What the hell were they thinking?

What the hell were they thinking?

Attached: playstation-classic.jpg (2000x2000, 460.74K)

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"Gee whiz, fellas, let's give this plug and play business the old college try!"

Literally this. But then they realized they didn’t have any games to put on it

Why is it okay when Nintendo does it?

Directly copying Nintendo, except that every time they do this it always FAILS.a

because they have rights to at least half of the good games on their consoles

nintendo doesn't own the copyright for "mini consoles" you console war cucks.

Sony wanted to sell this to normies but even they couldn't be convinced enough to buy it because it didn't have crash or spyro. Price was way too high, mediocre selection of games, shitty software and no analogs.

Also Sony copying Nintendo but doing 100 times shittier and lazier and expecting the same results. See playstation move and PASBR

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notice what gen nintendo stopped at
nes and snes are perfect for these types of things
as we move forward it becomes a bit more challenging from hardware to licensing

How to make a cheap emulation machine. They were like 27 bucks at one of my local stores. Not bad to be able to set it up with new memory and have all the games on it.

Because the SNES Mini has hardware capable of emulating PS1 games better than the Playstation Classic. We're never going to get access to N64 or Gamecube on modern hardware so Sony could get an edge if they give us a PS2 Mini already.

You don't even realize what a stupid fucking reply you just made, do you?

PSXe is probably the most developed emulator out there
No need for mini console

>unashamedly copy nintendo
>forget nearly everything on your systems is 3rd party, many of which you no longer have the rights too
>The handful of noname games you do get are all PAL running on an off the shelf emulator you didn't even set up
>no dualshock
>lol $100
it was dead from the moment they said go

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>stupid fucking reply
>the posts i were replying to were retards saying sony was copying nintendo despite companies before doing the same shit
kill yourself consolewar cuck, post a wojack or something.

>are all PAL
This was the worst part for me. Why the fuck would they throw in random PAL ISOs, objectively making the experience worse for anyone that actually buys the product when fixing it would have taken absolutely no effort on their part whatsoever?

It almost moves from negligence into spite.

Yeah, who the fuck call is PSX when it is clearly PS1???

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Thanks for reminding me of this autist.

What's not getting through your thick fucking skull is that Nintendo DIDN'T invent retro mini consoles, but they DID launch a wildly successful retro mini console immediately before Sony decided to jump into the market.

They were planned to double-dip.
They released a PlayStation Classic with digital controllers and a bunch of games, and then when that sold through they were gonna do a PSOne Classic with analog controllers and a whole different set of games.
But it sold like shit so they abandoned the plan.

How do you set that up

>but they DID launch a wildly successful retro mini console immediately before Sony decided to jump into the market.
>ignoring the countless mini SEGA Genesis's and Atari plug-and-plays that were released before and had popularity
Why are consolewar faggots so autistic? Are they American?

they saw nintendo's raspberry pi box with a custom OS, "good enough" emulation, nostalgia-bait design and stocking-stuffer price, thought they needed to get on that shit, and copied nintendo right down to not bundling in an ac adapter... except the emulation is fucking horrible since it's an old version of an open-source emulator

>no castlevania
>no crash
>no spyro
>no wipeout

Literally the only games people wanted, and sony gave the buyers none

And then they remembered they did, but put some shitty european versions in there because fuck you.

He directly brings up those other mini-consoles you stupid nigger, it's IN THE SENTENCE YOU QUOTED HALF OF

I wonder how expensive it would be for these minis to go the hardware route instead of emulation.

You can make an argument that Nintendo might have ripped off all the Atari/Genesis consoles made over the years. But you can't say that Sony did the same thing, they didn't just sit on their thumbs and then suddenly get the same "great" idea at the same time.

Emulation is far and away easier and less expensive, repro'ing Playstations or old systems like the NES/SNES can get pricey or even impossible because of obscurity of old parts or having to set up manufacturing lines for those old parts that're impossible to find.



If they had put a little more care into building it and secured a few more retro licenses it probably would have sold millions

Makes you wonder why they so willfully half-assed it and shot off their own foot, imagine how much money they left on the table

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You forgot mgs, crono trigger, twisted metal, ff7, fftactics, breath of fire, megaman legends, resident evil 2/3, sf alpha 3, mvc, tekken 3

What exciting games would the PSOne classic have? Coolboarders 3? Battle Hunter? Bowling? Maybe we would have got really lucky and got Pong: The Next Level or Frogger!

