Rift S is 399$, 349$ on sale, and extremely good. WMR is 249$ routinely. Index is 1000$ if you're rich...

>Rift S is 399$, 349$ on sale, and extremely good. WMR is 249$ routinely. Index is 1000$ if you're rich, but the Rift S is more than good enough
>lots of games now, including some top tier ones with experiences you literally can not have in flatscreen games. You simply can not replicate how great it feels to swing a bat and kill the fuck out of some DUMB BITCH with a flatscreen game
>New Half-Life game coming in less than 2 weeks

It's /ourtime/ vrchads. Get ready to enjoy your grapes.

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Other urls found in this thread:


By the way. I fucking hate women.

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It feels so good to be ascending to VRchad status. My index is arriving in two weeks.

Welcome, brother. My advice for all the people who simply won't understand your glory; ignore them. They are not worthy

I want index
but price of oculus go

Few years, lad.
The Rift S is a far more realistic compromise though. Pinky tracking is a meme. The improved screen is obviously nice though, but the Rift S still looks great.

>paying $400 to be willingly spied on
Imagine being this much of a spineless cuck

based shizo

>he says at he uses a smartphone and browses a chinese forum that makes you use captcha

ive seen the view the cameras on my Rift S can take, if facebook wants to spy on me with that footage they can be my guest. It's facing a wall when it's not in use, anyway. If they want to watch my hands as I play VR go for it.

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Why would I fuck myself more? Smartphone can listen and watch if the camera isn't covered but with VR you're constantly scanning your room or even surrounding your room with cameras
>Be my guest
Imagine not giving a shit about basic human rights for a few tech demos

agree, we must hide out rooms from those billionaires

if you own an intel cpu you're being spied on


Oh don’t worry I do. The elation I feel from being able to experience a totally new world to gaming is all I need. And I’m excited to play a new Half Life finally.

>smartphone listens and watches your entire life: no problem, whatever
>facebook can see your hands wave around while you play a game: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

>It's ok when they spy on me, I don't mind
Consume more, don't worry about being exploited. You have nothing to hide anyway
Both are bad, retard. I'm asking why would you make it worse and let them spy on you more?

because even assuming they recorded and watched your hand movements, WHO FUCKING CARES
they aren't anyway
but assume they did
who cares
why would I care?

I literally stream. I don't give a fuck if people watch my hands while I play a game.
and they don't. Anyway. You're a schizophrenic retard.

>They aren't anyway
Oculus is owned by Facebook. If you don't think Facebook is spying on you 24/7 for money then you weren't alive in 2013
>Who cares
People who care about their privacy
>Why would I care
Letting them spy on you a little more isn't at the very least creepy? Well I hope the government and the Chinese spying on you and I hope you enjoy the ads for oddly specific things in your room.

>boss, why do we record the hand movements and 3d layouts of peoples homes, what should we do with that data?
>uhh... sell it?


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I've had it for a while frogposter. I still have a Rift. Going to wait till the next gen to upgrade though, doesn't feel like a big enough jump yet.

I'm not going to change your ignorant mind at all, so keep imagining you're not being spied on. I'm done replying to you. Tell Zuckerberg I said hi

>People who care about their privacy
"pedophiles and degenerates with something to hide"

You're so dumb, and it's going to cause you to live in misery. So there's really nothing else I can add that will improve anything. Enjoy your flat screen games user. At least steam isn't spying on you..... ;)

>buying anything besides vive or index

have fun with your garbage

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ok but can we talk about how vr devs are fucking stupid retards

>unironically and literally recommending the vive, AND acting smug about it

Attached: giphy.gif (500x545, 930.22K)

falling for the vr bait
having fun playing no games :)

vr will never work its just move or kinect 2.0

Attached: brie.jpg (500x500, 38.13K)

well yeah they're devs after all
Do you think modern flat game devs could design worth a shit if they weren't just leeching off of 30 years of trial and error game design? Do you know how long it took for wasd to become standard?
VR devs are starting from scratch in a lot of ways.

>Smartphone listens and watches your entire life
We found the poorfag Android user

vive is superior to rift in every way.

>worst screen of any VR headset released since Oculus Rift
>literally the worst controllers ever made for VR
>controllers don't have joysticks, use a shitty trackpad
>buttons in games are mapped to the trackpad
>can not overstate how bad the grip is - literally an awkward, hard to press, BUTTON. no 0....1 detection.. just on or off.
>base stations that are annoying to set up, and make an extremely loud headache inducing noise while you play

Literally the worst VR headset ever made and it's not even fucking close, literally kill yourself, absolute fucking retard, you might accidentally put people down this retard path

literally name one way
holy shit
this must be bait, you are so wrong it's not even funny
And I seriously hope you mean the original rift, because if you're saying the Vive is better than the Rift S you're just absolutely braindead. Completely ignorant, no idea what you're talking about, an absolutely shit eating retard.

