What are your hopes and doubts ?

what are your hopes and doubts ?

Attached: amnesia-rebirth-ritorna-serie-horror-frictional-games-v19-47644.jpg (1280x720, 101.17K)

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something new
They literally made the same game like 5 times in different settings

Amnesia: Postterm Abortion will be shit. Screencap this.

Attached: Frictional games on PC2020.png (324x600, 46.15K)

Please tell me this is just a photoshop...........

i wish i fucking could. They took the pink pill back in 2017 and that bitch has been poisoning creative well eversince.
I mean, it's not surprising - the F(a)G headquarters are located in the literal kabba of european tolerance and acceptance narrative, so it's like being surprised by a sunset.

Again, the only thing that will be up to par with modern standards / succeeds FG previous entries (debatable) is the art design quality - that's the only thing that doesn't completely suffer under the rule of inclusive*** dictatorship (speaking of which - picrelated is what FG's community manager thinks japanese people look like - so tolerant, so progressive)

Attached: frictional games mandatory diversity hire 2017.png (701x704, 393.27K)

>community managers
>making any creative decisions at all
do you have a single fact to back this up?

machine for pigs was absolute garbage so I have very low expectations. Amnesia: memories was probably one of the weirdest in the series. It didn't feel like an amnesia game at all.

Well yeah, you can hear in the trailer that the protagonist is some indian woman.

But besides that, I fear it's going to be one of those "experience" games with barely any real gameplay mechanics, puzzles, resources or inventory. SOMA was an okay experience but it sure as shit sucked as a game.

Machine for Pigs wasn't made by the same devs. Soma came out after it and was made by the same people and it was great.

that picture, of course, was later deleted (then entire twatter profile was put into lockdown mode) as means of damage control.

She was announcing A:R with following message "Please look into this game I [sic] have been working on for 2 years and the rest of Frictional Games even longer" or something to this extent (should've archived that page).
There was one post, asking "so you've been working on a title?" And she said "yeah - i was taking feedback on monster design, suggesting character motivation etc."

They've also deleted all post with even remote reference to sjw propaganda in steam discussions and FG's discord server.

read above. Also there was that oneangrygamer article, but i haven't double-checked legitimacy of such claims as her asking FG lead designer about sexuality of female character from SOMA and something about "infecting the studio"

I mean, i only needed to hear the arab-accent of main female protagonist (and that they'll have another fem protag for the next FG title) and see the pronouns roles in discord server to sniff the rot setting in this place (unfortunate, but not entirely unexpected)

I'm slightly more optimistic about gameplay - devs were going out in public with articles about what makes a game a good game and that's planning and, particularly, resource management. So, hopefully, they'll come back to having less narrative and more gameplay elements.

Lol what, It sounds irish to me

To at least use a similar gameplay structure to the first one. Amnesia thrived off of it's atmosphere and how the elements of the game kind of meshed together in a really specific way

while they have some vague similarities in pronouncing "u" syllables

However the name doesn't too much irish

Hopes are they have two projects going, so we just have to weather this game and hopefully the next game will be like SOMA

Soma and Amnesia tier boring.

Anyway why can't I have a frictionalgames thread without someone screencapping some literally who about transgenderism? It's not like she would have any influence over the studio that works at the games

someone post that cunts tweets, its stomach-turning

>that oneangrygamer article

Jesus christ people actually read the shit that retard writes?

>Amnesia: memories was probably one of the weirdest in the series. It didn't feel like an amnesia game at all.

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>It's not like she would have any influence over the studio that works at the games
you'd be fucking surprised, man

oh man, the last one i've caught a glimpse of was her bitching about borderlands having company intro logo with a child yelling. "I don't like children" or their voice or something like that.

>what are your hopes and doubts ?
That a new Pewdiepie will emerge.

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there is nothing to discuss about the game yet so its just going to devolve into autistic seething

but m*les are toxic! unless they're muslim men, in which case we should just bite the pillow and loudly think "for progress!"

>What are your hopes

That ship has long sailed. It's pozzed.

I feel like you have an obsession m8

>company produces a series of great/good products
>company slowly acquires a dedicated niche following (Penumbra/Amnesia)
>company remains dedicated to its mission
>company finally becomes popular with the masses with a meme title (Soma)
>company immediately cucks out to woke culture

Why does this keep happening?

Is there a cabal that sends bluehairs after these companies once their stock value reaches a certain price?

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it's not shit
that it'll be a better movie than SOMA, with even a hint of real actual gameplay.

Typically when one latches on, others follow and start to subvert.

no shit i do! I loved Frictional Games's games and it's always sad to see another patient got infected with the "rightthink" brigade. I wouldn't mind progressive narrative, had it been coherent, but they always pay lip service to their bright idea first and only THEN try (if that) to write compelling story and characters around it (but they can't because their ideals are incongruous af, which leads the character design into, at most, a single-trait token characters, which is both predictable and boring, because you know exactly where such story leads, and that's a creative gutter)

Forget about the culture stuff, when companies become more popular their product just turns to shit one way or another, it's always the same.

