Why do people hate it?
Just beat the crystal sage and loving it so far.
Why do people hate it?
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Fanboys are insecure retards. All the Souls games are pretty good.
people don't hate it, most people think it's fine
it's 2 people hate
It's okay, we can't all be non-retards
it's awesome, there's a few people who "hate it" and just shit up the threads everytime
The only people who hate it are the invaders. Invaders often get fucked 3v1. But whatever, they're asses anyway, so fuck em.
They do? Holy shit, I can't take much more of this constant contrarianism, boys.
Old, good. New, bad. Dark Souls 1 was a legitimately good game so people get so emotionally invested and their expectations grow too high that whatever new changes come it's immediately worse.
i don't enjoy rolling non fucking stop :)
It's too hard
DS3 is the best in the series.
>i hate this game beca-
>closes thread
>start a thread
>"why do people hate this?"
Sekiro is the best fromsoft game
It's basically a greatest hits compilation of souls/bloodborne, it takes what works and doesn't try to do anything radically new. Many people don't like that it's not an original world and that it borrows DS1's lore and BB's aesthetic. Some people don't like that it's more accessible, and for some it's just the usual case of
>old game good
>new game bad
I think ds3 is great, except for the pvp
The pvp lacks the jank that made me love 1 & 2
People hate it because it retread alot of shit from DS1 such as cameos, themes, bosses etc. Also they hate that its too fast (personally I like it) and that theres no poise.
DS1 fags are butthurt because the best Souls actually made poise and shields balanced and they can't tank 6 hits boss combos anymore
>No poise
I've played a lot of 1 and a bit of 3 but for some reason I only lasted 10 minutes with 2
because they're contrarian faggots
It's called false flagging
Hyper-armor isn't poise.
DS1 boomers can't handle the speed they need an enemy to wind up for 30secs per attack
its ok to be wrong
Because Yas Forums hates popular things, what a surprise, there's like one dedicated faggot that slams his multi paragraph autism every DS3 thread about why 2 is better, he's gonna show up any moment now.
Because this frachise has probably the worst and the best community at the same time
Dark Souls should never have had a sequel, the mythology / world building / endings were perfect
Dark Souls 2 was your little brother’s fanfic, Dark Souls 3 was somehow even less inspired
Demon’s Souls, Dark Souls, Bloodborne, and Sekiro are all good. Ds2 and Ds3 are aids and anyone who says otherwise started with one of those two games and can’t move on
It was fun but the first one blew my mind when I played it. Basically never really have an inclination to go back and play 3 again whereas the first I beat like 5 times.
It completely lacks basic tenets of fun. The only ‘fun’ found in the game is the relief you get when a mediocre boss dies.
Eh, dark souls 3 is a good expansion on the first games lore but 2 is literally a waste of time and should have been a spin off
I don't hate it but I like the simplicity of DS1.
DS2 I do hate though.
>dark souls 3 is a good expansion on the first games lore
>"... and then Gwyn created a city at the edge of the world and gifted it to the Pigmy Lords-oh btw there's 8 Pigmy Lords. And he also left his fourth sekrit child there and also Seath's daughter was there too."
No, the game has also poise
Who's the daughter?
Dark Souls 2 is objectively the best game in the series and if you don't understand this simple concept then I won't even bother arguing with you retards. Enjoy your shit game
Gwyn gave New Londo to the 4 kings the Ringed City is just an even bigger quarantine with the actual Dark Soul
It's just Dark Souls 2 fags trying really hard to convince people their game is not the worst title in the series. They're not very good at it.
Gwyn's? Filianore
Seath's? Shira
it's fun but it doesn't feel like it was thought out as much. It's a lot better than 2 of course, but it feels like there are some Bloodborne leftovers carried over to it. And the world design of 1 is leagues better, in my opinion.
On a side note, i'm replaying PTDE at the moment, I tried going thru Blighttotwn the normal way via the Depths, but fuck that. I always go the back way for a reason!
Burnout. I was a crackhead for souls in 1/2 (and backtracked for demons), played them almost to the exclusion of other games, but by the time bb/ds3 were out I barely got one playthrough of each and couldn't stomach the DLC at all.
