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Video games are more than just their gameplay though. Gameplay is just one part of the experience



gameplay is just a contraction of "how the game plays" you triple retard

First post best post. Fuck you OP

>he think "smart" people deserve to be "smart"
>doesn't consider intelligence a higher value than money

That was the third post.




>bubbles don't move

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none of those are related to the act of experiencing the product


You stupid bitch

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And you don't gameplay a game, you play it.

All these words are a lot better composed than something like gameplay. Like for example "cinematography" is combining the root words for "movement" and "writing" and there's a history of words like lithography and photography to back up using this naming convention.

The term gameplay was cooked up by some guy in 1983 by some guy to tell people why Wuzzy's Treasure Quest was the best thing to ever hit the ZX Spectrum.

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You some kind of tard?

no argument

hence OP

How many times are you going to make this thread?


yeah dude i'm seething that i'm not a braindead retard damn i cannot live like this bros...


>That guy who still can't figure out what gameplay means after 50 years

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Dumb motherfuckers can't even make an argument to save their lives so I'll do it for you.


These are valid terms but no one seriously uses it to discuss the merits of the products.


Cinematography literally comes from the name for a projector, ya fucking autistic tard
You could just as well keep going down the rabbit hole on the origins of game and play and come up with your pseud explanation why it's actually a deep term

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You've never seen someone say a movie is unwatchable or a book unreadable? What about shitty music being unlistenable?

Because books, music and movies dont have things like "gameplay".

For example, pacing can used for books, movies, OR video games.

So this thread boils down to
>I'm smart cause I use big word
>But big word doesn't mean that
>Lol stupid
I feel like I'm reading some shit from some backwater forum in 2003

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>gameplay = how the game plays


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Mise en place

This retard just hates the word "gameplay" and would like it to be "interactivity" if i remember correctly.

ok Doug

They're used as a vague catch-all term to tell if you personally liked something or not but they're not objective, technical terms.
>dude the listenability of this album is so good

That's why games are baby shit, people can only discuss the dumbest surface-level things without going into detail about what actually constitutes good gameplay.

No, cinematography follows a naming convention established by, I think, lithography. The point I'm trying to make is that these terms at the very least have a historic naming convention they're following and that's why they're lent more legitimacy than the term gameplay.

Also, people are trying to go down the rabbit hole and will use the the term "ludo" to try to make things sound more legitimate.

Gameplay probably sounds so clunky compared to other terms because instead of using Greek root words it just smashes together two English words, but just substituting in Greek or Latin words now just seems pretentious.

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So what are you going to do about it

wow. You are really dumb.

I propose we return to the true artistic standard.

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What's even the point of these zoomer posts? If you have nothing to add then don't post you dumb motherfuckers.

Which games have the best funfactor bros?

only took 3 posts for op soi wojak to get btfo

This is also retarded, a game should be judged by the sum of its parts, you don't have movie reviews with different scores for writing, photography and audio.

Why are you posting then?

That's ridiculous because the two terms are very different. Gameplay relates to the mechanics in play and how they interact with one another, the controls and how the player perceives, is meant to play and how they can play. Interactivity just means how you interact with the game, or that things in the game can be interacted with without any consideration to the gameplay itself.

except a movie could look great as fuck but it doesn't matter if its boring as hell to watch

So you're an ignorant pseudointellectual who has no idea about anything he's spouting.

Incorrect, because each part can be weighted differently. And how those parts work together in a better way can influence the overall score.

Because videogames are not movies unless you are a snoy.

Gee it's not like video games are more complex hobby or anything

Which would make it a bad movie, you are just agreeing with me.

>because each part can be weighted differently
Why? What matters is what the final product is and how it affects the viewer, if the audio carries the movie then it's a good movie even if the visuals are crap.

>people can only discuss the dumbest surface-level things without going into detail about what actually constitutes good gameplay.
No, that's because everyone on Yas Forums is braindead and can't articulate themselves for shit.

Cinematography refers to the entire process of film making, from the camera angles, to choice of lighting, to how the film is cut and edited and so on. Gameplay refers specicially to HOW THE GAME IS PLAYED seperate to the visual, audio, narrative, dialogue, art direction, etc development of the game.

Do you think editing is a bad word?

They do, though.

A movie could have great visuals, great audio, but terrible plot and acting, making it worse to watch than a movie with below average of everything. But an aggregate score would place that terrible movie higher.



And not once did OP ever think to just look the word up.
Somehow, having instant access to all the information on earth has only made people dumber.

Using Greek words is 100x times more pretentious than using words from English, the lingua franca of today you dumb Coco poster