, but their execution in the world of Vidya is so much better. The only time it went the other way was when outlast inspired RE7 but the game was awful because of that, only for Remake 2 to blow outlast and every other horror game from the decade out of the water.

>why do SH fans hate Homecoming again?
it's a monumental downgrade from everything previous, including the black sheep SH4 and SH Origins. The combat is terrible, they tried making it good but failed horribly, the story is contrived and predictable and pulls the same stunt SH2 did woah actually u are the murderer!!!!!!!!, visually it looks worse than even the first game, it's got that terrible xbox sheen on everything, the dialogue and voice acting is abysmal, the level design is terrible (everything is a fucking corridor from point A to point B)

the question is, why don't YOU hate Homecoming?

Hello, Ross. Have you consoomed any consumable television violence recently?

a kinda liked this game t.b.h

What did Downpour attempt besides open-world?

I have no idea who Ross is, but I guess one of the guys?

It's some fool from Friends, but I haven't watched that shitty show.

Murphy > Alex

>I haven't watched that shitty show.
Then how do you know?

the whole "rain = bad!" rather than fog i guess, the otherworld segments were different if not very good, the big scary void thing that chased you was a neat idea but poorly executed, destructible weapons, having a criminal protagonist could have been cool???? but they didn't really do anything with it