Attached: Coming to the Playstation Classic.jpg (266x263, 15.58K)

This. Putting Bleemsync on there and loading up a USB with games made it well worth the reduced price.

The only thing this proved was that Playstation players are more discerning than ninten drones who will swallow down anything and everything ninty shits down their mouths.

Shitty mini system that every company's been doing for ages. Honestly the classic was overpriced, but so was the NES/SNES mini, so is all the @games shit, these games are so easily emulated that I can't fathom them being above $50 which would be about the cost of a 3D printed shell + pi3. The biggest fault of it was probably the game selection, but that's a licensing issue, some companies won't or can't give the rights up so you end up with that sad sack of shit.

Sega and has been doing mini consoles for at least 10 years but dumb tendies still think it's somehow nintendo that invented the idea. lol

They should have included at least 20 first-party and 20 third-party games to make it worthy.

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>biggest fault of it was probably the game selection, but that's a licensing issue, some companies won't or can't give the rights up so you end up with that sad sack of shit.

I think it's more on Sony's end. Third parties such as Konami, Capcom seemed to be fine with handing out properties on Nintendo's mini consoles, Sony is just cheap as fucking shit when it comes to licensing. It probably cost them fuck all to get licensing for fucking Destruction Derby or Syphon Filter then to have a Castlevania or Megaman Legends game on there, a game that people would have much preferred.

Sony could also just be difficult to work with, we don't know for certain, but just looking at Konami's output on the SNES classic compared to the PS classic is kinda jarring.

Aren't these things pretty sweet if you hack them?

christ alive shut the fuck up about nintendo fans for once in your life

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Would Sony produce PC-friendly PlayStation Controllers and DualShock gamepads?

>decent hardware
>nice UI for the menu
>not using PAL Roms that run and look considerably worse
>not starting out with a $100 price tag
>having an actually decent lineup of games
That said I’m considering hacking my SNES Classic and maybe getting a PlayStation Classic to hack in the future too.

>didn’t even have Crash or Spyro
This will never cease to blow my mind how poorly planned out this shit was.

Not only did Sony use a community made emulator, they didn't configure it properly.
They could have easily gotten some autist from /vg/ emugen to configure retroarch for them and it would have been a better product.
The UI was also very lazy.

Nintendo's systems aren't great either, just because its an in-house emulator doesn't make it accurate or good.
But they put work in and the final product is at least serviceable and polished.

>brings up Americans out of nowhere

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if they included a USB dualshock 1 instead of x2 standard controllers then included Ape Escape, Crash and Spyro then the package would at least make sense.

Considering the fact that they were arguably PS1's mascots, its almost disrespecful they didn't get them on there. Ask any normie who knows anything video games about and the first games they'll think of will be crash and spyro. Normies are the prime audience for these classic mini consoles anyway. I gurantee if they had even just the first crash and first spyro games on there, with their faces on the boxes, these things would have sold at least double.

The reason they probably didn't make it is cause of the remastered trilogies, but would having just one of those games on there with the old shitty graphics hurt sales of the remasters? Probably not by much at all.

Because Nintendo didn't fuck up the region of the roms so they were barely playable.

bought it on sale for like 20 dollars at best buy pretty cool once you put bleem on it.

You spent more time making this collage then Sony did making the PS Classic.

*ask them about ps1

>A journo spent more time making this collage then Sony did making the PS Classic.
Fixed. All of those are games that Sony tested for the PS Classic.

Speaking of Bleem, when the fuck are we getting a Sega Dreamcast/Saturn Mini console?

I really want some dreamcast controller and accessory reproductions using USB with adapters for actual Dreamcasts. It'd be so great even for emulation.

it will probably be outsourced, Sega licensed some real quality reproduction controllers recently and the Sega Genesis mini console is apparently top notch.

Both aren't super easy to emulate well on SBCs though, that's the main problem. A rpi4 can handle DC but that wouldn't leave much in the way of margins when your producing a full consumer product with licensed games included.

kind of like Hyperkin's DUKE controller reproduction, but not cheaply made and shit, with that 30 US dollar mark up.

Emulation for the Dreamcast would be a bitch.

I bought two ps classic and feel super ripped off. I'm tempted to return the unused one to Costco.