Entire scenes getting wiped out as local/regional tournament organisers are facing cancellations due to the virus while being stuck in expensive venue contracts. Lots of tournaments will not recover from this.
inb4 >kotaku
Entire scenes getting wiped out as local/regional tournament organisers are facing cancellations due to the virus while being stuck in expensive venue contracts. Lots of tournaments will not recover from this.
inb4 >kotaku
no, bad
hopefully venues are smart enough to refund payments so they don't lose the business permanently
but also A m e r i c a so they won't be
venues are probably facing massive financial pressures themselves in this shit, I'm not sure it's fair to put the blame on them (entirely)
fighting games are meant to be played offline
locals dying is very bad
good, esports is cancer
I'd guess most venues can afford to take the hit better than local fighting game organizations. It's not gonna be pleasant for anyone, but it's taking the hit now to avoid losing the business permanently.
I play fighting games exclusively offline. We'll be fine. That's what training mode, arcade mode, character customization mode, and survival modes are for. You don't have to play against real people to be able to play offline and have fun. And if you want to play them you still have online pvp, if that's the kind of thing you're into.
Without incoming revenue many of the venues will struggle and not be able to pay people. If the venue closes the event can go fuck itself. They will have to negotiate something to try to both survive.
Mine got shut down too. This means now netcode will get even more pressure put on it. Kinda glad.
I remember seeing some atheist try to use this image not realising it’s a depiction of Plato’s cave analogy which is about spiritual enlightenment
Yeah that image represents lili mains very well along with your comment.
I love you, Coronachan
thanks china
that place is a hotspot since alot of unkempt and unwashed asses sit and sneeze there.. just a viral nest of infections waiting to pop and give back to the world.
eSports is cancer
grassroots fighting game tournaments are barely esports
fuck esports
this. if anything this will just help esports more.
I don't really know if you could describe the fighting game scene as anything but stagnant the past few years so it probably needs a major shake up. These tourney organizers have become very complacent. Ultimately fighting game players are the most driven by passion and will figure out other solutions. a lot of these cancellations are also premature reactions to a situation that will largely be under control within 2 months
I mean in this situation the event holders should be negotiating as this virus stuff is pretty rare to happen. Venue owners should be understanding enough to compromise, and if they aren't you have to take it to court.
This is why we need rollback netcode.
they dont have to be understanding
contracts were signed, if you want out you gotta pay up
Honestly the funniest thing about this debacle is that ComboBreaker publicly banned some shitposter for mean twitter words a few days back and gave him a full refund. Meaning he's probably the only one they will end up sending refunds to once ComboBreaker itself gets cancelled. Sweet delcious ironing.
nah, the bugchasers will go for this one too.
What a fitting user handle.
I mean, scenes are going to be fine. one organizer for each event will get fucked with the bill for the venue, but the scenes will just cut them out like a tumor and keep trucking along.
If joe the tournament organizer goes bankrupt because his tournament got cancelled and the venue charged him a huge bill, then all that happens is Jake the tournament organizer will organize the next one once things are better.
>implying there are that many people willing and able to TO around
It's not that hard to draw brackets on a sheet. Plus all the people who worked under Joe will easily jump over to working under Jake making the transition easier.
Same thing is happening to amateur rugby currently, although the financial situation is a bit more stable for most clubs/events due to the sheer number of participants. Also most events are required to get substantial insurance because of the nonzero chance that someone breaks their neck, so most events haven't completely lost their ass, although I'm pretty nervous for the grassroots shit like pitch a tent and maggotfest, they seem less organized from the outside looking in.
dude just play online haha
>Same thing is happening to amateur rugby currently
When did Yas Forums get invaded by normalfags?
sorry you're yearly supply of mcribs got cancelled mr. wizard.
Good. The whole thing is corrupt as fuck. Burn it down and start over.
Good, now it can die and be reborn.
>a fucking global pandemic happens the year of the MvC2 Invitational
This series is cursed.
Good. The FGC is filled with stuck up cunts. Maybe fighting games can actually get better without catering to their whims
This was gonna be last tekken world tour for a while and now it's been killed.
Only went once last year and it was great
>venue won't let you cancel and refund
>get some players who don't give a fuck to show
>make sure there's a few sick people among them
>get people sick
>sue the ever-loving fuck out of venue
>they'll settle because burger civil court system
I don't know what heir problem is.
based Mortal Kombat wins again
>doesnt get invited to EVO
>cancels EVO instead
With Spawn coming and KP2 next months its gonna be huge
Honestly you people laugh at toilet paper hoarders, but you really dont have enough toilet paper yourselves. The average person uses 1 roll per day. If you have a family of 4, that's 28 rolls a week. Over 100 a month. TP rolls will be worth their weight in gold in a few months, because everyone needs it.
>say word
>money refunded
>don’t say word
>money stolen
Spawn looks jank as fuck. Hope they can clean him up before release. That cape attack does not look well animated.
The universal mixup.
Why is the midwestern FGC so fucking psycho? They just banned dyne from that vsav tourney in Ohio. They’re actually even more sjw than cali which is surprising.
It's good because now there's no excuse for having shitty online.
Probably have a sponsor or two from California.
Or want one.
Its run by whitenoid trannies.
fuck off marketer
>1 roll per day
what the fuck?
how many times do you shit a day? how liquid are your shits?
I'm sorry, I can't take you or your post seriously. You didn't even pastebin
>Implying amateur rugby is even majority normie
The sport is entirely weird degens, saying rugby is normcore is like saying boxing or MMA are normie pursuits. Flag footbal, ultimate, and crossfit are normie sports.
on that note I wonder if smash tourneys would spread it more easily or if it's so toxic of an environment that the stench alone would kill the virus
Obsessed trash.
Uh oh.
Expected; but uh oh.
Imagine being such a playerbase that you have to be encouraged (warned!) to practice basic hygiene before attending a tourney.
The scenes arent getting "wiped out" they're just putting shit on hold, fuck this sensationalist bullshit.
>1 roll per day
>the average person
first post based post
>FGC crying about some unwashed faggot conventions when 5-20% of the world's population is going to die over the next 2 years
Is there anything funnier? Hope you faggots wind up bumped out of your beds for some 17 year old zoomer and you suffocate because your lungs don't work so good anymore.
The problem is the local authority (read cities) banning gatherings with any significant number of people. The organizer will face (possibly steep) fines and the event forcibly disbanded if they try.
Epic and based
what do you think on hold means? everyone is magically accomodating and all the previous booked shit is moved, free of charge?
most tournaments barely break even and dont have the cash to just casually postpone
lots of tournaments wont return over this (unless some fundraising shit happens)
Nooo I was just going to join the FGC this year
Well well well, guess all the other fighting games can join MK11 in the "Not Coming To Evo" Party
Me too user, I finally got the courage/skill to go join my local. Ah well we can still be online warriors.
Have you transitioned yet?
Online is the future.