People never understood why Amnesia was great. It wasn't JUST the monsters and the hiding, it was the puzzles and how it had level design that made you feel perpetually unsafe with dark, claustrophobic mazes. The sanity mechanic wasn't just some AHHHHH NIGGERMAN HELP ME vanity feature, it was a way to keep you perpetually on your toes, not really knowing if the monsters you were seeing were really there or not.

Every single thing in the game played into the horror. From the lighting to the sound to the mechanics. Hell, even the visual filter that happens when you see a monster plays into the scares because it makes the monsters shape seem more vague and unsettling. The oldest fear of humanity is the fear of the unknown, and Amnesia was this in game form.

Penumbra was better, though simply because it had more depth to it's gameplay.

I find it incredibly ironic that the Woke culture tries to "infiltrate" a studio that literally worships Lovecraft's stories 24/7(look up what kind of a person he was and you will see the greatest irony imaginable to man).

I have that feeling too, I wanted to discuss about the games, THE GAMES, not about Yas Forumsshit that has nothing to do with videogames.

>and it's always sad to see another patient got infected with the "rightthink" brigade.

You're making assumptions about things going to shit without anything to actually back it up right now. SOMA was fine

Seek help for your paranoia, genuinely serious about that

>Is there a cabal that sends bluehairs after these companies once their stock value reaches a certain price?
Pretty much this.

It's still pretty niche, I wanted to tell you that.

This. Frictional does a good job of making all those things work together, but I think the puzzles are the thing that made their games stand out. Penumbra started it all and then starting with Amnesia they dumbed down the mechanics with each new game.

>Penumbra was better, though simply because it had more depth to it's gameplay.
Is there only one Penumbra? Can I get it for free from some downloading site?

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Every faggot Redditor on Earth knows about SOMA.

mass-media brainwashing gullible folk (and artists are both sincere and are easily impressionable by skewed "facts", presented by corporate-friendly outlets that want to neuter middle class and private incentive for the sake of cheap labor and absolute destruction of private property incentive to keep owning shit they sell and keeping down potential competition) Corporations want to turn themselves into border-free governing apparatuses and they'll gain that power at all costs with all tools they have at their disposal, masking themselves as good guys

nothing will ever top SOMA in story department. Gameplay-wise there's literally nothing to compete against, since SOMA is just a walking simulator with light puzzle elements

There's three Penumbra's, though only two that matter

Penumbra Overture and Black Plague, ignore Requiem for it's a short and shitty puzzle game.

> without anything to actually back it up right now
sorry, but you have brain damage or damage controlling shill.
I don't have leaked documents, signed by obama himself, sorry. Only observable facts that could hint at the direction the studio goes, according to previous similar cases.

>according to previous similar cases.

Cite these many previous cases of small-scale independent studios going to shit for me. And no, studios working under large publishers obviously do not count

>Cite these
sorry, no more spoonfeeding a doubting thomas - look up the archives on your own, kiddo

>studios working under large publishers obviously do not count
Why the hell not?

So pretty much you're admitting you don't have shit and are just giving into your paranoia over nothing relevant

Mass-market vs independent are two very different places m8

>So pretty much you're admitting you don't have shit and are just giving into your paranoia over nothing relevant
yes, that's exactly what i do. Congrats, you've won the argument

>give me proof right now, but not that proof
>can't do it? haha, I won

Thanks anons.

I really just wanted another Penumbra, loved the atmosphere in those games and the setting was excellent but i guess that series is dead.

Which reminds me, I had this idea for a survival horror game that has a really interesting format. As the game goes on, the reason why you're scared changes. It's designed to play off of distraction.

It starts as pretty basic Amnesia/SOMA/Layers of Fear fare. Sneakin' around and sometimes solving puzzles while avoiding monsters. Then, somewhere around the middle of the game, you get a knife. Then we get some Condemned-style melee combat. Maybe a crossbow here and there. It's a good sense of empowerment for a bit, but that quickly gives way to a new kind of horror when we realize something: The horror is no longer the monsters. It's the player character. The monsters, when you execute them, have body language that basically pleads with you to spare them. This isn't played as a "DOOM SLAYER SO BADASS" way, but as a maniac butchering his way through creatures who deemed you a threat.

Our protagonist starts getting more and more injured as the game goes on, to the point where he looks almost as inhuman as the foes he's up against, and the executions against his foes get steadily more and more elaborate and gruesome. What used to be a simple series of unsteady stabs to the chest with a small knife now involves shoving their face into a weaponized garden weasel.

The big "Aha" moment when we realize what our protagonist is becoming is when he encounters the Nemesis/Pyramid Head/Chris Walker "Unstoppable monster" guy again near the end of the game. Control is removed from the player as our protagonist rushes him and mauls the creature to death.

In a nutshell:

>Niche following
>popular with the masses despite a majority complaining it wasn't as scary as Amnesia on launch
seek mental help

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Outside of Black Plague and Overture thre's also the Necrologue fan game, it's pretty good from what i've played so i recommend trying it if you want more after playing the first 2

Wow so original deconstruction mr idea guy you should pitch it to a publisher

Deconstruction? What makes this a fucking deconstruction?

I think Darkness 1 has much better monologues, and really drives home the protagonist's personality.

Amnesia was weak normie shit

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