The Duality of Game
The Duality of Game
duality my ass, all I see it two piles of shit.
I would both though
How are you not tired of generic same-face anime garbage?
The top doesn't look sexually appealing, but it is a definitely more interesting than "sameface anime girl in beach clothes".
God I wish that were me.
>that bottom
Why do Japanese devs design White girls and call them Japanese?
Someone post the image. You know the one.
She's got white skin but her eyes and facial structure look asian, or maybe half asian at least
>implying fat/and or ugly girl with dyed hair isn't overused as well
>an actual character that is fat and ugly
>something you're meant to jack off to and then close the game
why do coomers think everyone else has their brain in their nutsack
because something something american politics
you can't name 10
>ugly garbage is interesting
Are you the hobo who keeps going through my trash outside?
>if i fill video games with repulsive hambeasts then chad will surely see my beauty
Is this how the femcel thinks?
I can just go to the nearest college and see 10
More interesting than generic anime girls, yes
You must have no friends if you think every man much jack off at the sight of an attractive woman.
>we live in an era where people try to make their designs hideous on purpose
I mean I get it if it's from a comedy standpoint, but cmon man. I'd rather not have to look at that shit through my entire playthrough.
>must feel good
>things must look good
opinion discarded
You like looking at ugly stuff? Why?
Why exactly should I tire of cute girls?
Ask me how I know you're American. No one else would like, or well pretend to like repulsive things just because they are "unique".
Both seem pretty based desings for their appropiate games desu. Wasn't top meant for some arena shooter and bottom for a volley ball game? If so they fit well in terms of context
I don't fap to male characters. But even they should look nice or have an appealing theme. You can keep spouting coom all you like but you're still in the wrong.
Bleeding edge is fun though.
>if you're okay with things not making your pp hard then you're american and you like/love them
Wow, I got four copes in a row.
Imagine how pretty top would be if she had normal hair and weighed about 300 pounds less.
>american pig shit
>loser otaku neet shit
>More interesting
Lmao found the anthropologist. Bet you've got a whole urban cambo gear for stalking "interesting" urban gorrilas and pigs.
And this Five Arrests including you.
I feel like DoA's models barely changed from 5 to whatever is out now. They just look like plastic-y anime dolls.
>i can't perform well in competitive games unless im aroused and erect
I know people who look like them both, and they are both fine people. internet forums are where they send the degenerates to writhe in their incelestial prison, and I love how deluded you all are
>laughing at somebody for being an anthropologist
I'm not even gonna respond, I'm gonna let you grow up and realize the error of your ways.
I don't get it.
No way, it's obviously an example of Glorious Nippon not bending the knee to SJWs.
Has anyone actually played the beta for the top game? I've seen literally nobody talking about it. I can't even remember what it's called.
>pretending only intfags care about americans being the dumbest shits on the planet
This image was made by an american
Each works in the respective context.
Anyone who likes the right needs to be put down.
People on Yas Forums dont actually care about the characters of the game but only their looks
top character actually has an interesting story, a biker girl who got into a life threatening crash and went to black market augmentations to move again and now lives off crime
bottom is just "generic anime girl #124315"
she has no story, she is just a pretty face to jack your dick to, but if I wanted to do that I wouldnt be playing a video game
doa looks like trash post better games
It's shit that panders to SJWs.
>ignoring the story mode in DoA series
>being bias
>implying ANYONE has ever talked about the story of the bottom character, most probably dont even know her name
>implying ANYONE takes DOA seriously, as a fighting game or as a softcore porn game
my point stands, she is only ever posted for people to jack off too
I doubt there has ever been a DOA thread on Yas Forums that hasnt been just porn posting, prove me wrong
you cant
True, also her name is Kasumi.
The Duality of Reality
>the conversation is always about which one you'd jack off to
and this is why i hate coomers
as a male, why do you have pictures of cosmopolitan saved on your computer???
user do you have something to say?
It's the current year. You suppose to hate fat girls in any forms of media.
>I'm gonna let you grow up and realize the error of your ways
How old do you have to be before you realise people rarely do?
I played a lot of DoA 2-3 with various friends. Tag battle was really fun and the hot girls were just a bonus. Kinda sad to see the main fighting series just turn into a shit DLC cash cow.
I'm a huge homosexual
>she has no story
She's the second daughter of Raidou, the final boss of the original DOA and thus Ayane's half-sister. She learned to fight by watching martial art tournaments and just copying the moves, which is why she uses moves from different fighters- but in reality it's an ability she inherited from Raidou. We don't know who her mother is yet and if she was born from consensual sex (Ayane was born from rape). She got kidnapped by Christie who is working for NiCO who wants to ressurect Raidou and having Honoka will help her do that because blood/science shit. In the end NiCO manages to resurrect Raidou but then the ninjas kill him.
Add a loli and call it the trinity.
Nigga the majority of people care about looks. You wouldn't even be bitching about "generic anime girl #124315" if you didn't yourself.
hay weebs in this thread you might want to call the girls in the games ugly because they don't look like anime but they are not fat
I'll take right with the body of left thank you
Literally no one has ever called nu-Lara ugly. Still fucking hate her cause she is nothing like older Lara.
Lara isn't ugly, the reason people dislike her is because she's completely different from the original Lara
didn't say she was ugly bro
What year shouldn't you hate fat people? They are disgusting.
Bottom would look approximately 1000x better in the art style of top
Why is it that the top story took two setences to explain and understand and yet your explanation doesnt explain shit about the bottom character, its shonen tier writing
people read books for the chracter, people attach themselves to movie characters because of their actions and backstory, yet vidya retards only jerk off
why is that?
god women are such retarded *iggers you can tell they get programmed like npcs by that shit and its basically the only thing running their brain because they have no sense of independent thought. Its like when you interact with a hole you arent actually talking to a person but a set of degenerate programs acting in harmony to produce a consooming parasitic whore who only sees you as an atm at worst or at best as an avenue to satisfy her emotional whims. ie I want to go on a vacaation and do X like i read here or saw in this movie.
Women dont actually love you they love the lifestyle you provide for them and if you stop providing that they will drop like like you were nothing.
Both are in shit games so who cares?
>They are disgusting.
Reaching illegal levels of based and redpill overdose
Would you a diversity or a not diversity?
I'd fuck the one on top, but she's got no feet.
>has to include 3 Russians for the right side
They're mongol mutts. You're just encouraging hapa making.
all the girls on the right have BPD, cut themselves and SAW RAMONA FLOWERS AND FELT SO EMPOWERED
i agree, the top one has actual character design and is pretty memorable.
Bottom one i already forgot what she looks like
You surely are baiting right? Yas Forums is lost holy shit.
>bland vs. coomer bait
Good to know both suck
Imagine thinking movie stars aren't 98% picked and liked because of their looks. Also, no one really cares about how characters really look in books because you barely see them visually most of the time.
More like woke
i enjoy good character design.
A character can be butt ugly and still have good character design and posing
It's not "bland", it's a disgusting sack of shit, you retarded faggot. It's objectively repulsive to look at.
its a higher chance that the guys who made the top character have gf/wives/children/sex lives than the guys who made the bottom character
not everything is supposed to make your little pecorino hard spermbrain
some characters are designed to be annoying fat fucks you want to crush between the palms of your fist, doesn't make them bad characters if they do what the designers designed them to do
>male characters are diverse looking
>female characters always look like the same coomer bait
Why can't Jap devs make female characters?