Why does Nintendo REFUSE to add Shadow to Smash Bros when it would literally take 5 minutes?

Why does Nintendo REFUSE to add Shadow to Smash Bros when it would literally take 5 minutes?
Why do characters like Richter and Ken get to be in as Echo fighters for third party characters, but a character normal people actually know about isn't?

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Nobody wants Shadow in except for some faggot autists.

Shadow is a shitty character that marked the decline of the Sonic franchise. He's basically the third party equivalent of Krystal from Star Fox, who is also an assist trophy.

Now fuck off

Sonic's moveset is proof enough that Sakurai doesn't give a shit about the series. No way they would get a second rep.

This. You might as well put Krystal in if you're going full autistic furfaggotry. Fortunately, they won't do that.

>Normal people
Sonicfags are sub-human


Uh huh no kys, normies know who shadow is and they have no idea who llyod irving is or whoever your cringey obscure character pic is.\
Walmart does not sell stuffed llyod irvings.

By "normal people", you mean your select group of deviantart friends? lol.

Ken and Richter are far more well known by the gaming community than Shadow. Talk to people who aren't autistic Sonic fans for once and you might realize this.

>Ken and Richter are far more well known by the gaming community than Shadow.

Too edgy for autistic children.


The only way anyone knows who Shadow is who isn't an autistic furfaggot is as a joke. He's the Poochie of video games. Nothing but a punchline. If Shadow were included, Dan from Street Fighter should be included as well. Because he's a joke character.

im still pissed he wasn't part of the last tralier and we got inceneroar and ken instead

What if Sonic was an early 2000s Linkin Park song?

Nintendo probably doesn't even know who the fuck he is. Shit, Sega barely does.

To be fair, Richter is in because Simon takes a lot of his moves, some even theorize he was planned first but then they added Simon because he's more well known, and Ken for being one of the first echo fighters in fighting games.
I am still kinda surprised they didn't put in Shadow though, and if not him, Metal Sonic. Sonic's popular enough and you have two fan-favorites right there prime for an echo slot.

>shitty character that marked the decline of the _____ franchise.
that's half the smash bros roster champ

Maybe Samurai felt it wasn't that simple.
I you think about Sonic Battle, Sonic and Shadow's movesets are very different. I doubt Sonic Team would be happy with just having him as an echo.

Fuck off you bitter cunts.


The only reason why Sonic Representation isn't viewed as bad is because Cloud exists. We've had the same music, besides a few complimentary songs from recent Sonic games, since his debut. We don't have any remixes despite the fact that Jun Senoue contributed to the music for Ultimate. His moveset is lazy and relies heavily on mixing up your spin attacks. I mean, he has two different spindashes.
Shadow would be a great echo character with perhaps a few unique moves for himself like Chaos Control for an up-b and guns for his other specials. Eggman would also be a natural choice. But we've just gotten Shadow and Knuckles as assist trophies.

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Eggman deserves the spot more, retard

Shut the fuck up Eggman, it's clear you are still seething since he fucked your wife.

Fuck echos, I don't want Sonic's shitty moveset in the game twice. Shadow would be alright as his own character but if you're gonna do that it'd make sense to add someone more iconic.

Give me something with a moveset that's actually related to Sonic

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Should've been Metal Sonic. Either way, I don't like Sonic's moveset so I don't care.

Nothing is more cringe than Shadow.


Bro you've got to show me where my local dave & busters has stuffed animals of ken and richter as prizes since you're saying they're more well known then shadow.

>it would literally take 5 minutes

That's more time than it took for Sega to create that donutsteel in the first place

FUCK Metal Sonic and FUCK you CLASSICPEDO!

Shadow isn't in because he is only liked by children or by furry autists. Sakurai has better characters to spend dev time on.

Rule #1 of the internet: You should always point and laugh at Sonic fans, especially the ones who like Shadow. lol.


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I can never tell if Shadow posters are for real or not. I know a lot of actual autists lurk here, but that shit is too cringe even for them.

in what fucking universe is Richter more well known than Shadow?