>actually thinking that a facebook spy machine is better then the vive.

lol go buy your ps vr fag boi i bet you dont even own a vr headset

Reminder that the Vive held back the VR industry half a decade by having a fucked up grip button preventing smooth and nice feeling gripping and grabbing, and having fucked up trackpads, smooth locomotion feels bad on them, so teleport was prioritized for years

Literally spit on vivefags if you see them

That's literally you you fucking moron. I have a vive, a rift S, a rift, a O+, and an index. You have no idea what you're talking about, you've never even used a rift. Literally the only complaint you have is MUH ZUCK MUH FACEBOOK, as if Gabe is any better, as if steam isn't spying on you.

That's it. That's all you have. Muh facebook spying. I don't give a fuck. I care what product is better. And the Vive is so outclassed by both the OG Rift and the Rift S it's not even funny. Sit down and shut the fuck up before I have to go take some pictures of all my VR headsets to dab all over you so people can see my perspective is backed up from actual experience, and you are just a shithead.

>base stations that are annoying to set up, and make an extremely loud headache inducing noise while you play

never experienced this you must not even own a vive. just parroting meme text constantly

the tracking shit pure garbo on rift and you cannot use leg/hip trackers on the rift.


>the tracking on the rift is garbage
Nope. Literally isn't. It's actually better than the Vive because the sensors are easier to place, AND when tracking gets occluded, the rift maintains last position, while the vive flies your hands the fuck away, which has way worse gameplay impacts.

Rift S tracking absolutely DABS on base stations. No setup at all, never any tracking issues ever. Memers will pretend if you place your hands behind your back it's an issue, but that literally never, ever happens in a game to the degree needed to ruin tracking

>cannot use leg/hip trackers on the rift.
You can use kinect which is better. Otherwise, this is a valid complaint. If you are a faggot who wants to pretend to be an anime girl and have gay cyber sex with other faggots, the rift is not for you.

>Implying Apple doesn't do the same shit

>imagine getting this mad over a facebook spy machine

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>the game has grabbing mapped to the trigger button because of vivelets

Attached: download.jpg (230x219, 10.19K)

>debates me
>gets dabbed on
>h-haha imagine c-caring..

>country quarantined
>can still "go out" by playing VR games
VRchads rise up!

>Rift S tracking absolutely DABS on base stations
Absolutely not
I don't care about any of the other shit you retards are squabbling over but this is just wrong

My experience beats your theory, sorry.

The Oculus could put me in the game and suck my dick and I still wouldn't get it because I don't want to be spied on. If you care more about a product than your rights then you aren't worth a second of anyone's time. Zuck thanks you for making him richer

You're just making yourself look like an ass
Anyone who believes you deserves what they get

>use rift S
>absolutely flawless tracking, literally never an issue

>use vive
>hands fly the fuck away randomly
>if you turn at certain angles, the stations are occluded by your body, hands fly the fuck away
>body occlusion
>occlusion from desk, etc

I'm just telling the truth. You're objectively wrong. inside out tracking is better now. You're 3 years in the past. You probably haven't even used a Rift S or a Quest.

>using a quest

jesus, should just buy a PS VR at that point fag.

I hate this and I can never be bothered to fix it because steam vr controller rebinding is so convoluted

>completely wireless, use anywhere device with fully tracked controllers that aren't literal pieces of feces
>comparable to front facing, seated, controllers not even designed for vr
I only have the quest for development, I don't even use it much, but this is the dumbest gorilla nigger retard thing I have ever heard. They're literally not comparable. They're entirely different things. I don't even know why PSVR exists, I guess it's cool for casual console fags to check out VR? it's barely vr, though.

your forgot
>cannot play 99% of vr games because it doesnt hook up to the pc. its literally just a beatsaber machine

>it doesn't hook up to the PC!
>it literally fucking does

jesus christ now you people are just making me sad. I don't even recommend Quest + Link, may as well get a Rift S, but god damn.

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What's stopping headsets from getting lighter?

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computer parts are not small enough tech yet?

Couldn't they put all the hefty computer bits on a backpack or something?

you need to fuck right off.

>cannot use hip/leg trackers
>inside out tracking is pure ass
>cannot use index controllers the best controller on the market atm
>if you can afford a index headset/controllers get those. other wise get index controllers vive headset and index base stations.

getting a rift/quest is worthless unless you're a poorfag. amd vr isnt a poorfag tech

>All these flat gamers seething.
>literally SEETHING at the idea of VR.
Enjoy your 2d experience during the quarantines, gonna keep enjoying my worlds in VR.

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>use shittiest WMR Acer headset model
>Tracking is not bad but not great
>constantly shit on Vivecucks and Oculustards on Pavlov/Onward/
>easily achive S+ ranks on Beat Saber
>shit was 150 bucks

being a WMRChad is a blessing.

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>Can't get a Samsung Odessy in Europe

Attached: 1576274788088.jpg (204x208, 29.37K)

>index is supposed to come today
>have to sign for it
>have work in an hour
>still hasn't showed up

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Do you have vr?