How is that game coming along, Yas Forums?

How is that game coming along, Yas Forums?
>tfw project leader can't find a pixel artist

Attached: 7b7af8270a1faa27a668fb0387f4ef45.png (890x400, 57.99K)

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oh shit I totally forgot

a what

Been going through unity tutorials on udemy to build my portfolio, I try to make mine unique so it's not a 1 to 1 copy. Current one is a plants vs zombies clone. Thinking of making the most expensive item a subpoena that triggers a lawyer to come out and sue a character of myself for stealing assets.

Attached: crappy game.png (2554x1639, 441.1K)

made complete sprites for two characters.
Going to make some more later but I want to start the code tomorrow

give up

been doing this long platforming game tutorial just to get familiar with Gamemaker and GML a bit

I'm trying to do some shit with the sprites, hold on.

What music do you guys play while making video games?

Coming along well.
Working on my Diablo clone.
First time using Unreal too.

Attached: devday1.webm (800x394, 1.71M)

Working on RPG Maker
It's comfy

The composer used to have the whole ost on an ftp server but I lost my copy and the ftp server is gone. Truly the worst timeline.

At this point I just want to copy paste an existing engine to make a 2D adventure game
but I'm too lazy to do it

UE literally just started crashing playing the same code and compile that worked just a minute before...

I was working on mine before leaving to work. I'm just waiting for my shift to start in about 10 minutes.

Still working on figuring out how to punch in GMS. I get what I'm supposed to do, I just don't know how to do it yet.

Based YGOchads

It comes along, working on cutscene stuff still while I plan out the enemies and stuff for the gameplay portions.

Attached: ClassicGameStart01DTEST5.gif (512x448, 185.76K)

>Can't find a pixel artist
What's the game?

looks unreal

made a mission start animation

Attached: thisweekonREI.webm (1920x1080, 1.88M)

>trying to make multi-page textboxes
>figured out how to make a single-page textbox all on my own
>expect that if I use a tutorial I'll have to rewrite the entire script
>finally decide to just look at a tutorial
>it's a simple "if/else" statement with arrays
>in 15 minutes I fixed a script that I put off fixing for over a month
I barely even had to change the script I wrote. Fuck. Onto the next problem, I guess.

Attached: 1450143283349.gif (300x236, 2.85M)

>tfw free double salary for whoever wants it

Attached: pixel Untitled.png (26x32, 415)

>camera isn't fading out properly to and from room transition, fix it and test new compile
>index of weapon isn't being carried to and from json string properly, fix it and test new compile
>monster spawning at start of challenge room doesn't work because variable isn't resetting, fix it and test new compile
>"stack overflow"
Life has many doors Ed boy
I want to get the technical hiccups out of the way so I can go back to making new challenge room themes

"Fail faster" is a potent mantra.

So I have a game that's supposed to be kinda "family friendly." Is it "safe" to share it here? I want to but honestly I don't really feel comfortable posting it on Yas Forums.


Are you the guy with the CRT game? I want to know how you achieved that effect.

I'd say go ahead.
Some examples of popular games that originally were posted here are World Of Horror, Slipstream, Risk of Rain, even Minecraft.

Check for more titles.

No, we don't want to see your furry trash.

It's been going great! Game's coming out in 2 weeks and a big YouTuber streamed the game, and now our store page views and wishlists exponentially increased! Feels good man.

Attached: webm.webm (640x360, 2.43M)

First time sharing. Tell me what you think. I'm a programmer, not an artist, so any art advice would be great. Obviously still needs a lot of polishing.

I don't like the black "marble" background, should I just make it plain black?

Attached: magamin.webm (1626x898, 2.53M)

that's fucking awesome, user. Glad to hear it!


Congrats, user. When did paperball's development start, btw?

For a programmer this looks good.
Maybe make the buttons on the right bigger.
There's quite a lot of wasted space though.

Looks good, but that weird dash seems too slippery. I see some clear inspirations of zero games.

>12$ for this cheap monkeyball clone
holly jew

November 2018, so development took a year give or take (minus a few months of no activity).

If you think this looks cheap I wonder what you think of BBHD being $30.

I'm adding juice

Attached: dust.webm (1266x708, 1.63M)

HeartBeast is a treasure

We rebuilt a boss room to make it less laggy and more fun. the tiles fall away over time and make the map smaller and smaller while firewalls and electric towers further complicate things. I can't wait to unleash it.

Attached: unknown.png (869x489, 778.85K)

Nostalgic as fuck. Best of luck!

Madness? Nice, can you post webm?

I remember this part running at like 15fps while the rest of the game was at 60. Good to hear that got fixed.
Also, post some new arena pictures. This is the thing I'm looking forward to the most.

>MFW my inability to make games doesn't stem from a lack of creativity or motivation, which I have a fuckload of, but a lack of programming skill.
No matter how hard I try to program, I can barely make a square move in F U C K I N G J A V A S C R I P T

You mean the shader with the bezels and stuff? I'm not the programmer so I can't give you an in-depth technical answer, but the gist of it is that the shader takes an image at the native internal resolution (256 x 224) and creates and output sized one (the shader only works if it's 3x res or higher for the output). Adjacent color pixels are blurred together a bit, with curvature and reflection achieved by adjusting what underlying texel from the native resolution image is sampled for each given output pixel.
The bezel reflection isn't really a "reflection" so much as render of that are of the screen again, mirrored, if that makes sense.

Attached: bossyWEBM.webm (768x672, 2.3M)

Thats where you are wrong, you should use C# if you are a begginer

Finished the prototypes of the features, going to start working on the vslice tomorrow.
I had to change the plans that I had for the game, originally I was going to make the levels by hand, however, that would have increased the development time for more than a year, and is something that I'm not very keen in doing, and procgen is quite fun to work with, so procgen it is.

Attached: 1533036149495.gif (262x323, 1.34M)

What's "heat" for?

Run away Coral!

Attached: unknown-28.png (1920x1080, 2.32M)

anybody want an asset modeler

the only catch is i use cinema 4d

Room effect. Kills you slowly. The area where HEAT! is displays status effects.

Oh. I though it was something else.

Attached: consider tifa 2.jpg (800x917, 162.8K)

The art seems like the tipical furry shit disguised as an old game so its understandable why would you think that

>pic related
I have two big reasons why I can't focus.

your character enters heat and has to breed, you have to finish the level before you get raped

Whatever happened to Anubis-dev? Kind of remind me of it.
Asking for a friend.

>jew for putting a price for the work someone has done

Attached: 1571301421639.jpg (384x454, 27.88K)

He's working on

whats the limitation of game maker studios 2? I would like to make a mystery dungeon type game but I remember an user saying that game maker doesnt do randomly generated rooms and such.

Eh. I'm usually pretty wary of games with visual gimmicks. A lot of the time, it's an indication that they don't have much else and intend for the gimmick to carry the entire game.

The gimmick exists because the programmer thought it would be interesting to work on while I was off drawing gay furry porn to pay my bills.

I hope none of you guys are employed. If so, you better read your companies policies! Most tech companies reserve the right to any intellectual property you create, regardless whether it's on your own free time or not.

Attached: 13550924_1118111704878472_2019381315_n.jpg (541x415, 25.11K)

Just started making a lewd 3rd person shooter with the main idea being you can equip a 3 passive abilities before each level to hopefully achieve crazy shit
although I don't know how many weapons the player should be able to equip at a time, I thinking 3 as well but I not entirely sure

Well I'm a NEET so take that!

thats not real is it? how can a company own something I create without using their tools, and in my home