I literally do laugh out loud whenever I see a thread with a picture of Shadow in the thumbnail. How can you not? It's too funny.

Look at this realistically OP. There are probably a few reasons. SEGA may not want Shadow in the game as an Echo. They may feel Sonic is all they need to represent the franchise. SEGA doesn’t want to shill Shadow at this time. Somebody doesn’t want to cough up more money. Just cause it seems easy on the outside doesn’t mean that everyone plays nice behind closed doors.

Sega is embarrassed by Shadow. Shadow is party why the franchise became a laughingstock for a while. They're slowly trying to earn people's respect back. They ain't doing that by reminding people that Shadow exists outside of shitty racing games or party games.

>haha it funny how something dare to not be self aware meta irony like muh marvel and disney wars and nunintendo

Considering the new model and how are he was shown as an assist. I assume he was planned but Sega got cold feet.

*points and laughs*

Bomberman is more well known than either and he ain't in, either. OP should be complaining that Bomberman isn't in. Except Bomberman doesn't appeal to his furfaggot fetish.

Do you actually like Shadow for real though? I'm curious. I figured it was just people being ironic. Like pretending to like eating shit.

Because Tails, Knuckles and Metal Sonic are superior choices

While I do like bomberman his series practically died

Sakurai even said it's debatable as to which is really the echo which is why Richter was revealed at the same time and was part of the CG trailer.

How's the toddler raping been going classicpedo?

>Ken and Richter are far more well known by the gaming community than Shadow.
In what timeline is this true

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Tom Cruise would be a better choice than Shadow. Top Gun for NES is a better game than Shadow the Hedgehog, too.

why do smashfags screech about dark pit and then beg for another recolor?
why do smashfags screech about so-called "furshit" like isabelle and incineroar and then beg for more "furshit"?
why do smashfags obsess this much on their party game's already-bloated roster, instead of asking for more content and better online so it doesn't collect dust when your friends aren't over?
why can't smashfags take the obsession and effort they put into annoying everyone and redirect it towards their personal hygiene?

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this delusion

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I fucked a chubby, autistic girl in high school who had an obsession with Shadow. I'm not proud of it.

>Normal people don't know about Richter or Ken but know about Shadow
Take your meds Michael. That said I actually wouldn't mind Shadow as a Sonic echo if he was a bit slower with better handling and strikes. Another Ganondorf to Cpt. Falcon or Wolf to Fox.

Never said Shadow was a good choice either

But you have to admit, laughing Tom Cruise would be pretty ace.

>the only thing that excited anyone about forces was the playable shadow episode


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because it would take more than 5 minutes and why should they listen to someone who openly shows he has no fucking clue what he is talking about

I'm sure the same people also squealed at the idea of making their own Sonic character. That game was 100% built with autistic people in mind.

>That game was 100% built with autistic people in mind.
kek, the irony of a SMASHFAG saying this.

>doesn't add the second most popular character in one of the most iconic franchises in gaming
>adds shit like Byleth, literal who from a trash game and bound to be forgotten
what the fuck is his problem?

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Being that they're Japanese, I'm not sure that Sonic Team is aware that the type of westerners that like their games are the lowest rung of unfuckable social outcasts. They probably think that shit is what westerners actually like.

Because he's better off as a unique character than a clone. Plus, he's an assist trophy.

I haven't played smash since I owned a Gamecube over 15 years ago, but nice try

This. Also Richter was in good games.

Females and coomers.

You'd think the fact that every fan event they hold is populated by nothing but mongoloids and tittyboys might clue them in.

Because he made fun of Reimu, who is getting in.

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Who hasn't fucked Eggman's wife?

Maybe all westerners look like that! Who can say? Hamburgers hava strange effect on round eye!

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I swear you autistic retards get obssesed over the most idiotic characters and then put on a onions face when they add echoes or mii costumes

If SEGA was so embarrassed by Shadow they wouldn't have forced him into Boom or made him playable in Forces.