I miss the Demon’s / Dark Souls trend of having slow bosses, but that was fine because your guy moved like a man wearing armor and not a superhuman ninja
After Artorias of the Abyss it was all over, Dark Souls 2 had some zippy bosses, then Bloodborne / Sekiro (where it worked, to be fair) and Dark Souls 3 (where it didn’t)
They can’t ever slow the games down now because fans would riot. But a slower paced game with tight controls would be fantastic, too bad Elden Ring is likely to be fast as fuck
Because new = bad
Replayability is poor.
There's absolutely nothing wrong with the ringed city existing conceptually
Ooooh, cheers.
Dark Souls 2
>More original than Dark Souls 3, but is disgustingly cartoony—completely ignores the art style and mood of the original, hollows are rotting green zombies, muh cycles, ruins the first game’s ending, npc questlines go nowhere and nobody can be permanently lost except for two dumbfucks who hate each other
Dark Souls 3
>Literally Rogue One tier, constantly shills BOTH games without end.
>Has better bosses on average than Dark Souls 2, but the stupid Bloodborne rolls killed the difficulty and PVP
Thank god for Bloodborne, which replaced that shitstain Dark Souls 2, and Sekiro which did the same for 3. Worried that the next game is guaranteed to be shit because of GRRM and From’s track record of “good game, bad game, good game...”
Ds3 agrees with you.
Absolutely nothing original
Finally tried it a couple of days ago, gave up halfway through the first major area, just didn't feel right at all. I've completed DaS1 some ten times. Might give it another shot one day.
Because it's soulless
Chain rolling, shitty poise rework, faith is hot cum, build variety is in the trash, it's more Bloodborne than DS, it's a big hallway. It's my least favourite one but I still like it.
Funnily enough I would've loved if the game was entirely set in Ringed city instead of
>btw there were there was this church and there were these angel worshippers that made war with Lothric and then the game ended
in between revisiting older stuff. The cut stuff also sounds great, like with every other DS game.
DS3 has barely anything to do with 2 except some weapons and armor
DS1 had the best world, DS2 had the best build variety and open-endedness early on, DS3 generally plays the smoothest and nicest of the lot having moved past a lot of the clunk from early installments and taken on all of DS2's quality of life improvements and then some.
It's all about what you want out of it, I guess. I'd love a game with DS1's world structure and connective areas as well as holding off on freebee teleporting everywhere until the mid/late game, maybe a couple major teleports early on but thats all, with DS2's variety of completely viable weapons and build types and the open-endedness early on to choose a path and explore for the resources to make a good build quick, with DS3's general gameplay and visual fidelity.
I think I'd like poise to go back to normal though, but I'll happily let armour stay unupgradeable as it makes basically any armour set you pick up viable for some purpose or another for the whole game which lets you go even more nuts with fashion and stuff. I'd love something like that.
>Old red lady at the shrine
>Butthole giants return
>Dead giant tree outside Firelink
>Nameless King stated to be the Faraam deity
>Earthen Peak in Ringed City
>last surviving Desert Sorceress
3 is not a 'smooth' game
it's twitchy if anything
>Nameless King stated to be the Faraam deity
Nameless King is Gwyn's firstborn and the leader of the Sunbro covenant not this Faraam
I'm not the best at describing things so maybe its not the best word, but what I mean is that [having recently played through all 3 in the last few months again] I found DS3's controls and responsiveness as well as its general gameplay to be the most satisfying. I used smooth since well, DS1 is quite slow and clunky-feeling compared to the others, and DS2 has some big fucking issues with movement directions and hitbox oddness.
Poise is a hyper armour modifier
I doubt people hate it, I think they're just disappointed.
>Why do people hate it?
Dark Souls 2 fags trying to make their game seem less bad, and failing.
Responsive is a good word from a control scheme standpoint, yeah
This your first day here?
>Butthole giants return
Where is that? I was annoyed that Yhorm turned out to be a regular two eyed one.
>148th "dark souls 3 bad" thread of the week
how much do (((they))) pay you?
>regular two eyed one
Even the normal DaS1 giants don't really have eyes
They do cause Hawkeye Gough wasn't blind back in the day as Gwyn's knight
They do, kinda, the shape is all there but its unmodelled as it's covered by the masks all the time
Faraam isn't the first born
The giants existed in ds1
So this leaves
>2 people
>1 building
That's what I was referring to, I just figured they were these big iron molded fellows.
Gough would be blinded because of his helmet being covered but the mechanic of his eyesight isn't strictly associated with 'eyes', if that makes any sense?