Does it hold up?

Does it hold up?

Attached: system-shock-2.jpg (800x978, 129.67K)

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Yeah. Watch out for the psychic explode monkeys.

Not really

No, Bioshock was the perfect distillation of the formula.

yes, I think it's my favorite game of all time. If you like the classic resident evil games you will say it holds up

i got it free with twitch prime and its not fun
i see why people would like it, great music, big ship, nice rpg shit but i hated it so much towards the end
i did beat it but fuck this game holy fuck

I played it for the first time some time in 2014 and it was one of the best games I've played. Considering gaming has only been going downhill since 2007 it should hold up better than ever.

It's honestly not that great of a game past the mid point. The first few hours are great though.

Yeah, I played it a year or so ago. It was good.

The end suffers from Xen syndrome. You start to notice It at the Rickenbacher, but they literally ran out of time for the botm and citadel sections. The game's "nah" ending was a direct consequence of that.

The first System Shock holds up very well too. Play it if you haven't, and then try Terra Nova.

Absolutely, I really wish it had been dethroned by something greater but it just hasn't happened yet and people are only interested in copying Bioshit while namedropping SS for oldfag cred

the recreation deck is my favorite

>not that great of a game past the mid point
It actually gets comfortable when you manage to build your sustainable style.

Best game I've ever played. Play System Shock, ignore Bioshit

based user with the actual response
i sharted my opinion out and got a real info instead of classic reddit buttrage
im going to replay it now but with another build and not on hard

Attached: 1555274827374.jpg (718x503, 61.59K)

what the fuck is this garbage post even going on about

this post is the perfect distillation of delusion


Attached: nah.png (360x360, 190.86K)

I like SS2, but I absolutely fucking HATE weapon degradation.

Yes and No. While most of it holds up, the control scheme could be a little better (its fixable though) and the last few levels of the game defiantly feel like they were running out of time and money. The research aspect could also be a bit better.

A surprising number of SS2 criticisms boil down to completely retarded misunderstanding of game mechanics and general modern shitterism
SS2 is by no means a perfect game but it almost incidentally stumbled onto a system that works better than it ought to

Attached: 15-52.jpg (700x525, 92.88K)

>The game's "nah" ending
It's great ending IMO.

good timing on the thread, playing it for the first time right now
it absolutely holds up, the level design and overall atmosphere is fantastic
I fucking love immersive sims though so I might be biased towards the game mechanics

finding that upside down cross in the cathedral was my favorite moment in the game so far
absolute kino

im playing a PSI/melee build
very comfy, dont have to worry about degradation

The level design becomes low IQ as fuck towards the end. The last few ship areas become a cringe Reddit game of how many sneaky places can we hide almost instakilling turrets. "Haha! Got you with that one didn't we! Didn't expect a turrent to be hidden there did you? Haha, got you again, uh oh, gotta watch out, gotta keep an eye out for those pesky turrets amirite? Haha! Got you again! Haha xD" Cringe. The hive levels were even worse than the Half Life alien dimension levels, I didn't even know it was possible to make a level worse than those.

git gud

The sound design and general atmosphere in that section was the absolute peak

no the game was hyped up by boomers and everyone bought into it because no one was able to play it for a decade and a half to proof call them and now we're at a point where despite the fact that it's easily accessible to play and see that it actually kinda sucks everyone continues to pretend it's good out of some sort of tradition

No, bro. The ending alone made a 9/10 game a 7/10 for me. It's like fucking but instead of cumming you get your balls stuck in a rat trap.

there were no such turrets user
just be good at games

No unless you're playing for nostalgic or historical values.. Just play Prey.

>be user walking around the rickenbacker
>walk blindly through hallways without checking corners
>hear distinctive sound of a turret deploying behind me, should I worry? nah must be nothing
>dsp wow.jpg

It's terrible but it's also hilarious to think about how fucking mad it made SHODAN

i played it for the first time a couple years ago and now its one of my favorite games
I'd say so

i am doing right now for the first time. It's really hard to tell where to go sometimes and with respawning enemies and limited ammunitions, you have to save scum

Attached: paulie_hell.png (1920x1080, 2.25M)

like other user's have said it gets worse near the end but the first 3/4 of the game is great

the game is linear as hell user how are you getting lost

not hydroponics level

recreation is the only level that isn't linear

Bioshock had a great setting but all the world building and immersion flew out the window with the typical shooter gameplay... wish we'd get a Bioshock game structured like the recent PREY from Arkane.

its the best game ever made
and i played it in 2018

The maps are pretty simple and all the areas are fairly distinct. You should enable your automap if you're having trouble keeping your bearings.
Cargo Bays is pretty hectic but the respawn is pretty negligible outside that one spot.


What better way to respond to a being of perfect logic than by making an illogical response.

I don't think SHODAN is that logical (she's far more human than she'd care to admit) nor is tl;dr'ing her last ditch attempt at negotiating at all irrational considering her history of betrayal
It all ties into how much SHODAN hates humans, the "Nah" response was the most human thing goggles could've said at that moment, it perfectly encapsulates everything she fucking hates about humans. She died, seething harder than AM could ever conceptualize. Seething as only a demigod could seethe.
And then Goggles waddled up to the Rickenbacker's command console and ate some potato chips.

Attached: shodan3.gif (500x544, 198.2K)

Yes, if you play through the game with melee weapons.

Gameplay wise no.

I finished this game for the first time a month ago and I can say that it was one of the best games I've played in my life. It got me so hooked I replayed the entire Shock series except the first SS. I've listened to the entire OST multiple times to this day, the game has consumed my thoughts for atleast a week. But it's far from perfect and has some extremly bullshit enemy turret placements and it is nowhere near noob or retard friendly. You will have to work your ass off to finish it and it's even possible to softlock yourself out of the game. I loved it tho - best song comin through:
if you're an underage you probably won't like it.

>It got me so hooked I replayed the entire Shock series except the first SS.
Oh so you mean you replayed 2? Fucking idiot, learn when to use the word "series".

also I have to samefag and say that Arkane's 2017 PREY is the closest game we had to system shock. Bioshock can suck on its nuts

bioshock you fucking dunce

Don't let the dated look put you off playing System Shock 1. If you liked 2, you'll learn to love the first game, and the controls are a non-issue on the remaster.

and imo it's best to play SS1 on lvl 3 for all the difficulties except mission (lvl 2). You can respawn indefinitely at no cost in SS1 except Mission 3, where you have to finish the game in 7 real time hours with a 10-15 min time penalty on each respawn.

>electric weapons
>charging stations for all your electric items
top tier mechanics

>respawn indefinitely
After you tag the conversion chambers on each level

bioshock was a great game on its own but as a representative of the "shock" label it was retarded. SS2 will always be the real deal.

it holds up yes, probably easier to get into for zoomies compared to the original game just because it functions more like a traditional fps
but it wasn't as good as the games made before it, which is pretty unfair since that's Ultima underworld, SS1 and thief

It's the spiritual successor to SS2, that's why they used it.

Not him, it was promised to be but Levine cucked out and turned it into a console shooter. It was a huge betrayal, many have not forgiven him.

if any modern game can call itself the spiritual successor to System Shock 2, it is most definitely Prey
and it does an amazing job at bringing the setting and gameplay into the modern age

Deadspace is also the spiritual successor to SS2 :-)

Both System Shock 2 and Thief are trash, their level design just doesn't hold up.

Attached: thief.png (691x401, 65.12K)

what game was this redditor playing

>what game was this redditor playing
>Thief (1998)
I wonder...

This, I always edit the .cfg file to remove it.